Casting Vision: Where Are We Leading Our High School Friends?

January 20, 2015

A guest post from Andrew Cooper, YL Area Director in Fairbanks, Alaska. 

(Yep, there’s YL in Alaska!)

Do you have a vision for where you want your Young Life kids to end up?

Vision provides purpose and direction to ministry. Without vision we’ll lose our way and kids will suffer for it.

In Young Life we have a two fold mission, “To introduce kids to Jesus Christ AND help them grow in their faith.” 

Our vision should be the fullest picture of that mission. We don’t just want kids to meet Christ once, but we want them to experience Him daily. One of the deepest ways I experience Christ is through being a Leader. I dream that these kids would take their faith and one day share it with their friends, co-workers, families and others they influence.

Jesus didn’t wait for his disciples to fully “get it” before he asked them to join him in ministry. Why should we wait? 

Give them a dream for serving others through the power of Christ and as a worship to Him and you’ll plant seeds for the next generation of Young Life Leaders, Deacons, Pastors, Small Group Leaders, etc… A generation of people who love God and love making disciples.

You’re their Leader. Call them to follow you as you chase after Christ. Tell them the same thing Jesus told his disciples, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.” John 14:12 

Have a vision for your kids that extends beyond your time with them and you will begin to lead them in a way that when they graduate or move away, they will know what discipleship and leadership looks like! Be encouraged! Jesus only had 3 years with his guys and they turned into rock stars for the Gospel!

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