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Instead of a Parent Meeting…

What Being A Young Life Leader Ought To Do For You

Team Dynamics: More Than Ministry Partners

Team Dynamics

Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader: Celebration and a Heaven-Facing Posture

One Thing I Wish I’d Done

Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader: Daily Examen

Spiritual Discipline of a Leader: Studying Scripture

Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader: Simplicity

Spiritual Disciplines of a Leader: Community

The Highest Highs and The Lowest Lows

We Have Club at a Fire Station

Godspeed: The Pace of Being Known

As You Head To Camp- by Jim Branch

She Never Quit Telling People About Jesus: The Jenna Henderson Story

Adulting 101 by Pete Hardesty and Josh Burnette

Finding Grace at NorthBay: Encouragement for Leaders Heading To Summer Camp

Helping Your High School Friends Stay Connected

Young Lives: I Am Not Tired

The Best Communication Tool For Your YL Area

Why Do I Still Go? by Eve Sarrett

“Encouragement for a Weary Young Life Leader” by Pablo Otaola

An Audience of One

Why I Keep Going: The Story of a Young Life Leader named Juan