Social Media Seminar

Webinar on Developing your Social Media Strategy Young Life’s Communications team is offering a social media training webinar at 10am MT (12pm ET) on Tuesday, January 17th. The online seminar will cover how to develop your Young Life social media strategy, including understanding your goals, creating measurable objectives, characterizing your audiences, developing your messages, choosing…

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Camper Calendar

On every camp trip with kids (summer, fall, winter, work crew, etc) I make sure to get that camper’s birthdate and contact info. It goes on my calendar, along with all my family birthdays and other dates. Every kid who has ever been in a cabin with me absolutely gets prayed for at least once…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Theme Club Ideas for Spring

Written by Julie Clapp, national director of WyldLife. Talk to most WyldLife staff, and they’ll tell you themes are a great way to engage middle school kids in club. Themes can make club feel more like a party and give leaders a place to start as they plan mixers, games and music. When club has…

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What Happened When Seniors Shared Their Stories

Shared by Eli & Stephanie Johnson, Young Life leaders in Trenton, Ohio. Senior Panel The spring semester is a great time to invite seniors to share testimonies. One idea for Club is to host a Student Panel of senior leaders. Last year, three of our senior leaders were a part of a Student Panel. This…

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How Young Life Austrailia Raised Lots of $ with Trivia Night

Shared by Glyn Henman, Heather Gant, Josh Petrie, and Joe Boncha. Trivia Night is a fun way we’ve raised lots of $ for Young Life in Australia. It’s been a hit for several years running with hundreds of people attending.  It’s held on a Saturday night with food and drinks for sale. People attending bring their…

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Helpful Websites for Young Life Leaders

Camron Matschek, a Young Life leader in Austin, TX, shared with us a couple of helpful sites he built for his Young Life area. Club Ideas  The idea behind this site is that it works well on a phone, so that as a team sits down trying to plan a club they can easily pull…

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Turtleneck Club

A few years ago my sister found an incredible photo of her husband wearing a red turtleneck as a child (see below).  She had the brilliant idea of using that pic on an invitation and throwing him a “Red Turtleneck Surprise Party” for his birthday. Everyone was encouraged to wear a red turtleneck and at the…

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Sweatshirts for Winter Camp

If you’re taking kids to camp this winter, consider making crewneck sweatshirts instead of long sleeve t-shirts. They’re hot right now and you can get them for the same price as a long sleeve shirt.  Check with the Young Life store as they do custom apparel. I’ve also heard good things about Port and Co. When ordering for the gals, make…

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Pre-Semester Questions

If you’re anything like me and the other leaders in our area, as the spring semester begins the first thing you ask is, “What should we do for Club?”  Club is our chance to share the Gospel every week with our middle school, high school, and college friends. It SHOULD be something we want to…

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The Most Diverse Gathering in the Mission of Young Life

You are invited to participate in something HUGE this January in New York City! God is using Young Life in Greater New York to impact the entire world. With over 800 languages spoken, it’s a center of diversity, influence, and finance. YL staff and leaders in the GNY division reach kids who are connected to the…

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Worship Songs for Leadership

Carolinas Region praying for New York. We’ve just finished up a refreshing Carolinas Region staff conference at Windy Gap. It was a gift to be joined by a few friends on the Young Life staff in New York.  Below are the worship songs we sang during the conference. If you’re looking for some new songs…

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WyldLife Wednesday: 4 Ways to Find New WyldLife Leaders

It’s almost Christmas and while I’d love a new sweater, what I really want is some new WyldLife leaders. Maybe you and your team are in the same boat?  I want more people who get excited about hanging out with middle school kids and pointing them to Jesus. Our high school Campaigners friends play a…

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No One Else

Written by Chris Nichols, Young Life staff with Club Beyond (Young Life military) in England. At our weekly small group Bible study tonight with both the middle and high school kids, we gave out a survey about “me and what I believe” to the ten kids who came. We then sat around and discussed it.…

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Flapjack Fridays

Written by Lindsay Hancock, YL Staff in Wayne Co, NC. This semester we started “Flapjack Fridays” with the girls from Wayne Country Day School. Every Friday I get up extra early and make a zillion pancakes (chocolate chip & regular) and a gallon of sweet tea for girls. If you’ve never had sweet tea with…

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Hope for the Over-Achievers

Written by John Freeman. I’m feeling pretty sentimental this week. Five years ago I began Larry Crabb’s school of soul care. Sweet memories and great content flowed from that healing week in Colorado Springs. During one lecture Dr. Crabb stopped speaking, turned to me, and asked a question:  “John, you constantly take notes. Why are…

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All I Want for Christmas Is A Mentor

Written by Zach Gurick, Metro Director for Young Life in Soutwest Florida. I remember feeling totally spent, like I had nothing left to give. I had poured out everything I had… It was a feeling of deep weariness, more than just tired. I discovered one of the issues was that I didn’t have someone else pouring into me!…

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12 Christmas Gift Ideas for Young Life Leaders

Are you a YL staff person looking for Christmas gift ideas for committee or leaders? A volunteer leader looking for gift ideas for your high school friends? Or maybe just a YL’dly selfish person, addicted to YL gear, looking for items to add to your own Christmas list…below are some ideas for you! Custom Sweatshirt…

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WyldLife Wednesday: For Moments Like This

Steven was not a “cool kid.” He came every week to WyldLife, but he was never in the center of any group. He’d make efforts to be a part, but because he was a little different than the other kids his age, they wouldn’t include him. One week at club, we played “over the rope.”…

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Harry Potter Club Ideas

Written by Kaitlyn Wren, Young Life staff in London, England.  Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them has just hit the theaters and if you’re like me and many of our high school and middle school friends we love who grew up loving Harry Potter, you should be SO PUMPED!  For our WyldLife club here…

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Social Media Training Webinar Next Tuesday

Young Life’s Communications team is offering a social media training webinar at 10am MT on Tuesday, November 29th. The online seminar will cover our role on social media as missionaries in a digital world, how we can practically be missionaries in this online realm, and examples of how different Young Life areas are already doing this on social…

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It’s nearing the end of the semester. Club might feel more like a chore than a privilege.  “We’ve just got to get by and push through to winter break.” What would happen if your team heard that the president of Young Life was doing a surprise visit to your club this week? How would you tweak things?…

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Greensboro Fellows

If you’re graduating from college in the spring, odds are you’re already beginning to answer the million-dollar question, “What are you planning to do after graduation. Some of the best advice I ever received was “take your 20’s and be a sponge. You have the rest of your life to make money. After college, find…

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WyldLife Wednesday – Christmas Tree Scavenger Hunt

Below is another fun Christmas club idea, especially for WyldLife. It’s similar to “Bigger, Better, Best!” The Human Christmas Tree Scavenger Hunt gives kids and leaders an opportunity to laugh and play – and also allows parents to get involved. The Big Picture Teams visit houses in the neighborhood looking for items to “hang” on…

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A Billion Christmas Club Ideas

It’s hard to believe that Christmas is only 40 days away! With Thanksgiving next week, it’s helpful to go ahead and start planning for Christmas Club now. Below are tons of ideas we’ve used in the past.  Christmas Club Schedule We typically start club at 7:37, but for this particular event, we start earlier to…

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