The Corn Drill Game

It’s ‘Games Week’ on   One new club game a day,  all games submitted by you!   If you have a game to share,  submit it here.  Today’s post is from Katie McClung in Arvada, Colorado. We’re doing Redneck Barn Club next week and using this one for sure. Thanks for passing it along…

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The Apple String Game

This week I’m posting one new game a day on the blog. All games were submitted by you! If you have a game you’re willing to share, submit it here. Today’s post is from Lindsey Gipson in Suwanee, Georgia and a perfect game for the fall club season. Materials Needed  Whole apples with stems, string, blindfolds, peanut butter…

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Insta-Club: Where YL & Instagram Collide In Hilarity

This week I’m posting one new game a day on the blog. All games were submitted by you! If you have a game you’re willing to share, submit it here. Today’s post has a bonus feature, entire club plans for Insta-Club!   Kyle Eberth sent in the Insta-Mixer game below, just in time for us to use…

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Banana Slap: A Bizarre Mixer

This week I’m postingone new game a day on the blog. All games were submitted by you! Today’s game is a mixer called ‘Banana Slap’ and was sent in by Chad Borgestad. Thanks Chad! Materials Needed A bunch of bananas; you can usually get 3 peels per banana. If you have 60 kids at club,…

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Young Life Games Week On the Blog

There were over thirty game submissions that came in this week and most of them are AWESOME NEW games I can’t wait to share. Each day this week I’ll post a new game on the blog. I numbered all the entries and randomly selected three numbers to win the ‘Merica shirts. And the winners are……

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Fast Songs To Play As Kids Enter Club

It never feels easy to find a fun, fast, clean song to play as kids enter the club room each week. Below are some suggestions you shared with me on Twitter. Thanks to everyone who pitched in ideas. I haven’t listened to all of these yet so make sure you preview a song before actually…

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Creative Ways To Divide Into Teams For Mixers

For large group mixers we often divide the large group into smaller teams. Below are few different ways to creatively do that. If you have any other ideas, please comment or email me. If You Need 12 Teams Birth-month (Everyone born in January go to that corner…) If You Need A Random Number of Teams…

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A Gathering of YL Friends & Family Featuring Andrew Osenga: October 6,Greensboro, NC

If you’re in driving distance of Greensboro, NC, you’re invited to a gathering of Young Life friends and family on Sunday, October 6th. The evening will feature YL musician Andrew Osenga. Work Crew/Summer Staff reunions. High School friends reunite. YL leaders from across the southeast come together for a night of community and celebration. Andy O has been playing…

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A New 'Club Games' Section On

How To Win A ‘Merica YL Shirt I’m working on building a new ‘club games’ section on the site and need your help.   What games/mixers have you done/seen that have worked really well?  If you email in a submission you’ll be entered to win one of our YL shirts, and yes, it does have…

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3 Roles We Offer Seniors In Young Life

In the past we’ve basically had one way to be involved in Young Life as a senior, by being a ‘Senior Leader.’   Senior Leaders are 12th graders who help run club, lead freshmen campaigner groups, lead freshmen cabins at camp, and essentially serve as ‘officers’ for Young Life.  It’s become the ‘popular’ thing to…

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Reverse Charades: An All-Club Mixer/Game

Materials Needed  Pre-made powerpoint slides with charades words, stopwatch, buzzer, game show music, scoreboard. Potential Skit Characters  Drama teachers, mimes, game show hosts, or you can run the game with your weekly run-on characters. How To Play Call 1 guy and 1 gal up front to compete. Divide into two teams, guys vs gals. Instead…

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What To Say When When Your High School Friends Lose

I’ve spent many evenings watching a high school game, only to wait around after the loss to be ignored by a fifteen-year old in a bad mood. I don’t blame him. I’ve been there too. It’s always more fun to watch your middle and high school friends win. When they win, you can celebrate together,…

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Talk Like A Pirate Day: Free Doughnuts At Krispy Kreme This Thursday

This has ‘Young Life’ written all over it.  Thursday, Sept 19th, is the International Talk Like A Pirate Day. In honor of the parodic holiday, Krispy Kreme is giving away free doughnuts.  If you show up to a Krispy Kreme on Thursday and talk like a pirate, you get a free doughnut. Ahoy Matey! There…

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I’m Not The YL Leader I Want To Be

I often find myself re-reading this C.S. Lewis quote from ‘Mere Christianity.’ I’m drawn to it because I want to be a ‘new man’ and I know I’m far from being there.  “Already the new men are dotted here and there all over the earth. Some, as I have admitted, are still hardly recognizable: but…

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A Must-See Movie for YL Leaders

This guest post is written by Nathan Goodroe, a WyldLife leader in Clemson, SC. I was searching through Netflix one night looking for something to watch with my father. I naturally headed toward the documentaries. I knew he might not be as excited as I was for a two hour long video on Alaskan bears,…

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How To Earn A Parent’s Trust (As A YL Leader)

I look back at my first year leading YL in college and feel sorry for my poor Area Director, God bless you Bart Scarborough.  I’m sure he received many phone calls from concerned parents wondering why he allowed me to represent Durham/Chapel Hill Young Life.  Have You Ever… Got A Speeding Ticket With Kids In…

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A Strange Brand Of Happy: A New Young Life-y Movie

Hey YL leaders! There’s a brand new movie hitting theaters nationwide this Friday, September 13th, A Strange Brand of Happy. It’s a YL kind of movie and one you can take kids to without feeling like you’re dragging them to a cheesy religious flick. A Strange Brand of Happy has a quirky, indy, romantic comedy feel and…

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Over 150 Young Life Club Songs For The New Semester

Picking songs for club isn’t easy. Hopefully this ‘database’ below will help…but your best resource when picking songs is your middle and high school friends. We had our first YL band practice last night and it was awesome to see them take ownership and select songs for the first couple clubs.  Here’s how we started a…

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Bro Breakfast: A YL Tradition

Originally posted Aug 2012. Maybe it feels too early in the school year to start an official Campaigners group. If you feel like you don’t yet know kids well enough to dive into a Bible study, and you want to wait until after fall camp to kick it off, here’s an idea for you. Charlie,…

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Jesus Wants The Rose

Being a Young Life leader is hard.  As much as we love high schoolers, many of them are just difficult to love. Apart from Christ in us, it wouldn’t make much sense to love them.  They reject us.  They ignore our texts.  They’re mean.  They lie.  They have terrible habits. They don’t listen. They’re filled with…

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The True Tall Tell Of A Wilderness Ranch Guide Named Erin

This guest post is written by Erin Green, a junior at the University of Texas and a Young Life leader at McCallum High School.  Erin just finished her first summer as a backpacking guide at Young Life’s Wilderness Ranch.  You can find her blogging at  This past month has been filled with more trials…

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An Easy Way To Make Your YL Club A PAR-TAY!!

Get a high schooler to DJ pre-club and post-club hangout! Last semester one of our high school friends invested in some speakers/turntables so he could start DJing parties/weddings. The beautiful thing about it was that he was excited about using it at club as well!  We always have a pre-club hangout with enos, cornhole, spikeball,…

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Win Kyle Tallman’s New Album: ‘Coming Home’

This weekend we’re giving away 5 copies of Kyle Tallman‘s new album, Coming Home. Each album also comes with a Kyle Tallman t-shirt!  Winners will randomly be selected from those who leave a comment below or tweet about the new album. In your comment, leave your name and YL area. In your tweet, make sure…

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8 Ways To Give High Schoolers Ownership Over Club This Year

Originally posted fall 2011. One night after club our newest YL leader asked me how it compared with a typical club. “Was it better than normal, average, or not quite as good?” I turned to one of my high school friends and asked, “What do you think Chris?” His response surprised me, in a good…

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