7 Keys To Having A Rocking Young Life Band Next Fall

During these last clubs of the year, it’s key to begin thinking about next year. How do you give the rising upperclassmen ownership? One way is to begin encouraging kids to sign-up for the “Young Life Band.”  Originally posted April, 2011. If only one leader played guitar at club this year, consider “expanding” the band…

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What You Missed in April

For those of you who are new to this online community of Young Life leaders, welcome! My name is Drew Hill and I’m a YL leader in Greensboro, NC. (About Me) YoungLifeLeaders.org was created to be a place for sharing ideas, encouragement and resources. Currently thousands of Young Life leaders around the globe interact here on a weekly…

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Summer Movies: Opening Dates 2013

Many of our high school friends have already been infected with summer-itis…and that means it’s almost time for summer movies to begin.  Our job as YL leaders is to lead our high school friends into the adventure of following Christ.  Part of that means helping them discover better ways to use their time than just…

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How To Meet Incoming Freshmen: Invite 8th Graders To Club Now

Me in 8th grade. Ouch. It’s a no-brainer. You probably only have a few clubs left. Pick a fun one and invite 8th graders. In just a few months they will be freshmen. Give them a taste now of what they have to look forward to. Plus, it’s hard being in 8th grade. Especially if your parents…

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How To Be An “Oh Boy!” YL Team Member

The Brookland Cayce YL Team from Columbia, SC Brad Lomenick, director of Catalyst, recently wrote 15 Keys of a Make it Happen Team Culture, which inspired us to create a similar YL version below. Being on a YL team is awesome, but it’s not easy.  How To Be An “Oh Boy!” YL Team Member “Let Your ‘Yes’ Be…

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5 Tools Needed to Reach Today’s Teens

I’ve had 4 different friends email/tweet me this article in the past 24 hours, so I thought I’d pass it along on the blog. It was written by Cameron Colewho is in youth ministry in Birmingham, Alabama. The short version is:  5 Tools Needed to Reach Today’s Teens Knowledge about the canonization of Scripture Developed…

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Need Talk Illustration: “You Set Me Free”

Music is powerful.  We connect with the lyrics and with the melody, and somehow our brains can retain and recall words musicians share with us through song long after we’ve forgotten that profound quote we vow to remember from a sermon. Music is also the language so many of our middle & high school friends understand.…

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And The Spikeball Winners Are…

Hundreds of you entered to win the Spikeball contest.  Three of you won. Drumroll please… Social Media Category Hundreds of you used the hashtag #SpikeballYL. We tracked it on Tagboard. There were some pretty creative tweets and Instas. Here are a few of my favorites: Luke Widbin @LWidbin I was thinking about making a spike game for…

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An Email From A Team Leader: The Envy Of Free Time

Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE I received this email from a friend on YL staff in Forsyth County, NC and thought it was worth passing along. It was written by a Team Leader in their area.  Hey awesome team, Quick story: A few weeks ago someone asked me why I do YL…

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Spikeball Giveaway: Your Chance To WIN!

Earlier this week I shared some of my favorite pre-club yard games. Without a doubt, Spikeball tops the list. After club this Monday night one of my high school friends asked me if we could start a Spikeball club at school. It’s addicting.  You can buy a set online for $49.99 or you can win one of…

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Campaigners Discussion: A Powerful New Video On Beauty

If you are leading a female Campaigners group, this brand new video is a must-watch discussion starter on beauty. Studies reveal that only 4% of the 3.5 Billion women in the world consider themselves beautiful.  In this video from Dove, an FBI-trained forensic artist creates sketches of seven women whom he could not see. He uses…

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The Best Yard Games For Young Life Club

We’ve recently felt a need to switch up club from the typical indoor routine of songs, skits, and games.  Tonight we’re throwing a big cookout party. We’re just hanging out and enjoying each other in the spring weather. Club will be very low structure but we’re still doing a talk at the end. During the…

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Young Life Daddy Daughter Dance

Sangre De Cristo Young Life recently held their 6th annual Daddy Daughter Dance in Canon City, CO.   YL Area Director Loren Kolman was quoted in the local newspaper saying, “It is our desire to foster healthy relationships between dads and their daughters. Research has shown loving, healthy relationships between dads and daughters allow a greater…

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A YL Leader’s Guide To Prom Season

Originally posted Spring 2012. Prom season is upon us. Below are a few ways we as Young Life leaders can serve our high school friends, parents, and school administrations. PRE-PROM Dress/Tux Shopping  Go shopping with them. Do you think your high school friend would rather go to Men’s Warehouse with his YL leader or his…

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Leader Skit: How Animals Eat Their Food

Saw this hilarious video earlier today that could easily be turned into a leader skit at club. You could tweak it to make it a camp sell skit as well. Ex: “A great thing about going to _________ YL camp is all the wildlife there. It’s like a zoo with no fences. So many beautiful…

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Hands On A Hardbody: The Texas Truck Documentary

A month ago I posted How To Get Kids To Camp: Eliminating The Five Excuses. In it I suggested gathering your high school friends to watch the hilarious 1997 documentary, Hands On A Hard Body.  Since then I’ve had quite a few emails asking how to get a hold of it. Other than my old…

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Download A Free 12-Week Mumford & Sons Campaigners Study

Abigail Julcher has written a twelve week Bible study based on Mumford and Sons freshman album, Sigh No More. Abigail is a student at Syracuse University, originally from the North Shore of Chicago where she led WyldLife and was a Young Life kid since 8th grade.  You can read more of her writings here or follow her…

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What You Missed in March

For those of you who are new to this online community of Young Life leaders, welcome! My name is Drew Hill and I’m a YL leader in Greensboro, NC. (About Me) YoungLifeLeaders.org was created to be a place for sharing ideas, encouragement and resources. Currently thousands of Young Life leaders around the globe interact here on a weekly…

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Hasselhoff To Lifeguard At Frontier Ranch

Hasselhoff on stage during a Leader Skit at Frontier  in 1974. Frontier Ranch recently announced the exciting news that David Hasselhoff has volunteered to serve as a 2nd session lifeguard this summer. He’ll be bringing his family to spend a month at the very camp where he first came as a club kid in 1972 and…

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If Easter Is True…

If Jesus has the power to conquer the grave, then he has the power to…  …conquer the addictions in our lives. Matthew 8:16 …quench our never-ending thirsts. John 4:13 …forgive our sins. Psalm 130:3 …open our blind eyes.  Matthew 9:28 …help us when we face great temptation.  Hebrews 2:18 …do more than we can ever imagine. …

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Holy Saturday Songs

Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE The day between Good Friday and Easter. A day of deep sorrow and great hope. Few songs capture Holy Saturday like these two below. Buried in the Grave All Sons & Daughters There was a day we held our breath And felt the sting of bitter death…

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How Spring Break Broke My Heart

Originally posted spring 2012. I’ve tried to stay off Twitter this week. It’s Spring Break for my high school friends and the few tweets I have read have broken my heart. It seems everything we’ve talked about in Campaigners this year just got thrown out the window… …of a jeep …while speeding down the strip…

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This Screams Young Life In Your Face

I am probably getting ready to lose a friend, but it’s worth it.  Gretchen Bennett didn’t intend for this video to go beyond Megan Harvey’s iPhone, but somehow it made its way onto the Young Life Leader Blog.  Here’s thirty seconds of GB at her finest, prepping for club last night. Enjoy. If you would…

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