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The Stool

Marshmallow Madness

Treadmill Eating Races

Alphabet Soup Word Scramble

“My Favorite Club Ever”

After club last week one of our new leaders asked me how Monday’s club compared with a typical club. “Was it better than normal, average, or not quite as good?” I turned to one of my upperclassmen high school friends standing near me and asked, “What do you think Chris?” His response surprised me, in a good way….

Club Schedule From Monday Night

I will post more details explaining the different elements below in the future, but wanted to go ahead and share with you our club schedule from this week. It’s funny how much we in Young Life cram into an hour. We pass out copies of this schedule below to all leaders, senior leaders, AV guys, band members, and…

How To Make Your Run-On Skit The Talk Of The School

Why So Many Freshmen Came

Our Fall Club Schedule

Here is our fall schedule. Feel free to steal any ideas that trip your trigger.Creativity is just forgetting where you stole it from.I think I made that up. Sept 12- All City Freshmen Club Sept 19- First Club Carnival Sept 26- Rave Club Oct 3- Harry “Mustache” Potter Club Oct 10- Blue Club Oct 17- Redneck Club (Barn…

How To Start Club With A Bang

Here’s a link to a post from last semester with some suggestions on how to begin club each week. It includes ideas such as: -Inviting upperclassmen in to the club room early to make a tunnel for everyone else to enter through -Using a chant like (Tonight, Yes, Tonight) to create a place of belonging. -a video of…

Updating Your Young Life Playlist

I got a tweet today asking if we had any good ideas for new songs to put on the YL playlist. I’m sure many of you, like me, have a playlist on your iPod entitled “YL Club Music.” We play songs from it before club, after club, as kids enter club, during games, etc… It always seems difficult…

39 Theme Club Ideas

Junk In The Trunk: Twerk Contest

Ice-Cube Cowboys

A Better Bus Ride To Camp: Part 3

A Better Bus Ride To Camp: Part 2

A Better Bus Ride To Camp: Part 1

Lunchroom Music

Last week I was in the lunchroom on the final day of school. While sitting with some of my high school friends talking about music, the conversation helped introduce me to kids I didn’t really know sitting at the other end of the table. I asked them if they played any instruments. One of the girls, Jenny, got…

My Favorite Summer Camp Idea: Random Bus Passenger

Two summers ago we found out that we were getting a new leader in our area. He was moving to our city just a few weeks before camp. Instead of letting him jump in right away, we came up with a fun way to introduce him to the kids. Another leader in our area had a grandfather who…

Summer Camp Idea: DJ Program Characters

Here’s an idea for run-on characters during club or for use as summer camp program. Thanks Niki for this submission: DJ Status and DJ Drop It. Come out in full gear. Large headphones, singing to themselves holding one ear, ect. My name is DJ Drop It cause I drop the beat like it’s hot and my name is…

Summer Camp Program Idea Contest

Some of our YL friends around the country will have the challenge and high privilege of doing program at summer camps beginning in less than a month. While most of them have their basic direction of their characters and plot already decided, I thought it would be fun to have a little contest and offer them some collaborative…

Behind The Scenes At Senior Club

If you have not yet held your final club for the year, the end is in sight.It’s an oldYoung Life tradition to end each year with “Senior Club,” giving the graduating seniors a chance to lead club and share about their experiences.Here’s a few tips I’velearned along the way. Crowd This could be your highest attendance club of…

Doing Club Outdoors: Part 2, Yard Games

Doing Club Outdoors: Part 1, Helpful Details

It’s spring time and your high school friends would probably love a change in scenery. You might have already considered doing cluboutsidenext week, but don’t forget to think through a few details.LocationIf you are changing the typical club location, make sure kids know where to go. In addition to handing out flyers with maps at the school, its…