You’re Invited to a Work Week at a Young Life Camp Near You!

If you’ve never been to a Young Life Work Week, this could be your year! They’re only a couple months away, so look at the dates below and mark your calendars. It’s a great opportunity to add another YL shirt to your collection, to join old friends, and to make tons of new ones. It’s…

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Free Ice Cream & Italian Ice This Monday at Dairy Queen and Rita’s

The first official day of Spring is tomorrow- Monday, March 20th.  In celebration of the warmer weather, both Dairy Queen and Rita’s are giving away free frozen treats. It’s a great opportunity to pick up your middle and high school friends after school and grab a free ice cream cone or Italian Ice.  Find Rita’s…

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Columbia Celebrates New Leaders

It’s such an encouragement to watch the Lord continue to raise up new leaders year after year!  Here’s a fun video from the recent Columbia Metro (South Carolina) leader placement.

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Promposals and The Young Life Leader’s Guide to Prom Season

Prom season is upon us and below are a few ways we, as Young Life leaders, can serve our high school friends, parents, and school administrations. PRE-PROM Prom-posals Some of your high school friends are beginning to ask dates to the prom and would love your creative help thinking of a fun promposal idea.  One…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Campaigners Discussion about 1 John 3

Bekah Siau, area director with YL Military at West Point, NY, used the following Campaigners lesson. Bekah shared, “These questions spurred some of the best conversations I’ve had with 6th and 7th grade girls!” WYLDLIFE CAMPAIGNERS DISCUSSION What are some things that are hard about being in middle school? What advice do people (parents, friends,…

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Basketball Club Ideas

March has begun and the NCAA tournament starts next week! If you’re hosting a Basketball club, below are some ideas to get you ballin’. What to Wear Encourage everyone to wear gear from their favorite college team, and if they don’t have a college team they love, just wear any sports gear. Give a prize…

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Young Life Wing Eating Contest: All the Deets

A guest post by Jason Talley, volunteer leader in Garland, Texas. We recently put on our 2nd annual “1,000 Wing Eating Contest.” I’ve received several requests as to how we put this event on and what all went into it. So, here we go: Promotion Because of the name recognition of Young Life and our…

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The Best WyldLife Club Game Ever

Written by Mary Beth Witler, WyldLife staff in Argyle, TX. Everyone has that one game that all the kids and leaders love, and every year it makes an appearance. Here in Argyle, Texas, it’s the Whipped Cream Catapult. It’s just like it sounds….and it’s amazing. It’s one of those games that after counting 1…2…3, laughter…

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St. Patty’s Day Club: 12 Ideas for a Sham-Rockin’ Club

This year, St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Friday, March 17th. I would recommend holding your Shamrockin’ Club the week before. If you have a Monday club, you potentially could have it on March 20th.  If you do it after the actual day, you can get cheap deals at Walmart on leftover St. Patty party favors.…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Campaigners 101

Like its high school counterpart, the purpose of WyldLife Campaigners is to help kids grow in their faith. Middle school kids are just beginning to move from concrete to abstract thinking, so Campaigners is a great setting to help them learn to process their thoughts about faith with leaders they trust. How do we start…

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Spring YL International Weekend: March 31st at Frontier Ranch

Written by Kaitlin Chaffin, Young Life Staff Associate in Singapore. Could God be calling you to International ministry? When I got on the plane to come to my IIW, I was clueless, but oh so curious. I knew the Lord had been stirring a desire for more in my heart, but I wasn’t quite sure…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Make Your WyldLife Club Great!

Written by Julie Clapp, national director of WyldLife. WyldLife club is a place where kids and leaders can laugh, play and hear the Gospel clearly proclaimed. So what does a great WyldLife club look like? Room A WyldLife club can be held anywhere… homes, churches, recreation centers or schools… as long as there is room…

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New Campaigners Resource for Your Ministry

Written by Zach Gurick, YL Metro Director in Florida. For the past 15 years, one of the greatest joys and most fruitful aspects of ministry has been leading Campaigners. It’s also been one of the greatest challenges! Taking on the burdens of kids and really walking with them through the “highs and lows” of their lives…

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WyldLife Wednesday: The Twin Game

Written by Cassandra Shed, Young Life Staff, Duncanville,Texas. If you’ve got “Twin Club” on your spring schedule, you don’t want to miss this game. Put two guys together in one gigantic sweatshirt (the bigger the sweatshirt, the better!) Each kid has one arm in a sleeve with his hand sticking out while the other arm…

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A Helpful Guide to Work Crew Spring Training

Shared by Ryan Weston, YL Area Director in Greenville, NC.  One of the best discipleship tools we have in Young Life is Work Crew training. I remember when my Young Life leader invited me to do Work Crew for the first time. He said, “Ryan, you will work harder than you’ve ever worked in your…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Wyld Ball Mixer

Shared by Zac Miller, Norman, OK WyldLife staff. This is an original mixer from Norman Oklahoma WyldLife! You can call it WyldBall or our friends in Norman call it “Ball of Death.” It is one of my absolute favorite games, and it is a crowd favorite at our WyldLife events. It is a simple game and…

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The Brain Game

Need a last minute, no-prep game for club?  Here’s a fun and simple brain-teaser game.  It could be done with your whole club, just having folks blurt out the answer if they know it and tossing out candy to anyone who gets one of the 12 questions correct.  It could also be done as an…

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Win Ellie Holcomb’s New Album: Red Sea Road

Check out the @YoungLifeLeader Instagram account today as 3 folks will win signed vinyl records of Red Sea Road, released TODAY! Young Life Leaders,  Drew and I count it as one of our greatest privileges to have spent most of our summers over the past ten years at Young Life camps with you! Thank you for…

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WyldLife Wednesday: The Cup Game

If you haven’t played the “Cup Game” at your WyldLife club, don’t wait any longer. It’s an easy to explain and easy to execute mixer that will get every kid involved. Most importantly, your middle school kids will love it. (Don’t believe me? Check out the video clip to see how excited these kids are.) The game…

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Camp Musician of the Month: Lou Ruiz

Our featured Camp Musician this month is Lou Ruiz… and his new album was just released!  (View other YL camp musicians here.) Lou Ruiz is Young Life through and through. He considers himself very blessed to have been influenced by Young Life, and even more so giving back to the ministry through music. Lou started going…

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Raising the Stakes: Holding a Semester Long Competition at Club

Teenagers love competition. Competition already drives many of our Club mixers and games. What if we took it up a notch and created a semester long contest? It could help maintain, and even build, some momentum in the spring.  Here’s how it could work: Create two teams: Use your school colors! Team 1: Last names…

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Tons of Club Plans for Spring 2017

Many areas around the country are having leader retreats this weekend! Share your pics using the hashtag #YLLeaderWeekend! If you’re working on planning your spring semester, check out this amazing spreadsheet that Ryan Weston (YL AD in Greenville, NC) put together for his area. It has tons of great ideas for YL, WL, and YLC to…

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Young Lives: I Am Not Tired

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 After starting…

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YL Team Hangout Ideas

Written by Michael Sawyer, YL leader at Norterra Canyon WyldLife, in Phoenix, AZ. As we enter the beginning of a new year, it’s time for Young Life teams all across the world to plan their spring semester club schedules. This year, don’t forget to make room for another important tradition: LEADER HANGOUTS! In Young Life,…

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