A Strange Brand Of Happy: A New Young Life-y Movie

September 9, 2013

Hey YL leaders! There’s a brand new movie hitting theaters nationwide this Friday, September 13th, A Strange Brand of Happy.

It’s a YL kind of movie and one you can take kids to without feeling like you’re dragging them to a cheesy religious flick. A Strange Brand of Happy has a quirky, indy, romantic comedy feel and opens discussion for deeper questions about life. 

Here’s a one minute message to Young Life Leaders from Brad Wise, the writer and director of the movie. Brad is on YL committee in Cincinnati. 

Brad says, ‘Our movie feels more like a Young Life club than a youth conference aimed at kids who grew up in the church. As Young Life knows well, the real work of evangelism happens in life-on-life relationship. Our movie is a way to meet kids where they are.’ 

A Strange Brand Of Happy opens nationwide on Friday the 13th. Check out http://strangehappymovie.com to see if it’s playing in your city. 

There’s also a free Campaigners discussion guide here

After you see the movie, tweet at us or comment below and let us know what you think!

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