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Inviting Feedback: A Campaigners Survey Idea

WyldLife Wednesday: How To Lead Campaigners for Middle Schoolers

WyldLife Wednesday: 3 Questions Every Middle Schooler Is Asking

20 Things Campaigners/Senior Leaders Can Do On Club Day

YL College: Small Group Leaders

Young Life College: Small Groups

50 Questions

40 Reasons To Pursue Sexual Purity

Hilarious Synchronized Swimming Skit

We’re doing ‘Senior Club’ next Monday night and one of the skits the senior guys are performing is this Synchronized Swimming skit. I’m not sure who originally made this video, so if you know, let us know. It was shared with us from a 5th grade talent show but we thought it would make a great skit for a…

A Powerful Way To Celebrate Graduating Seniors

A Memorable End Of Year Tradition: The Campies

A Powerful Video To Show At Campaigners

During this season of Lent we’ve been talking in our Campaigners group about different spiritual disciplines. A few weeks ago we focused on prayer, specifically looking at the Lord’s Prayer and the Psalms. When you look into the Psalms it’s hard to miss how raw and real the psalmists were when they spoke to God. I showed this video below…

Wyld Life Wednesday: Wyld Questions For Campaigners

WyldLife Wednesday: How To Start Campaigners

Campaigners: An Identity Changing Idea

Young Life Instagram Photos You Can Use

Go Deep. Get Real. 100+ Campaigners Questions To Help Kids Open Up

Making Campaigners Fun & Dangerous: One-Roll

Lumberjack Week: The Manliest Of All Campaigner Ideas

No Shave November: Contact Work With Facial Hair

How To Start A YL Rec Basketball League In Your City

Paper Bag Pickup: A Low Prep Game For Club or Campaigners

Bro Breakfast: A Young Life Tradition

The Shrink Wrap Candy Ball Game