Questions To Ask In Your Post-Club Team Meeting

After club each week it’s important to gather as a team and review the night, we call it ‘post-club team time.’ Our club ends at 9 pm and our team usually meets from 9:15-10:15 pm after everyone has left. Other clubs in our area gather another night of the week because a post-club meeting makes…

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Capernaum YL: Using An Alternative Club Order

This post first appeared on the YL Capernaum site. In early December YL Capernaum shared a series of posts that speak to the outline, flow and reasoning behind why Capernaum clubs look like they do. A giant thanks to Jon Bagen (Minneapolis, MN) for taking the time to create all of this in written form…

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Watch The Seattle Seahawks Share The Gospel

One of our fellow Young Life leaders, Clint Gresham, is also a Super Bowl champion long snapper for the Seattle Seahawks. In his 5 years in the NFL, he has never botched a snap. He’s arguably the best long snapper in the League. But there’s one thing that’s way more important to Clint than winning…

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Camp Musician Of The Month: Judah & the Lion

Our featured camp musician for the month is Judah & the Lion. Find other Young Life camp musicians here.  Three very different people from very different places, united by a shared love of music. Judah & the Lion met while attending Belmont University in Nashville, introduced to each other through music and mutual friends. “We…

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Religion Vs The Gospel

I read this blog post from JD Greear today and thought it was super helpful for us as Young Life leaders. Be sure to read the whole post, but especially the part below. It struck me as a simple way to help our middle and high school friends understand the difference between religion and the…

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WyldLife Wednesday: How To Start Campaigners

Written by Julie Clapp  YL Regional Initiatives Coordinator, North Central Texas. “Can we really go deep with 13-year-olds?” It’s a common question as people think about leading WyldLife Campaigners. And the answer is “yes!”  When we open up Scripture with younger kids, God uses His Word to change their hearts and lives. Middle school kids…

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10 Tips On Giving A Young Life Talk From Francis Chan & Simon Sinek

I heard Francis Chan give a talk where he shared the internal struggles he faces when speaking. To address these temptations, he asks seven questions to check his spirit and motives. Below are those questions as they relate to us as Young Life leaders.  7 Questions To Ask Before Speaking  Teach With Holy Fear Am…

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How To Make Your Run-On Skit The Talk Of The School

A favorite Young Life tradition is the ‘run-on skit.’ A ‘run-on’ (or ‘walk-on’) is simply a skit where the same characters appear every week. Find ideas for run-on skit characters here. There are two main options for how to run your run-on: No Storyline The skit characters appear weekly at club with no storyline, simply…

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The Go Bananas Remix

John Jackson (Knoxville, TN) loves to Go Bananas. He often leads music at Young Life camps and ALWAYS goes bananas. John put together a lil urban remix of ‘The Bananas Song’ and has graciously shared it with us so we can all use it in our clubs. Enjoy!  Download ‘Go Bananas Remix’ MP3 Listen on…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Game & Mixer Ideas

Last month we asked WyldLife leaders to send in their best game and mixer ideas. Here are some of the best! Mixer: Islands Idea submitted by Cierra Shook, leader in Clay County, FL Materials Needed: Masking tape and extra large pre-cut shapes and figures of your choice. Tape the shapes and figures to the ground. Play…

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Casting Vision: Where Are We Leading Our High School Friends?

A guest post from Andrew Cooper, YL Area Director in Fairbanks, Alaska.  (Yep, there’s YL in Alaska!) Do you have a vision for where you want your Young Life kids to end up? Vision provides purpose and direction to ministry. Without vision we’ll lose our way and kids will suffer for it. In Young Life…

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Aaron Rodgers' Greatest Regret

Later today, one of the greatest QB’s in the NFL, Aaron Rodgers, will take the field against the defending Super Bowl champions, the Seattle Seahawks. Aaron was a Young Life kid. Listen here to a radio interview where he reveals his greatest regret. Hint: It has to do with Young Life camp. Also, here’s a look…

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New Club Song: Geronimo

Geronimoby Sheppard You can find a lyric version of the song here. Here are guitar chords and here are the powerpoint slides. What other new clubs songs are you doing this semester? Comment below or email me here

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A New YL Instagram Account: @TonightYesTonight

Need a fun Instagram picture to promote club?  Jacob Raitz, Area Director in Bandera, TX, created the Instagram account, @tonightyestonight to collect promo pics in one central place. This resource is dedicated to help you and your team get the word out about the #BestNightOfTheWeek!  Thanks Jacob!

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WyldLife Wednesday: Theme Club Ideas

Written by Julie Clapp, Regional Coordinator in Dallas, TX. Talk to most WyldLife staff, and they’ll tell you themes are a great way to engage middle school kids in club. Themes can make club feel more like a party and give leaders a place to start as they plan mixers, games and music. When club…

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Run-On Skit Characters: DJ Status, Foreign Exchange Student, Raffle Rhonda

Each day this week we’re sharing run-on skit character ideas. Below are three different ideas. If you have an idea to share, email us here.  DJ Status & DJ Drop It The DJ characters wear large headphones and sing to themselves holding one ear of the headphones.  Their introduction line is: “My name is DJ…

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Run-On Skit Character: Bob Nacho

Each day this week we’re posting different ideas for run-on skit characters. If you have an idea to share, email us here. This guest post was submitted by Rebz Horton, YL leader in Clearwater, FL. Bob Nacho is “nacho average host.” At our club he’s the host of ‘American Ninja Wipeout.’ He comes in to victory…

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Run-On Skit Characters: Casey & Barbra-a

Each day this week we’re posting different ideas for run-on skit characters. This guest post was submitted by Tierney Kearns, a volunteer WyldLife leader in Sharon, PA. Casey & Barbra-a are cheerleaders. Our costumes consisted of pink and yellow tutus and black leggings. We made white shirts with iron on pictures, Casey wore one with a…

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Run-On Skit Characters: Biggest Loser Sumo Wrestlers

Each day this week we’re posting different ideas for run-on skit characters.  Biggest Loser Sumo Wrestlers One year we found 2 sumo suits and had 2 leaders compete in a Biggest Loser type competition. Each week they did different work outs which led into a club game. They also had German accents because why not…

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Run-On Skit Characters: The Buitoni Brothers

Each day this week we’re posting a different idea for Run-On Characters. This idea was submitted by Ernie Merino, Area Director in Clinton, WA The Buitoni Brothers consist of three Italian brothers, Tony, Jony, and Steve. The trio run an Italian cooking show. We introduce the brothers using their own run-on music, La Magliavacca by:…

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Ideas For Run-On Skit Characters

We’re back! After a couple weeks off for Christmas, we’ve geared up for the spring. Coming up in the next few weeks we have a ton of helpful posts to help you plan and prepare for the spring semester. Each day this week we’ll be posting different Run-On Skit Character ideas. Most of them were…

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Everything You Need To Plan Club For The Spring Semester

It’s about that time. Any day now your Young Life team is going to lock yourselves in a basement for 8-12 hours straight while you plan clubs for the spring semester. At the end of the day, you’ll probably look like the team pictured here.  Our Monday night Clubs don’t typically start back until the…

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Great Questions For The New Year

It’s been a fun 2014. Stacey & I are taking the rest of December off from blogging and will kick it back off in January with lots of ideas for the new semester.  In the mean time we’ve posted some questions below for you to think about as you enter the new year. Maybe they’re questions you’d like…

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