Vine: Instagram for Video

If you’re a YL leader, you’ve probably already caught onto the quickly spreading trend of Vine, a 6-second movie version of Instagram.  Instead of just sharing a photo on Instagram, you can share a short looping video.  It’s a fun and easy way to share Young Life club highlights, clips from the high school soccer…

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The Tip Of A Pen: Jake Weidmann

A few years ago I had the high privilege to be on a YL team with one of the most creative people I’ve ever known. Jake Weidmann is one of only 11 Master Penmen in the entire world. He was featured this week in Christianity Today. While Jake’s primary tool of choice is the pen,…

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Are We Really Ready?

This guest post is written by James Smith, a Young Life leader in Columbia, SC. James is a sophomore at the University of South Carolina. More of his writing can be found here.  I think back a few weeks ago to a conversation I had with another leader while on the ride back to school…

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Summer Camp Promo: Thrift Shop

YL leaders in Raleigh, NC recently made this hilarious camp video. Check out their remix of ‘Thrift Shop’ to promo ‘Sharptop.’ Here are some other incredible summer camp promo videos: Best Week of Your Life All I Do Is Blob Avengers DirectTV Parody Austin West Have you made a camp promo video worth sharing? Leave…

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The Reason For The Spring Slump In YL

A guest post from Lindsay Fluker, staff wife and volunteer leader in Griffin, GA. Spring is definitely in the air, as yards are bursting with color and and my friends at the high school talk of prom and spring break. I am the wife of a Young Life Area Director and a volunteer leader and…

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The YL Version of Flat Stanley

Here’s a fun idea to help build momentum. Instagram-O-Rama At club this week announce a contest asking students to “create a cartoon character we can mass produce.”  Give them a week to get the sketch to a leader, and then vote on the best one at the following club. If you want an example, do…

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Creating a Campaigners Group in 5 Months

This guest post is written by Todd Pinkston. Todd grew up in Richardson, TX before he went off to the University of Central Arkansas to play football. His passion for sharing Christ with kids led him to get a masters from Dallas Theological Seminary and go on staff with Young Life. He currently serves as…

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Greensboro Fellows Program

Come work with us in Greensboro, NC this upcoming school year! Sept 13-May 2014. Are you still unsure about what this next year holds?  Would you like the opportunity to: Experience deep community and friendship after college?  Get experience working in the marketplace? Get experience working in a church? Get seminary/Biblical training? Get world renowned…

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Young Life Wing Fest

Our area recently held a ‘Young Life Wing Fest.’  We wanted to share some things we wish would’ve done differently and some things that went really well. Overall, I highly recommend doing an event like this!  The event was billed as an area-wide competition between schools. Each school could enter a team of 5 eaters.…

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#MyYLStory Banquet Video

Following along with the #myYLstory theme, Alamance County, NC showed this video at their banquet last week. Thanks to Steven Ebert for sharing. Alamance County Young Life Banquet 2013 from Steven Ebert on Vimeo.

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Today is the 2nd annual #myYLstory day. Share your story on Instagram and Twitter. A re-post from March 2012.   Last March something crazy beautiful happened. The ‘Monday Morning’ email went out to all the YL staff/leaders and in it was a simple contest to win a travel hammock. In order to be entered, you…

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What You Missed in February

For those of you who are new to this online community of Young Life leaders, welcome! My name is Drew Hill and I’m a YL leader in Greensboro, NC. (About Me) was created to be a place for sharing ideas, encouragement and resources. Currently thousands of Young Life leaders around the globe interact here on a weekly…

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St. Patty’s Day: 10 Club Ideas

In 2013 St. Patrick’s Day falls on Sunday, March 17th. If you hold your “Shamrockin’ Club” or “Green Club” on Monday March 18th, you can get great deals that morning on St. Patty clearance items at Wal-mart.  If you don’t have a Monday club, I’d recommend celebrating the week before, otherwise St. Patty’s day just…

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What NOT To Do For Contact Work: Gallon Smashing

Here’s the first post in a brand-new, never-ending series: What NOT To Do For Contact Work Episode 1: Gallon Smashing You might also enjoy:  The Truth About Contact Work, part 1 The Truth About Contact Work, Part 2 

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Harlem Shake: Young Life Editions

Yesterday posted some hilarious YL versions of the Harlem Shake. Check those out here. Below are ten others that have been sent in. Thanks to all those who emailed and tweeted at us! We’re doing ‘Walking Dead club’ this upcoming Monday and will be filming a ‘Zombie Shake’ that I hope to share on…

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Hang Glider Need/Sin Talk Illustration

With enough effort, we can accomplish anything. At least that’s the promise of the American dream. The lie is…  We can be our own gods. We don’t need God.  We don’t need His power. We have our own will power.  In a need or sin talk, it’s important to illustrate how our own power fails…

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You Might Be A Young Life Leader If…

#YouMightBeAYoungLifeLeaderIf @YoungLifeLeader  You can’t check Instagram on M or W bc your high school friends post too many inappropriate pictures.  #ManCrushMonday #WomenCrushWednesday @CaitlinNetheryYou might be a @younglifeleader if you own more than 15 hawaiian shirts or spatulas #allcampvolleyballtournament@Sjemiolo#youmigtbeayounglifeleader if you regularly schedule things at random times besides club and campaigners- Dinner @ 5:42pm?@BSummerallIf your idea…

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Family Camp Song Suggestions

Our Weekend Family Camp is coming up in a few weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions for songs to do in club? So far here are some ideas we already have: Party in the USA What Makes You Beautiful Baby by Bieber Twist and Shout Sweet Caroline Smile by Uncle Kracker Go Bananas song Blindman…

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The Raffle Prize That Keeps on Giving

Here’s an idea for a raffle or game prize that will keep kids invested week to week, shared by David Page, Area Director in Greensboro, NC.  Start with something small, like a foil fast food wrapper.  The winner takes it home and adds to it as much as he/she wants.  The ball is brought back…

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The Campaigners Books Winner Is…

Thanks to everyone who left comments on this post to win ‘Graceful’ by Emily P. Freeman for your entire Campaigners group.   The random number generator selected comment #42, so congrats to Corenna Hoyt in Rhode Island for winning. Corenna, email us your mailing address and how many gals are in your Campaigners group and we’ll…

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Ash Wednesday & The Season of Lent: A Campaigners Discussion

Originally posted Feb. 2012 Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. I didn’t start practicing Lent until college when our Regional Director taught on the spiritual practice at a YL leadership meeting. With each year, this Lenten season grows more personally significant and is consistently a time of deeper intimacy with the Lord. The…

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The YL Wall of Fame

One of our readers shared this great idea to incorporate into club week to week.  “We photograph our game winners each week posing with a tiny plastic trophy. The next week we add their 8×10 pic to the wall of fame. Kids love seeing their fabulous mugs up on the wall.” What do you do…

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How To Get Kids To Camp: Eliminating The Five Excuses

Most of us are convinced there are few better ways to introduce our friends to the Gospel than at Young Life camp.  Most of us are also currently discouraged because many of our friends will not get that chance this summer. Why not?  Why are kids not going to camp?   Over the years I continue…

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