Turkey Club + Bacon Club= Turkey Bacon Club

Because it’s just not right to celebrate Thanksgiving without bacon. Instead of our typical ‘Turkey Club’ around Thanksgiving, we’re switching it up and adding another meat item to the theme this year. Who doesn’t love bacon? Bacon is so trendy. Bacon is so 2013.  Below are some Thanksgiving themed club ideas along with some Bacon…

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UNCONDITIONALLY, Katy Perry, and Young Life

Katy Perry’s new song, ‘Unconditionally,’ debuted a few weeks ago and is quickly climbing the charts (along with ‘Roar’ and ‘Dark Horse.’)   Teenagers love Katy Perry. The lyrics she wrote in ‘Unconditionally’ are a wide open door to discussing the Gospel with our middle and high schoolers friends.  MTV’s ‘Buzzworthy’ reviewed the song this way:…

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Fishing Tips: A Guest Post From Alex Lewis

A guest post from Alex Lewis, YL leader in Burlington, NC and sophomore at Elon University. Alex is from Columbia, MD and Charlotte, NC. For fun, he loves dancing with friends, listening to weird music, and late-night trips to Taco Bell. Dear Young Life Leaders, Maybe you’re tired. Maybe you’re fed up. You’re wondering why…

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Catching Fire Club: The YL Hunger Games

The second part of The Hunger Games triology, Catching Fire, hits the big screen in just two weeks (November 22nd.) Since it’s always better to be ahead of the game, instead of ‘so last week,’ we’ve scheduled our ‘Catching Fire Club’ for November 18th.  It falls on the week we’re scheduled to do the Cross talk, which…

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A Powerful Banquet Video From Lake Norman Young Life

If you’re looking for a powerful video concept for your YL banquet, check out this idea from Ben McDaniel and Lake Norman Young Life.  The video is 10 mins long. If you have time to watch it, do so. If not, I’ll explain the punch line below. But don’t read below if you’re going to…

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Jlub: Jean Club

Idea submitted by YL leader Tiffany Stanley. What To Wear To Club Denim, and more denim.  Wear jorts (jean shorts), Jeggings(Jean leggings), Jirts (jean skirts), Jats (jean hats), etc.  Skit Characters Have a guy named Gene and a gal named Jean host the evening. Sometimes they should look sad and ask one another “Why ya…

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Using ‘Pitch Perfect’ Cups To Memorize Scripture In Campaigners

Today’s guest post is from Michelle Prillaman. Michelle is a Young Life leader in Greensboro, NC and part of The Greensboro Fellows Program. A few weeks ago I decided to use the “cup song” idea (from the movie Pitch Perfect) to help my high school friends memorize scripture at Campaigners. We used John 15:5, and…

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A Book For Dads of Daughters Written By YL Staff

Prized Possesion  A Book for Fathers who have Daughters By Alan Smyth with Kristy Fox 55 years of direct work with adolescents between them Alan Smyth and Kristy Fox have both worked for Young Life for a combined 55 years. They have had a front row seat to all kinds of families. This book is…

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Cool points <<<< Quality time, A Guest Post From Tim Branch

Today’s guest post is from Tim Branch, a volunteer with YL in TN. You may have heard Tim’s dad, Jim, speak at a Young Life camp. Tim blogs for YL leaders at http://timbranch18.blogspot.com and has a personal record of -9 on the Windy Gap frisbee golf course.  It’s easy to get discouraged in ministry. We have this tendency…

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3 Opportunities To Serve At-Risk Kids In Colorado

The Dale House Project in Colorado Springs (Boys house) Read below if you’re… …looking for a Counseling/Social work. or …looking for an adventure this coming Christmas night. or  …looking for a job after college starting this upcoming summer. What Is The Dale House Project? The Dale House is a residential care facility in Colorado Springs…

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Awkward Club Game Of The Week: Sticky Cards

This game was submitted by Nolan Branson, a YL leader in Knoxville, TN. Sticky CardsMaterials Needed  8 pieces of bubble gum, 2 decks of cardsSkit Characters To Sell The Game Casino related, gangsta’s, old people.How To Play  Bring up two guys and two girls. Two teams of two. Guys vs gals.  Give each team a…

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$3 Booritos At Chipotle: The Perfect YL Leader Halloween Plan

This Thursday night, on Halloween, Chipotle is discounting entrees to $3 if you’re wearing a Halloween costume. It starts at 4pm nation-wide.  The Perfect YL Leader Halloween Plan Pick your middle or high school friends up from school. Head to the YL office and raid the skit closet.* Dress up in costumes and head to…

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We Have A Few ‘Merica YL Shirts Left If You Want One

WE ARE CURRENTLY SOLD OUT of the ‘Merica YL shirts we made for our local YL club. I had to order additional shirts and they should arrive to all of you who have ordered them by Tuesday Nov 12th. Apologies on the delay. I didn’t anticipate how many folks would order shirts!  If I have…

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Contact Work Accountability Questions

In a team leader meeting last semester my Area Director, David Page, asked us to talk through some helpful questions with our YL teams: How many times was your team at the school this week collectively? What ‘outside of school’ contact work was done this week?  How many ‘one on one’s did your team do?…

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Camp Reunion Club: What Worked Well & What We Learned

Last weekend we went to fall camp at Rockbridge in Virginia. The day after camp, instead of having club, we all just gathered at a local restaurant to hang out. It felt like too much to pull off an actual club just 24 hours after returning home.  This Monday, eight days after camp, we had…

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A New Content Song From Andy Osenga: 'Where Do I Go?'

Andrew Osenga, one of my favorite YL camp musicians, recently wrote this song specifically for YL club. It fits perfectly as a content song early in the club year, especially during need & sin talk weeks. We’re singing it this upcoming week before the need talk along with S.O.S. by Ed Cash.  You can download a…

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Young Life Costume Club: Music, Skits, & Games

Who doesn’t love a YL style Costume Party?  Below are a few ideas to help make it YL’d and festive… Entry Music Here’s a video you could have playing on the screen as kids enter the club room. It’s a Halloween light show to Gangnam Style. Pre-Club Photo Booth  Great night to get some solid photos…

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Nobody Invited Me: A Non-Storybook Ending

Fall camp was only a week away.   With as much 35 year-old swagger as possible, I strolled into the high school cafeteria. Across the way I noticed Shane waiting in the pizza & nuggets line. He was a senior now and hadn’t been to club since sophomore year.  I can usually take a hint and figured…

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The Fully-Loved YL Image: Downloadable files

A few weeks ago I posted this ‘fully-loved’ image on the YoungLifeLeader Instagram account. Many of you requested a file of the image. It was thought up by John Wayland and designed by David Hogan, New Orleans YL staff. Katie Powers shared it via email so any of you could download it to use. Thanks John,…

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As I Am: A New Club Content Song With Chords And Slides

“As I Am” is a newer content song that was done at many YL camps this summer.  It’s by Lee Younger who is giving away a free download of the song here. Download PowerPoint Slides  Download Keynote Slides Download Chords Listen to “As I Am” by Lee Younger Come To The Waters by Lee Younger AS…

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“One Of The Originals,” A Guest Post From Spencer Vanderheide

A guest post from Spencer Vanderheide. Spencer has been leading Young Life at his alma mater for the past five years. He enjoys his hometown of Grand Rapids, Michigan, making music & teaching special education. One of my last epic adventures of Summer ’13 was a road-trip, also known as “Bro’d Trip,” with some of my…

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A guest post from the folks at The Young Life Store Can you call something a tradition if we’ve only done it two years in a row? It’s that time of year to show off your Young Life pride by wearing your Young Life T-shirt all over town and on social media. It’s time to celebrate…

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How To Give Unforgettable Club Announcements

Kids forget announcements.  Here are a few ideas to help them remember. TELL THEN TWEET In addition to telling kids all the announcements at club, we tweet them out an hour or so later around 10:15pm. They are usually longer than 140 characters, so we link to our club blog. Here’s an example of how…

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Your YL Leader Verse Of The Week

Even though I am free of the demands and expectations of everyone, I have voluntarily become a servant to any and all in order to reach a wide range of people: religious, nonreligious, meticulous moralists, loose-living immoralists, the defeated, the demoralized—whoever. I didn’t take on their way of life. I kept my bearings in Christ—but…

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