Summer Camp Program Idea Contest

May 17, 2011

Some of our YL friends around the country will have the challenge and high privilege of doing program at summer camps beginning in less than a month. While most of them have their basic direction of their characters and plot already decided, I thought it would be fun to have a little contest and offer them some collaborative help and suggestions.

Do you have some fun, fresh, and creative ideas for summer camp program? If so, comment in the “comments” section below this post, or email me at YL1941 at gmail dot com. I’ll post the submissions and the winner of the best (or most usable idea) will win the chance to share your idea with the world of YL leaders right here on the Young Life Leader Blog. It will also be quite booyah to hopefully see your idea used in summer programs all over the country!

Here’s some thoughts to get your creative juices flowin’:

-Hot new songs that could be played as fill music or used as club songs

-Any quotes (or usable material) from new movies that most kids have seen (ex: Fast Five)

-Large group outdoor mixers that have never been done before

-Funny, new unique ideas for program characters

-Fresh Leader skits for entertainment night

Get creative. Share those ideas. Remember…sharing is caring.

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