"Graceful, Letting Go of Your Try-Hard Life"- Win Copies For YourCampaigners Group

Female Young Life leaders, I am excited to share with you an amazing Campaigners resource from one of my good friends. Meet Emily Freeman and her newest book Graceful. Emily is the woman behind chattingatthesky.com.  Years ago Emily hosted a weekend for high school girls called ‘Good Girl Weekend.’ It was here she discovered young women believing…

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Guest Post: Hunger Games Club

Hey guys! My name is Alex Ridenour and I am on staff in Costa Rica with the International Schools.  My team and I recently worked extremely hard to recreate a Young Life event the Real Life Hunger Games. I know there have been many other parodies of the Hunger Games but we wanted to truly…

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Guest Post: Ten Leader Declarations from the Book of Ephesians

This guest post is written by James Smith, a Young Life leader at AC Flora High School in Columbia, SC.  James is a sophomore at the University of South Carolina majoring in International Business and Finance.  More of his writing can be found here. After reading through Ephesians, I wrote down some truths that are…

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The Road Of Life

At first, I saw God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong; so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when I die. He was there sort of like a picture of a president. I recognized His picture when I saw it, but I really didn’t know…

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Was It A Good Young Life Club?

A great club isn’t always determined by the number of kids who were there.  Here are some questions to help evaluate how club went: Was Jesus Christ lifted up?  The good news of Jesus Christ must be shared in every club. Did you arrive at club “Prayed-up”?  Young Life really is the Lord’s business.  We…

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What You Missed in January

For those of you who are new to this online community of Young Life leaders, welcome! My name is Drew Hill and I’m a YL leader in Greensboro, NC. (About Me) YoungLifeLeaders.org was created to be a place for sharing ideas, encouragement and resources. Currently thousands of Young Life leaders around the globe interact here…

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Campaigner Resource: Peter: Rocked by God

Chris Theule-VanDam, Young Life Regional Director for the Western Great Lakes Region (the western half of the state of Michigan along with northwest Indiana), has authored Peter: Rocked by God, with Campaigner groups in mind. This six lesson Bible study series for high school students explores the life of Peter, highlighting God’s faithfulness and the…

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Superbowl Club: Tons of Ideas

If you’re doing a Super Bowl themed club this week, here are a few ideas. Many of them were stolen fromYLHelp.com  Decorate Matt Sloan, YL AD in NC, duct taped a football field in their club room and made 2 goal posts from PVC pipe and yellow spray paint. Great visual!    The Young Life…

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20 Things Campaigners/Senior Leaders Can Do On Club Day

Pray first. Wear a YL shirt to school. Invite friends that are disinterested in Jesus. Text your friends reminding them about club. Post about club on Instagram, Twitter, and fb. Give rides to club. Introduce the friends you brought to the YL leaders and others. Introduce yourself to new folks you might not know. Take…

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What Would Jesus Do If He Were A Young Life Leader

I recently read this post on MoreThanDodgeball.com and thought it was worth passing along. Thanks to Josh Griffin and Kurt Johnson for sharing it. What would Jesus do if he were a YL leader?  Teach with lots of stories.  Without a doubt the Master teacher would teach with stories. He would fill his message of…

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Campaigners Study on Philippians

Todd Pinkston and the folks in Richardson, TX run a helpful website for YL leaders called CampaignersTraining.com.    Todd recently posted a helpful seven week study on the book of Philippians that you can download here for free. Todd writes, “This is a seven week study through the book of Philippians. It is designed for upperclassmen…

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Recommended Reading For Young Life Leaders

For Christmas I got a Kindle Paperwhite and I’m a huge fan! As a result, I’m reading a lot more these days. I’d love to get a good list going on here of recommended books for Young Life leaders. I’ll start and would love for you to comment below or email us here with books…

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Ten Commitments of a Young Life Leader

By the grace of God and through His mercy… I.  I will work to give ever kid a look at the real Jesus Christ, as well as what living life in a relationship with Him is like, by spending time with them, talking, and praying.  I will invite each kid to make a personal decision…

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How To Care For Leaders, A Post For Committee Members

This week we received the email below from a Young Life committee member:  Good Morning! I have recently become the “Leader Care” person on our YL committee. I’m looking for and brainstorming fun and meaningful ways to support and encourage our leaders. Do you have some great ideas of how Young Life and Wyldlife leaders…

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Join Young Life In Costa Rica This April

If you’re seriously considering the call to serve Christ and kids somewhere overseas, come to San Jose, Costa Rica this spring to explore some possibilities!   The International YL Information Expedition will be April 4-8, 2013. The cost is $500 + airfare. Fundraising opportunities are available. There are Young Life positions available all over the…

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Young Life In Our Shoes: Growing Up As A Staff Kid

About a year and a half ago my dear friend Curtis Chesney wrote this post about growing up as a Young Life staff kid.  After collecting reflections from over one hundred other staff kids, the project has finally become a reality. As a father of two, I’m grateful for this priceless resource. Reading it was…

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Remembering Amy DiBias Patwa

“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” -CS Lewis, Mere Christianity On January 5th, Amy DiBias Patwa went home to be with Jesus. Amy was a friend to many of us in the mission of…

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Spring Club Plans: Tons of Ideas You Can Steal

Here’s some help as you’re planning club for this semester. Some of the clubs we’ve done in the past have detailed club plans if you click the links below. My hope is to write out plans as we do each club and post them as the semester progresses. We’d love to hear what you’re planning…

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Encouragement For Wyldlife Leaders

An Anonymous Guest Post From A Wyldlife Leader In Ohio If you are a Wyldlife leader, we’d love to hear from you too. There are tons of Wyldlife clubs out there, but most of the ideas on YoungLifeLeaders.org come from high school leaders. If you have thoughts or ideas to share, please send them in!…

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Operation Extend Christmas: Doing Contact Work With Old Christmas Trees

Thanks to Amanda Farrington, volunteer leader in Charlotte, NC for passing along this fun contact work idea.    Operation Extend Christmas: the best way to entertain your high school friends for free!  Last night we had a YL camp reunion. Thirteen of my friends and I had a cabin reunion to hang out, eat lots…

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A Club Game Idea Stolen From The Japanese Laughing Show

Thanks to @MichaelAFulton for sending along the link to this hilarious video.  We’re for sure going to use it in club this semester, but still debating the best way. I think we might go talk to a local library and stage a similar scene like they did. We’ll take a few seniors to the library…

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Corny Club: One Of The Greatest Games You’ve Never Used In Club

Corny Club Ideas We’ve actually never done ‘Corny Club’ but after seeing the How To Eat Corn In Ten Seconds video below, the brain storm started flowin’.  Skit Characters  Cornelius and Cornwallis, dedicated corn farmers, enter wearing overalls, ears of corn duct taped over their ears, and riding on uni-‘corns.‘ (Take a horse and duct…

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