Camp Musician Of The Month: Tate Kirgiss

Our featured Camp Musician for March is Tate Kirgiss. Tate grew up as the son of an Area Director who also worked on property staff at Castaway, so the mission of Young Life and camping have been woven through his entire life story. He has been a camper, served on Work Crew and Summer Staff,…

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WyldLife Club vs. Young Life Club

WyldLife club can and should look different from its high school counterpart for two primary reasons.  First, middle school kids are in different places developmentally so club should be planned to meet the needs of younger kids.  Second, these kids might be involved in the ministry for 6-7 years and might get bored if they…

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Promposals: Creative Ways To Invite Her To The Prom

Some of your high school friends are beginning to ask dates to the prom. Pictured here are a few fun promposal ideas you can pass along.  One of my high school friends wrote a letter to Roy Williams, coach of the UNC Tarheels basketball team. He asked him to write a letter to the girl…

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Sibling Club

This guest post was shared with us by Sarah Wright, YL leader at Hamilton Southeastern High School in Fishers, IN. The idea behind Sibling club is to get high school kids to bring younger siblings that haven’t been to a YL event before AND to get some of our WyldLife kids to convince their older…

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Club Game Of The Week: Baby Food Roulette

Depending your club size you could have everyone create circles of 8-10 people and pass a spoon around as music plays. When the music stops, whoever is left holding the spoon must eat a spoonful of baby food. If you eat a bite, you’re still in, if you refuse to eat, you’re out of the…

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12 Commitments Of A Young Life Leader

-Adapted from Henrietta Mears I’ll never give up on a kid as ‘unreachable.’ I won’t think my job is done when a kid has made a decision to follow Christ. I’ll help them realize how necessary it is:  To pray To read God’s Word daily To read helpful books To regularly unite with God’s people To serve…

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Music Tracks For Urban & Multicutural Young Life

Below are a ton of great YouTube tracks for Multicultural/Urban club camping, shared by John Jackson.  Let There Be Light – John Jackson Leading Music At Windy Gap -Multi-cultural track with lyrics Let There Be Light – John Jackson Leading YoungLives Lyrics, track, words Keep Our Eyes Open – Track and Instrumental with Words –…

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St. Patty’s Day Club: 10 Ideas For A Sham-Rockin’ Club

This year, St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Tuesday, March 17th.  1. Host a “Ms. Shamrock” competition for the ladies similar to the “Mr. Christmas Tree” for the fellas, just tweak things to be “shamrock-y” instead of “Christmas Tree-y.” 2. Let your host for the evening be “Patty O’Furniture” Green tights, red wig, bow tie,…

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FREE Pancakes At IHOP Tomorrow

If you’re looking for a free & tasty way to hang out with your middle and high school friends this week, here’s the answer. This Tuesday, March 3rd, is FREE PANCAKE DAY at IHOPs nationwide! Last year a few YL leaders in our area took kids for dinner after their practices and games. It’s a…

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Club Game Of The Week: Real Life Hungry Hippos

Supplies 4 Roller boards 4 baskets (i.e. laundry baskets) Long elastic or rope to tie around waist of kid plastic balls How To Play Similar to the old age game Hungry Hippos, strap 4 kids belly down on the roller board and tie the long elastic or rope around their waist. Their partner will be…

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The Top 40: Helpful Posts From Jan/Feb

To help you up catch up on what you may have missed over the last 2 months, below are links to the most popular posts from January and February, organized by categories.  Leadership 10 Ways To Welcome New Young Life Leaders I Stay Leadin’ Music Video Worth The Wait Questions For Your Post Club Team Time…

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7 Keys For Effective WyldLife Club Talks

What are the keys to giving a great WyldLife club talk?  Knowing your audience. Middle school kids hear and process information differently from older adolescents so you need to be prepared. The Gospel is the same, but how you share it will be unique. Shorter attention spans.  WyldLife club talks should be 8-10 minutes which…

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How To Host A 1000 Wing Eating Contest

A guest post by Jason Talley, volunteer leader in Garland, Texas. As a fun way to launch the new semester we recently put on our 2nd annual ‘1,000 Wing Eating Contest.’  I’ve received several requests as to how we put this event on and what all went into it. So, here we go: PROMOTION Because…

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Club Game Of The Week: Hashtag Battle

We found this game on You can buy pre-made slides from DYM here for only $3 or you can make up your own version of the game.  This can either be a mixer or an up front game.  If doing a mixer, have folks choose which hashtag they think has been used more times…

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Alternative Dodgeball For WyldLife or Capernaum

Looking for a fun alternative way to play dodgeball with your WyldLife and Capernaum friends? Instead of using regulation dodgeballs, substitute something smaller like: ping pong balls (you can buy in bulk here)  balled up newspapers dinner rolls  The simple switch can make it more fun and less painful when you get drilled in the…

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Worth The Wait?

“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.” ~ R.W. Emerson. An anonymous guest post by a college student who is currently wrestling with discouragement as a YL leader.  I’ve moved beyond the honeymoon phase of leading where everything is awesome. Don’t get me wrong—I love what I do, but I find that I am…

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Camp Musician Of The Month: Justin McRoberts

Our featured camp musician of the month is Justin McRoberts.  Justin first connected to Young Life in 1988, when he started going to club in junior high. He followed his YL leader into a relationship with Christ and spent 1993-1998 on staff. He met his wife on staff (unheard of, I know), while she was…

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10 Ways To Welcome New Leaders

In many Young Life areas around the country it’s the exciting time of year when new leaders are being placed. Our team is fired up because we get new leaders this week! What are some good ways to welcome, ‘initiate,’ and introduce them at club? A few leaders from around the country shared suggestions below…

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Club Game Of The Week: Sticky Face Wrestling

Here’s a new game we played at club a few weeks ago that went really well!   YL leaders Josh Shipman and Ryan Rainey sold the game as Wrestling Recruiter skit characters. They had other leaders in the back getting the contestants ready.  Each contestant first put on a painting sock mask. You can get…

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Wyld Life Wednesday: Wyld Questions For Campaigners

Our friend Sean McGever at just put together this new booklet to help with WyldLife Campaigners.  You can download an excerpt and order one here. Here is part of the introduction Sean wrote for Wyld Questions: “I can remember the day when I was assigned to lead my first small group Bible study for my…

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3 Questions To Help You Choose Club Songs

By Tim Branch You may have noticed it before… The round table your cabin sat around as you ate a meal at camp. That perfectly hospital-cornered bed you nestled into after the carnival and square dance. The slow song during club that calmed everybody down and got kids thinking…right before you got up there to…

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Club Game Of The Week: Lip Sync Battle

A brilliant game idea submitted by Dan Vander Woude, YL Area Director in Monroe, LA. Thanks Dan! If you have an idea to share, here’s how you do it.  At this point in the school year, we’re all trying to figure out ways to engage seniors that have already mentally graduated.  Video clips of Jimmy…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Electricity Game

Looking for a fun game to use in your WyldLife club?  Electricity Game Divide into two teams and have them get in parallel single file lines facing the same direction (away from the main leader). Have them sit down, so effectively they are all sitting away from the leader in two lines, thus looking at…

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I Stay Leadin’

Enjoy this 3 minute music video made for a YL Leader/Committee Weekend featuring Josh Goodman & Michael McGregor, YL staff in Maryland. I Stay Leadin’

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