Easy Club Mixer: “Would You Rather?”

Need an easy mixer for club? Download the slides below and have your group divide into two sides of the room based on what they would rather do. It’s an easy and quick mixer to get kids moving and laughing.  You can also use the last question on the slides to form two teams (Would…

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Hurricane Relief Young Life Shirt

Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma have impacted many in the mission of Young Life in Texas, Florida, Latin America and the Carribbean islands. Our hearts go out to the leaders and staff people who have lost their own homes and are ministering to many others who have been devastated by the storms.  You can stay…

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This Week’s Fresh Club Idea: Semester Long Competition

Teenagers love competition. Competition already drives many of our Club mixers and games. What if we took it up a notch and created a semester long contest? It’s one great way to build off of the momentum of the fall.  Create two teams: Use your school colors! Team 1: Last names A-J Team 2: Last…

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The Young Life Podcast Debuts Today

We’re excited to announce The Young Life Podcast, a show about a revolutionary mission, and the stories of the pioneers, like you, who live it. If you are reading this on the Young Life Leader blog, this pod is built for you— the leader, the pioneer, the advocate, the champion, and the student of mission. Someone wise…

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Introducing The ClubCard App, 2.0

Written byBrad Schmitt, former Young Life Area Director. Note from Young Life: ClubCard has been reviewed by Young Life Mission Services. Areas that feel this will be a helpful tool may use at their discretion. As an Area Director and YL Leader I found using club cards to collect kids’ and parent contact information to…

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Dear Young Life Leader: A Letter from a High School Principal

This post was written by a real high school principal who wishes to remain anonymous. Special thanks to this friend of Young Life who took the time to share valuable insight with us leaders. Hopefully, it will help your Young Life team as you begin the new school year. As a long-time friend and former…

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Two Ways to Get in Shape While Starting a Campaigners Group This Fall

If you’re hoping to start a Campaigners group this fall, below are two ideas to help kickstart a group. For the Ladies This summer, one of our leaders got the brilliant idea to teach a free Zumba class on Tuesdays. We moved most of the furniture out of our basement and the girls even invited…

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Fame Name Game

Need a fun up-front game for club? I saw an article in USA Today last week that listed the actual names of celebrities. I thought it’d be fun to turn it into a game and have kids come on stage and compete to guess the real names of famous people.  There are 15 questions (14…

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The Most Important Text Message You’ll Send This August

Many of our friends recently graduated high school and are starting college this month. What happens during those first weeks of college will significantly influence, not only their next four years, but the entire direction of their lives. Andy Stanley says “Direction, not intention, determines destination.” He illustrates, “If you’re going north on I-85, you’re not going to…

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Worth The Chase

Soon after we first became parents, Natalie and I went to see a low-budget movie on the recommendation of a friend. The opening scene had us holding our breath.  The main character, Nathan, pulls up to a gas station driving a top-of-the-line, extended cab, pickup truck. He fills up his tank and cranks the engine…

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100 Dance Party Moves For Your Young Life Club

I recently saw this video and thought it could be used in a few different ways with Young Life.  Have it playing as kids enter club with a couple folks on stage mimicking the dance moves Play it at Campaigners the week before you have an 80’s Dance Party at club to get kids ready…

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A Remedy For Fear & Exhaustion

Written by Ryan Weston, Area Director in Pitt County, NC.  Many of us leaders have tons to be excited about and to thank God for. We have come off a full year of powerful ministry where we’ve begun relationships with new kids that have in turn begun new relationships with the Lord. Maybe you’ve seen…

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Summer Staff Needs?

We’ve received lots of social media messages and emails asking to spread the word to help fill summer staff gaps in the remaining summer camp sessions. If you’re aware of a camp that has Summer Staff slots that need to be filled, either comment below or email us and we’ll add the info to this post.…

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The Walking God

Years ago, I had my first summer camp assignment as a work crew boss at Sharptop Cove. As a young staff person, I remember curiously watching our camp director. He seemed to always be walking around camp, slowly, with another person from the assigned team by his side. It was Wednesday of that first week…

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WyldLife Wednesday: Maximizing Free Time at Camp

Written by Joe Nelson, WyldLife staff in Charlottesville, VA  There are two main types of campers at WyldLife camp. The first group includes the golden retriever (or perhaps rabid wolf) type kids who take every opportunity to run wild and free and are just dying to be let off the leash at camp. We’ll call…

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How To Do a Color War

Written by Lindsey Horton, Young Life leader in Rome, GA.  Are you looking for a fun event to build momentum in your YL area this summer? Do you want a summer-time alternative to Clubble? Already planning for a big kick-off for August or September? Look no further than a Color War! You might have seen…

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Brand New Content Song from Nashville Young Life Leaders

A couple Nashville Young Life leaders, Chris Chaput and Becky Kinder, have written a new content song for Young Life clubs. It’s called “More to Me” and has gone really well during first session at Frontier. It would fit great with a need talk. Below you can download the MP3 and chords. Download the MP3…

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How To Make The Perfect Trip Tee

Written by Jon Sittko, on staff with the YL Store. “I need to make some trip tees and I have no idea where to start!”  At the YL Store we get calls like this all the time. We actually love it, because we have a simple step-by- step process on how to make the perfect…

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The Next Frontier: A New Young Life Podcast

Written by your friends at the “On The Frontier” podcast- Justin Ryder and Ben Battaglia. To the pioneers of Young Life, We just wrapped Season 2 of On the Frontier (@frontierpod) — a podcast about leadership, creativity, and innovation in Young Life. Episodes discuss topics such as building missional community on the Alaskan frontier, songwriting with Ellie Holcomb, true…

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How to Lead Cabin Time at Camp

One of the highlights of a week at Young Life camp is cabin time. If you’ve never led cabin time or if you’re just feeling nervous as you prepare to do it again, below are some ideas that can help. BEFORE CAMP Seek Wisdom Be intentional about getting trained in how to lead cabin time.…

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Finding Grace at NorthBay: Encouragement for Leaders Heading To Summer Camp

Written by Abby Cunningham, WyldLife leader in Grove City, PA. Last summer, I had the privilege of being a leader on my first Young Life camp trip. Our middle school friends had the time of their life at NorthBay. It was amazing to be a part of a life-transforming week. Leading up to camp I tried…

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The Complete Guide to a YL’d Bus Ride: 21 Ideas for a Road Trip to Remember

Many of us have LONG bus rides to camp this summer. Instead of just enduring the ride, let’s make it a highlight of the trip. Below are a ton of ideas stolen from many different YL leaders over the years. Start planning now! 1. Bus Program  Have you ever done program…ON A BUS?! Here is…

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Ancient Words: A Prayer For Our Middle & High School Friends

Earlier this week our team gathered to read the Holy Scriptures and pray. This summer we’re studying the book of Colossians together. As we were reading the first chapter, we suddenly found ourselves praying the words Paul wrote in verses 9-13. We took turns reading all five verses aloud, inserting the names of some of…

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