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Campaigner Discussion Starter: The Gift

The day before our wedding, my wife handed me a gift. I unwrapped it with great curiosity to discover an inch thick journal. Its pages were filled with years of prayers she had begun writing to the Lord long before we even met. The written prayers continued during our dating relationship, anonymously interceding on behalf of her future…

Should YL Leaders Own iPhones?

It’s been ten months since I made the plunge into the iWorld. Last night I spent thirty minutes debating with a YL leader friend around the issue of her buying an iPhone versus staying old school. With the release of the iPhone 5 just around the corner, and the price of the iPhone 4 dropping to $199, others…

Jon Acuff, Andre Johnson, & Wasting Time

Campaigner Discussion Starter: Taylor Swift

Yesterday, Tim Schmoyer posted a helpful video clip on his blog, Life in Student Ministry. The 2 minute clip is Taylor Swift being interviewed and asked to define beauty. It would be a great campaigner discussion starter for a female group. Possibly even a guy’s group as well, as it’s quite obvious that both guys and gals have…

How To Know Your High School Friends’ Hearts

As a follow up to yesterday’s letter from Pastor John, here’s an idea I learned this year from Megan, a leader on my Young Life team. Megan is a kid magnet. She’s one of those artsy types that dresses funky, but pulls it off. Girls are attracted to her creativity and confidence. God wired her to be a…

Cele-blog-tion: Morning Starters

Navigating Summer Boredom, Part 3: A Better Story

I recently read Donald Miller’s book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. In it he tells a powerful story about his friend Jason who was having some trouble with his 13-year-old daughter. She was dating a loser, into drugs, and Jason didn’t know where to turn. After hearing Jason’s story, Don made the offhand comment that his…

A Rite of Passage for Seniors

Before you know it, the seniors in your YL club will be graduating. How do we honor and celebrate them? A few male leaders in our area have a tradition of holding a “Blessing Service” for the graduating senior guys. They send the letter below to the dad’s of the senior YL guys and hold a ceremony (described…