YL Capernaum: Involving High School Buddies

Written by Allen Guy. About 8 years ago, I began two different volunteer projects: First, I became a leader with New Tampa Young Life. I also became actively involved with a ministry for people with disabilities that my church was starting. When I learned about Capernaum, I was very excited. Through these two ministries I was developing…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Fundraise While Serving Your Community

Written by, Julie Gertenrich, WyldLife Divisional Representative, Northwest Division WyldLife leaders… meet Project Serve, a great way to fundraise for camp, do contact work with your middle school friends and serve your community all at the same time. This community service fundraising effort has been especially successful in suburban areas. So how do you set…

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Quick and Easy Low Prep Games For Club and Campaigners

Need a last minute game idea for club? Or a fun idea to kickoff Campaigners?  All you need to pull this off is a smart Phone, WiFi and an Apple TV.  Go to the iTunes app store and click on “Top Charts” and look for whatever new iPhone game is at the top of the…

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Camp Musician Of The Month: Christopher Williams

Christopher Williams has been involved with Young Life since he was a nerdy 9th grader, where he hosted club in his parents living room in Briarcliff Manor, just outside of NYC. It was his first real gig, playing club songs on a crappy Fender guitar with his YL leader Dave Matthew, no, not the Dave…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Thoughts From High Schoolers On Giving Your First Club Talk

Written by Rob O’Donnell and Perrin Duvall, WyldLife Representatives, Eastern Division We have a great team of high school leaders on our WyldLife team. Two of them had the opportunity to give their first club talks this past semester. Here is what they had to share about that experience: Mariela, high school senior and WyldLife…

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40 Reasons To Pursue Sexual Purity

February has become known as “The Love Month.” It’s a time of year when the temperature drops and people want to cuddle…especially around Valentine’s Day, when loneliness feels magnified.  Last night at Campaigners we looked at 1 Corinthians 6:16-20.  The senior guys were surprisingly mature, but reluctant to go deep. I asked them why they thought…

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Welcoming & Initiating New Leaders

In many Young Life areas around the country it’s that exciting time of year when new leaders are being placed on teams. What are some creative ways to welcome, ‘initiate,’ and introduce them at club? Egg Roulette You could follow in the footsteps of Jimmy Fallon, Peyton Manning and Magic Johnson and have your new leaders…

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YL Capernaum: Helpful Visuals For Club Talks

Written by Stafford Craymer. Our friends in Capernaum can experience the gospel in deeper ways when we consider engaging as many senses as possible during a club talk. It’s for this reason that visuals are so important for our friends. When you have clear scripture, great visuals and an engaging talk that follows the YL…

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Shia Lebeouf “Just Do It” YL Camp Promo Videos

You might have seen this Shia Lebeouf “Just Do It” Young Life camp promo on the @YoungLifeLeader Instagram account. Thanks to the creative genius of Steven Ball, you can now download a “Just Do It” promo for almost every Young Life camp!  Download “Just Do It Promos” On Your Phone There’s got to be an easier way…

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11 Helpful Posts for the Beginning of the Semester

Below are 11 posts that might be helpful to your team here in the early stages of this new semester.  10 Ways To Welcome New Leaders To Your Team Questions To Ask In Your Post Club Team Meeting How To Host a YL Wing Eating Contest 4 Ways to Build Momentum in your Campaigners Group…

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Buy New Tunes, Send Kids To Camp

We just heard about a super creative way that Nashville Young Life is raising money for summer camp! A group of volunteer leaders are recording an EP and 50% of all the proceeds support Nashville Young Life.  The EP includes five different artists, each contributing one original song to the record. All of the artists…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Cabin Time After Club

Written by, Becca Covington, YL Staff, Fredricksburg, VA Cabin time after WyldLife club gives middle school kids the opportunity to further digest and talk about what they’ve just heard. Middle schoolers may need more time to piece together the content of the lesson, ask questions, or realize how the talk relates to them. Cabin time…

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Practicing Lent With Campaigners

Next Wednesday, Feb. 10th, is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. I didn’t start practicing Lent until college when our Regional Director taught on the spiritual practice at a YL leadership meeting. With each year, this Lenten season grows more personally significant and is consistently a time of deeper intimacy with the Lord. The term ‘Lent’ comes from the…

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Inviting Feedback: A Campaigners Survey Idea

Last week we took a ski trip with our senior guys Campaigners group. While I was on the chair lift I started asking one of the guys about his experience with Young Life over these last 4 years. He gave me great feedback and insight from a student’s perspective that I might never have heard…

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YL Capernaum: Helping Capernaum Friends Lead In Club

Written by Andy Davenport.  Training your Capernaum friends to lead in their ministry is crucial. We should view them as the leaders who will one day replace us. Here are a few thoughts and ideas on why and how you can begin to make this an essential part of your ministry. Nuggets to help your…

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WyldLife Wednesday: What’s Happening in Their Brains

Written by Steph Raubenheimer, Greater New York WyldLife Have you ever been listening to Spotify or Pandora when that song you listened to on repeat in seventh grade comes on, and you find yourself singing along to not only every single word, but harmonizing with every background vocal, knowing exactly when the key is going…

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The Best Training Resource For Young Life Leaders

I absolutely love this video from Steve Chesney.     Does it Matter? – Steve Chesney from YL Access on Vimeo. I first saw it a few months back when I was browsing Young Life Access. If you’re not yet familiar with this incredible resource, you’re about to be blown away. – Drew Hill What is Young Life…

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You Can Experience Young Life In Another Culture: YL Expeditions

In all my years leading Young Life, one of the highlights has been the YL Expedition spring break trips I took during college. Hunter Lambeth and Bart Scarborough took a handful of us leaders from UNC-Chapel Hill and East Carolina University to volunteer at Pico Escondido Young Life camp in the Dominican Republic. Do whatever…

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Camp Musician Of The Month: John Jackson

Our featured YL Camp Musician for the month of January is John Jackson. If you attended YL75 (or any of the last four staff conferences and three pre-conferences), or if you’ve spent any time over the last 15 years at Windy Gap, Southwind, SharpTop Cove, or Camp Buckner, you’ve likely met and been blessed by…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Theme Clubs

Written by Mark Kirgiss, WyldLife Representative of the Midwestern Division. Perhaps one of the most difficult questions for WyldLife leaders to answer is when their WyldLife friends ask, “What are we doing at WyldLife club this week?” It’s a fair question that some WyldLife leaders avoid, not wanting to give away the “surprises” of club and…

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Introducing #YLFreshFriday

Two years ago we started #YLTeamTuesday. Since then thousands of you have shared pics of your YL teams, many which have been featured every Tuesday on the @YoungLifeLeader Twitter and Instagram accounts.  This semester we’re adding another chance for you and your YL friends to be featured: #YLFreshFriday. We’re looking for new ideas to share…

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3 Ways To Rock Out Your Run-On

A favorite Young Life tradition is the ‘run-on skit.’ A ‘run-on’ (or ‘walk-on’) is simply a skit where the same characters appear every week.  There are two main options for how to run your run-on: No Storyline The skit characters appear weekly at club with no storyline, simply to run-games/sell camp/give announcements, etc… Think of…

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Run-On: Elsa And Catman

Run-on Idea submitted by Eric DeVries, WyldLife leader in Eastern Ottawa, MI. The premise of the skit was that Elsa ran a talent show from her basement. However, she would always get interrupted by her condescending brother, Catman, who owned too many cats. This skit would lead into a short skit where Elsa would have…

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