Speaking At Family Camp

Some of your areas have Family Camps coming up for this spring. Young Life Family Camp weekends are special and unique. My friend Kristin Leathers is on staff in Mt. Airy, NC and does a fabulous job speaking at Family Camp. I asked her to put together some thoughts that might be helpful for those…

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YL Capernaum: A Table And A Cup

Written by Suzanne Williams, Southern Division Capernaum Coordinator. A man by the name of Stephen Handy said “all we need to change the world is a table and a cup.” It sounds simple, but I think he’s on to something profound. Handy goes on to talk about how we all drink something and that we…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Thank You for 1000 Days

Guest post written by Julie Clapp, WyldLife Coordinator – Southern Division. Our regional director was cheering on his son at a middle school soccer game last year when he noticed a teacher cheering in the stands with him. He had heard that this long-time teacher had recently started teaching middle school again. The teacher had…

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How to use the OVER app to make Instagram promos

OVER is my favorite app to make “Instagram flyers” for Young Life events. It can be a little complicated to figure out so here is a 4 minute screen recording of how I use the app. An audio description starts immediately and the video demonstration starts at the 1:06 mark.  Transparent Backgrounds When searching for…

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Run-On: Professors Of Pyrotechnics

If you’re looking for run-on ideas for the new semester, check here. Below is a new idea, submitted by Kelsey Bohl, volunteer leader in Lancaster, OH. Credit goes to her friends in Southeast Indiana.  The Professors of Pyrotechnics Jethro & Cletus wore jorts, (short jean shorts), boots, Mountain Dew shirts, American flag sunglasses, American flag bandana, and…

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WyldLife Wednesday: New Leaders – How Was Your First Semester?

Guest post written by Rob O’Donnell and Perrin Duvall WyldLife Representatives | Eastern Division Earlier this fall, we wrote a post highlighting Expectations for WyldLife High School Leaders. Because we don’t live in a college town, most of our leaders in Virginia Beach are high school students. We asked a few of those young, new…

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Questions for New Year’s Eve

It’s been an incredible 2015! Thanks to all of you who have been a part of this YL leader community!  If you’ve not yet signed up for The YLLB Monthly Email List, click here.   The YLLB team is taking the rest of December off from blogging and will kick it back off in January…

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Running On Empty: Reading For A Change

This is the 9th week in our Sunday series, “Running on Empty,” by Fil Anderson. If you’ve missed the first 8, catch up here: The Condition of Your Soul Hearing the Voice of God The Fear of Insignificance What’s True About God & You Frustrated Desires Greenhousing Your Life With God Going Into Arabia Keeping…

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Elf On The Shelf Theology

At our Christmas Club I had the privilege of giving the final talk of the semester. During most of my talk I held up this creepy looking Elf doll. When I asked who had an ‘Elf on the Shelf’ in their house, over half the room raised their hands. If you’re not familiar with this…

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Young Life Christmas Party Game

Guest post submitted by Keith Baker, Area Director in Western Douglas County, CO For our Christmas area party I asked everyone attending to bring a wrapped or bagged Christmas ornament. Toward the end of the evening, I asked everyone to stand in a circle and hold their wrapped ornament and then pass it to either…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Wyld Moms

Written by Mary Beth Witler, WyldLife staff, Argyle, TX. While having lunch with another Young Life staff person, we talked about how to get parents more involved in WyldLife. Parents are almost always willing to help, but identifying how they can help is the kicker. So we thought, “Let’s make a group and call them…

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Running On Empty: Keeping Company With God

This is the 8th week in our Sunday series, “Running on Empty,” by Fil Anderson. If you’ve missed the first 7, catch up here: The Condition of Your Soul Hearing the Voice of God The Fear of Insignificance What’s True About God & You Frustrated Desires Greenhousing Your Life With God Going Into Arabia Part…

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New Instagram Music Video App: Ditty

Guest post submitted by Jacob Raitz, Area Director in Bandera, TX. If you don’t already know about it, there’s a new creative messaging app called Ditty. How does it work? You type whatever text you want, pick your music and Ditty sings your message for you. They have some good free ones, however, you can…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Contact Work Over Christmas Break

Guest post written by, Julie Clapp, WyldLife Coordinator – Southern Division. If there ever was a group of kids looking for something to do over Christmas break, it’s your WyldLife friends. They’re dependent on others for transportation and may not have money of their own to spend. So when a WyldLife leader calls and invites…

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Run-On Skit: YouTube Vloggers

You can win a Spikeball set by emailing us your best Run-on/Walk-on skit ideas by this Friday, Dec. 11th. Include a pic and/or video, repeater lines, theme music, and any instructions on how to steal your idea. We’ll collect the best ideas and share them in early January.  Below is an example of what we’re…

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Running on Empty: Going Into Arabia

This is the 7th week in our Sunday series, “Running on Empty,” by Fil Anderson. If you’ve missed the first 6, catch up here: The Condition of Your Soul Hearing the Voice of God The Fear of Insignificance What’s True About God & You Frustrated Desires Greenhousing Your Life With God Part 7: Making Space…

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The Flamingo Mixer

A friend of mine recently sent me this video and thought it would make a fun mixer for club. I completely agree!  The Flamingo Mixer Show this clip in club, then have everyone pretend to be a flamingo. Last one standing wins. You might want to have a few different rounds so the big kids…

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A Game Changing Post-It-Note for An Area Director in Texas

It’s fun to be able to share such reminders of God’s provision. May the story below from Chris Trevathan be an encouragement to you!   In September I was at lunch with a man who asked how fundraising was going for Allen Area Younglife. I told him this past year has been a tough one, but…

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WyldLife Wednesday: How To Lead Campaigners for Middle Schoolers

Guest post written by Emily Johnson, WyldLife staff in Bradenton, FL. Think of Campaigners like cabin time. It’s a great opportunity to get your middle school friends to sit down together to talk about real life and what God has to do with it. The goal is for them to share, be heard and have…

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Holiday Contact Work Ideas

Guest post written by Demi Nicolle, volunteer leader in Indiana, PA. With Christmas fast approaching, your YL team may be scrambling for some last-minute ideas before the holiday break. Here are some fun and festive suggestions, from our area to yours: Christmas shopping Need to grab presents for loved ones? Don’t go alone – bring…

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Running on Empty: Greenhousing Your Life With God

This is the 6th week in our Sunday series, “Running on Empty,” by Fil Anderson. If you’ve missed the first 5, catch up here: The Condition of Your Soul Hearing the Voice of God The Fear of Insignificance What’s True About God & You Frustrated Desires Part 6: Greenhousing Your Life With God Living In…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Christmas Tree Scavenger Hunt

Looking for a fun Christmas club with your WyldLife friends? The Human Christmas Tree Scavenger Hunt gives kids and leaders an opportunity to laugh and play – and also allows parents to get involved. The Big Picture Teams visit houses in the neighborhood looking for items to “hang” on their human Christmas tree – one…

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A Discipleship Series By Justin McRoberts: The World Is Not Ours To Save

On Tuesdays this semester we’ve been running a series of posts on discipleship by Justin McRoberts. If you’ve missed the first 7 posts, click the links below to catch up. Today is the last one in this series. Special thanks to Justin for sharing such great insights with us throughout the fall! Discipleship Series Introduction…

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Mr. Christmas Tree Pageant…and other Christmas Club Ideas

Below are tons of ideas to help make your Christmas Club a merry ol time. If you have other ideas to share, email us hereand we’ll add them to the post.  Christmas Club Sample Schedule We usually start club at 7:37, but for this particular event we start earlier to allow more time for the pageant. …

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