The 4 Defining Factors of a Life-Changing Campaigners Group

As part of the FORWARD movement, Young Life is committed to taking kids deeper in their relationship with the Lord. Below are four components of life-changing Campaigner/discipleship groups. T-E-A-M is about a group of people who love and respect each other and are working for the common goal of following Christ. Like any sports team,…

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Last Chance To Buy A Young Life Bow Tie

(Wooden engraved box not included). Shared by Jackson Strawn, YL Area Director in Stafford, Virginia.  A few weeks ago, my old Young Life Leader called me with a proposition I could not resist! He used to run the company that sold Young Life Ties and Bow Ties in our camp stores. He’d recently closed his business,…

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YL Expeditions: Bringing a Community Day of Service to Your Local Area

Did you know that YLX is here to help you plan and execute a day of service in your local community. YL Expeditions would love to help you make a plan. Email them here if you’re interested. DC Day of Service – Love God, Love Others, For Real In January, YL Expeditionspartnered with the Young Life Capital…

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Young Life Camp Unity Game Outfits

Below are some thoughts on cabin unity game outfits from a few different Young Life staff folks from around the country. “Young Life camping is leader centered camping and a great showcase for that is the Volleyball tournament. Some folks much smarter than me and far more creative, years ago, put the volleyball tournament into…

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The Best Camp Fundraiser Ever: How We Made $1850 In 20 Minutes

We’re leaving for summer camp soon and still have lots of money to raise. Our YL team told kids and parents “Do not let money keep you from going to camp. Pay what you can and we’ll commit to helping you raise the rest.” We’ve spread mulch. Cleaned a fence. Held an Ultimate Frisbee tourney.…

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Helping Your High School Friends Stay Connected

Dear leaders, Thank you for all the hard work and effort you have put in this year to love your young friends! Staying connected to high school seniors is a priority for Young Life. The move into college, the workforce or the military is a huge transition and it is critical that we serve these…

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At The End Of The School Year, Don’t Forget To Do This

As the school year comes to an end, let’s be Young Life leaders who thank people well. My Area Director in college repeatedly drilled three things into our skulls: Pray First. Thank People Well. Have good breath when doing contact work. Who Do You Need To Thank? Administration The principal at your school didn’t have…

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How To Have Awesome Club Music Next Fall

As clubs approach the end of the school year, it’s a great time to begin thinking about next year.  How do you give the rising upperclassmen ownership? One way is to begin encouraging kids to sign-up for the “Young Life Band.” If only one leader played guitar at club this year, consider “expanding” the band…

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A Sample Script for Calling Parents About Camp

Getting kids to WyldLife camp means calling their parents. Not sure what to say? Try this sample script: May I please speak to Mr./Mrs. Smith? Hello, my name is Sarah and I’m a WyldLife leader at East Middle School. I’ve enjoyed meeting your daughter, Ashley and getting to see her at WyldLife this year. I…

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A Fun Insta-Prom Idea

A fun idea from the Buckeye Valley Young Life team. Before your “Tacky Prom Club”or on the weekend of your school’s prom, post throwback pics of your YL team members from their prom days! Now with Instagram you can post up to 10 pics on 1 post.  You can see how @_BVYL did it here.…

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Summer Movies 2017: Opening Dates & Trailers

The summer movie season begins in just 15 days. Our job as YL leaders is to lead our middle and high school friends into the adventure of following Christ. Part of that means helping them discover different ways to use their time than just settling for the big screen. But another part of our role…

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A Powerful Way To Honor Your Graduating Seniors

Before you know it the seniors in your Young Life club will be graduating. One special way to honor and celebrate them is with a “Blessing Service.” I’ve seen this done in very different, yet meaningful ways. Blessing Service Options Area-wide ceremonies done with YL leaders speaking over senior leaders. Co-ed ceremonies done with seniors…

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Meet Next Year’s Freshmen: How to Get 8th Graders to Club

As you near the end of the school year, it’s a perfect time to invite 8th graders to one of your last clubs! In just a few months they’ll be freshmen. Let’s give them a taste now so they know what they have to look forward to as high school begins. 5 WAYS TO GET…

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What To Do When Club Isn’t Working

Below are are a few options if you’re looking for activities to do “when club isn’t working” or if you have to “punt” when there aren’t very many kids that show up at club. Poor Man’s Paintball Bigger, Better, Best T-Shirt Rally Similar to Bigger, Better, Best, but with t-shirts instead. Just go knock on…

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10 Tips for Senior Club

If you’ve not already had your final club for this school year, the end is in sight. It’s become a tradition in many Young Life areas to end the year with “Senior Club,” giving the graduating seniors a chance to lead club and share about their experiences. Below are a few tips to help make…

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When Spring Break Broke My Heart

Next week is Spring Break for my high school friends. It feels like it’s a good week to stay off of social media. In the past years, many of the posts I’ve seen have just broken my heart. It often seems like everything we talk about in Campaigners just gets thrown out the window… …of a jeep …while…

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A Tradition Unlike Any Other: The YL Frisbee Golf Masters

This weekend, millions of golf fans will watch “The Masters,” a tradition unlike any other!  If you’re looking for a fun and unique fundraising event for camp, here’s a fun idea out of Rome/Floyd County, GA. For the past 6 years, they’ve hosted their own version of the tournament. The Young Life Frisbee Golf Masters  by Austin Drake,…

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A Simple Way to Connect With Theater Students

We found one great way to connect with the theater students is to provide food during tech week of their shows. The students have long days with school and extended rehearsals, so we figured it would be a great help to the theater parents if we provided food for one of the dinners that week.  Normal…

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A Prayer For Your Young Life Team

I recently came across this beautiful prayer from an upcoming book called “Every Moment Holy” by Douglas McKelvey.  It reminded me of something our Young Life teams could use to help us pray together before club or contact work.  Designate a leader to read the non-bolded words and the rest of the team can pray…

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10 Fun Ideas for Spring-time Contact Work

Spring has arrived! If you need some fun, fresh, & frugal contact work ideas, you’re in luck. Grab your middle, high school or college friends and make some memories. Dog Park/Animal Shelter If you have a dog, take your dog and some friends to a local dog park. If you don’t have a dog, visit…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Fondue & Fun

Looking for a fun way to engage with middle school gals?  Check out what Derrica Barbee and Adrienne Boyd did with middle school gals in Winston-Salem, NC last night! With a lil melted cheese and chocolate, they created a fabulous fondue party for some WyldLife gals. A simple gathering of friends, they ate together, played Fishbowl, and talked about Jesus. If…

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If Only…Then I’d Be Happy

Last week I asked some of my middle school friends to complete the following sentence and write down their answers anonymously on a piece of paper. Their responses are below: If only…then I’d be happy. If only my family had more money, then I would be happy. If only I had true friends, then I…

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Hype Club Music: DJ Promote’s New Party Edits

Do you need some clean, hype music for club? Thankfully DJ Promote has hooked us up with some current edits. DJ Pack 5 just came out last week. These songs work great to play in the background as kids enter club or during games and mixers. (Thanks for the heads up Ty Gallenbeck!) Download all…

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Greensboro Fellows Program

About the graduate from college…..Now what? If you’re about to graduate from college, odds are you’re continuing to answer the million-dollar question, “What are you doing when you graduate?” Some of the best advice I ever received was “take your 20’s and be a sponge. You have the rest of your life to make money.…

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