The Highest Highs and The Lowest Lows

How do you tell the story of an entire year of ministry in a Young Life area?  This year our weekend camping was record-breaking, we saw new ministries opened, older ministries revamped, and some ministries struggled while leader teams stayed faithful. Main Stream kids. Middle School kids. Teen Moms. Students with special needs. All had…

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Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader: Prayer

Today’s post is part 5 of our Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader series: Prayer. Previous posts in the series include Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader, Eliminating Hurry, Sabbath, and Solitude. During the fall of an election year, I was invited to speak on prayer to a group of university students. On the same night, a presidential debate was…

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Free Chick-Fil-A: Cow Appreciation Day

Grab your middle, high school, and college friends and head to Chick-fil-A next Tuesday, July 9th, for Chick-fil-A’s annual Cow Appreciation Day. If you partially dress like a cow, you get a free entree! If you go with your Young Life friends, email us a pic and we’ll share it on social media! Some ideas for dressing up…

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When Kids Back Out of Camp

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE I met Alex in August of 2011, his freshman year of high school. He was a stud athlete and undercover smart. He would show up every now and then at club, but was mostly consumed with school and sports. In the spring, I made it to a…

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Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader: Solitude

Today we have part 4 of our Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader series: Solitude. Previous posts in the series include Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader, Eliminating Hurry, and Sabbath. A healthy, thriving relationship with God is not native to our toxic world. Therefore, for our relationship with God to flourish, it’s essential that we take seriously the greenhousing of our…

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Easy Mixer: Cup or Down

Need an easy game for club or a post-camp gathering? For this game, all you need is a pack of solo cups and music! The setup, place half of the cups right side up and half upside down. Then divide your club into two teams, one being the “Up” team and the other the “Down”…

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A Great New Tool for Discipling Students After Camp

The Young Life Discipleship Department is rolling out resources for both camp follow-up and ongoing discipling (watch for more exciting news this fall about our collaboration with The Bible Project). Young Life is now live on YouVersion. And we have our own App Theme that will help readers navigate directly to YL reading plans.  As…

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Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader: Sabbath

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE Today is part 3 of our summer series, The Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader. If you’d like to read the previous posts in the series, here is part 1 and part 2.  The Sabbath. It’s one of the ten commandments. We’re supposed to “keep” it. But what even is it?…

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The Most Helpful Ways To Prepare for Being a Leader at a Young Life Camp

You are getting ready to take your friends on the trip of their lifetime. You’ve promised them the best week of their lives. You’re praying and fundraising and preparing every way you know how!  Whether you are a first-time leader going to camp or a seasoned veteran, below are some of our most helpful articles…

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Summer Reading Giveaway: Winners

Thank you to all who entered our Summer Reading Giveaway!  Our Grand Prize Winner, who won a copy of each of the ten books, is Derek Walne! Congratulations Derek!  Our 90 winners are listed below with the book that they won! You should be receiving your new book within the next few weeks to the…

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Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader: Eliminating Hurry

This is part 2 of our summer series, The Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader.  Have you ever felt like you keep saying “I don’t have enough time?” Me too. I was reading The Blue Book where Jim Branch records a conversation between Dallas Willard and John Ortberg that rocked me. “Not long after moving to…

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An Easy, Fun Game for the Summer

Need an easy, fun game for the summer? Place three tables with a watermelon on each table along with a couple hundred rubber bands. Place the watermelon in a wide base, like a bowl to keep the watermelon standing securely.  To play the game, have two lines per table on either side of the table.…

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How To Lead Cabin Time

Cabin time is one of the highlights of a week at Young Life camp. If you’ve never led cabin time before or if you’re just feeling nervous as you prepare to do it again, below are some ideas that will help guide you along with some cabin time questions you might ask. BEFORE CAMP Meet…

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Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to…

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Table Questions For Meals At Camp

During a week at Young Life camp we get the privilege of eating around 20 meals with our middle and high school friends. For most of those meals, we’re seated at a round table for the very purpose of promoting “family style” conversation. We live in a busy world. Most families are spending less time…

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Bus Trivia Questions

If you have a LONG bus ride to summer camp, here are tons of ideas to help fill the time. Another fun bus activity is to simply play BUS TRIVIA. Below are 10 things I usually do when we play on trips: Give prizes! They go a long way to giving kids buy-in when playing…

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New Leader Survival Guide for Young Life Camp

Written by Craig Linder. As a new leader at camp, you may feel nervous or under-prepared for what awaits you at camp. Below are some of the most important things I’ve learned about serving campers well. Time With The Lord This may seem obvious, but time with the Lord is what will fuel you throughout…

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Camp Musician of the Month: Billy Cerveny

Our featured Camp Musician this month is Billy Cerveny.  We asked Billy to share a little about his journey with music and Young Life. “I first became involved in Young Life in high school when I was 15 years old. I had just become a Christian and had no idea what it meant to live…

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What To Do When You Lose Control

Normal 0 false false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE Have you ever felt like you lost control of a room? It happens…at club, at Campaigners, and it might even happen on your upcoming bus ride to camp. What do we do when kids get out of hand? How do we respond when they go off…

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Need Talk Video: Google Searches

You may have seen this post back in February about Jon Bellion’s song Stupid Deep.  Will Orr and Nic Donovan, Young Life Leaders in Culpepper, VA, made this video below and shared it with us. Feel free to use it in club talks or at Campaigners!    If you have helpful resources to share, email us! 

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Appalachian Small Town Internship

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE Did you know there are places in the United States where there is no cell phone service or Walmarts within an hour drive? Did you know that we have Young Life in some of those small towns? Our county has the lowest life expectancy in America. We…

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We Have Club at a Fire Station

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE We received this letter below from a Young Life leader who would like to remain anonymous. Young Life Leaders, Our club’s a little different- we have it at a volunteer fire station. And it’s really small. Not a lot of kids. We’re in year two of doing…

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An Incredible Opportunity for A Summer Internship at The Dale House Project in Colorado Springs

If you’re still trying to figure out what to do this summer, great news- an intern position has opened at The Dale House Project in Colorado Springs. The DHP is one of the most sacred places I’ve ever walked into and I can’t think of an experience I’d more highly recommend!  The Dale House Project is hiring…

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Spotify Club Playlists

Music is a universal language and can instantly enhance a club environment. Here are some playlists that will hopefully help you achieve a positive, upbeat atmosphere. Hanging Out Music Mostly secular but does include upbeat “Christian” songs. Varies from classics, a few Disney songs, and a lot of new ones. Listen here or here. Mixer…

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