Inviting Feedback: A Campaigners Survey Idea

January 31, 2016

Last week we took a ski trip with our senior guys
Campaigners group. While I was on the chair lift I started asking one of the
guys about his experience with Young Life over these last 4 years. He gave me
great feedback and insight from a student’s perspective that I might never have
heard if I hadn’t asked. 

Here in the middle of the school year, it’s important to step back and ask
questions. Jonathan Bowman, a staff associate in Amelia County, VA,
recently shared a Campaigners survey he did with his group. For a
downloadable copy of his survey, click

Below are some questions he asked his Campaigners group to answer. Tweak them
as needed and make them your own. Invite your Campaigners group to give
feedback and give them voice in shaping this last semester. -Drew Hill

Campaigners Survey Questions via Jonathan Bowman

  1. What
    is your favorite thing about Campaigners?
  2. My definition
    of a Christian is:
  3. Do you
    desire to hangout with a leader outside of campaigners? (Yes or no)
  4. How
    would you describe the atmosphere of campaigners?
  5. Is
    there anything we could do to make your involvement with Young Life more
  6. What
    would you like to do differently at Campaigners?
  7. What
    topics would you like to see covered in Campaigners?
  8. Where
    would you say you are on your spiritual journey?
  9. What
    role(s) would you be interested in helping with club? (ex: skits, leading
    songs, making people feel welcome, leading games)
  10. In one
    sentence: Jesus to me is:_______

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