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My Commitment by Bill Goans

I can’t think of anything better to read as we kick off a new school year in Young Life. My Commitment by Bill Goans  (Former YL staff and now pastor in my hometown of Greensboro, NC) As long as high school kids mill around at ball games looking for love in all the wrong places…   As long as they desperately…

Goose Eggs

Originally posted May 2011.  I received this email from my friend Charlie who leads at another school in our area. He has three kids, works full time, and has been volunteering at the same high school for 11 years. May you be blessed by his honesty.  Friends, Monday night we had Senior Club.  Zero, that’s right a big…

A Letter From A Young Life Leader To Graduating High School Seniors

Let Prayer Be the Work

How To Be An “Oh Boy!” YL Team Member

The Brookland Cayce YL Team from Columbia, SC Brad Lomenick, director of Catalyst, recently wrote 15 Keys of a Make it Happen Team Culture, which inspired us to create a similar YL version below. Being on a YL team is awesome, but it’s not easy.  How To Be An “Oh Boy!” YL Team Member “Let Your ‘Yes’ Be A ‘Yes’” (Matt….

Are We Really Ready?

This guest post is written by James Smith, a Young Life leader in Columbia, SC. James is a sophomore at the University of South Carolina. More of his writing can be found here.  I think back a few weeks ago to a conversation I had with another leader while on the ride back to school after a weekend…

Guest Post: Ten Leader Declarations from the Book of Ephesians

This guest post is written by James Smith, a Young Life leader at AC Flora High School in Columbia, SC.  James is a sophomore at the University of South Carolina majoring in International Business and Finance.  More of his writing can be found here. After reading through Ephesians, I wrote down some truths that are spoken through the…

The Road Of Life

At first, I saw God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong; so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when I die. He was there sort of like a picture of a president. I recognized His picture when I saw it, but I really didn’t know Him.Later on when…

Tim Keller’s Talk From All-Staff Conference

Tim Keller spoke at the Young Life All Staff Conference in January.  He preached from Mark 10 and powerfully shared the Gospel, answering these three questions:  What did Jesus come to do?  Why did He come to do it? How should this change us? You can watch/listen to the 35 minute talk here.

Goose Eggs

Originally posted May 2011.  I received this email from my friend Charlie who leads at another school in our area. He has two kids, works full time, and has been volunteering at the same high school for 9 years. May you be blessed by his honesty.  Friends, Monday night we had Senior Club.  Zero, that’s right a big…

Staggering Toward Slaughter

A seasoned volunteer leader in our area sent the following email to his team last week. It was forwarded to me and he’s given permission to share it with you. Why do we care about high school people?  Why do we ‘do’ Young Life?  Proverbs 24:11, “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward…

Jenny & Tyler: How Young Life Changed Their Lives

Dirty Feet

Last week we had a ‘Maundy Thursday’ service at church. The term ‘Maundy‘ comes from the Latin ‘mandatum,’ from which we get ‘mandate.’  It’s the first word in the Latin translation of John 13:34, “A new commandment I give you, that you love one another as I have loved you.”   Each year during Holy Week we celebrate this…

When You Don’t Know What To Say

This guest post is written by Christopher Kitchings, a volunteer Young Life leader and student at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. Campaigners went pretty well tonight. Actually, it went REALLY well. There were a ton of kids and everybody had fun. I shared my testimony with some thirty plus high school kids, and they were really…

Who’s Your Eric?

The Danger Of Counting

A Guest Post From An Anonymous Area Director I was leaving the office on Monday and one of those subtle thoughts from Satan crept into my head. “You guys are really great! You have all those kids signed up for camp. You must really be doing awesome, I mean 6 schools filling all of fall camp, plus taking…

The Stool

Two Brothers By Allen Levi

Many of us have our favorite “Young Life singers.” Mine has always been Allen Levi. His wisdom runs deep. His heart is kind. His eyes remind me I am Christ’s beloved. His voice transports me to my grandpa’s front porch. Two months ago Allen’s brother Gary was diagnosed with brain cancer. Since then Allen has been by Gary’s…

What Being In Young Life Ministry Ought To Do For You

It ought to be so unreachably big that you can only see it through the eyes of Christ by faith. It ought to be harder than you can handle on your own so as to make you more dependent on God. It ought to give you enough disappointments to make you humble and break your spiritual pride. It…

The Yellow Sheet

I was a freshmen in college going through Young Life leader training. We met in the lobby of Winston dorm on Tuesday nights. One evening we were handed a yellow sheet of paper. Written on that yellow sheet were words. Words that deeply impacted my life. Words that God used to call me to lead Young Life. I…