The Persistent One

One of my YL leader friends carries around an index card in his pocket. When he has a break in the day, instead of playing Flappy Bird, he pulls out his card and prays. On the card he has written the names of the guys he wants to come with him to camp this summer.  I…

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Young Life Day Of Prayer: March 4, 2014

Today is a global Young Life Day Of Prayer. On the first Tuesday in March and the first Tuesday in October we have a special Young Life Day of Prayer. When I first read‘Dance, Children, Dance,’ the Jim Rayburn story, I was struck by how this mission was founded on prayer. Not just a brief prayer…

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Free Pancakes At IHOP This Tuesday

If you’re looking for a free & tasty way to hang out with your middle and high school friends this week, here’s the answer. Emily Auer, YL leader in Tucson, AZ reminded me this Tuesday, March 4th, is FREE PANCAKE DAY at IHOPs nationwide! Last year a few YL leaders in our area took kids for…

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Ash Wednesday & The Season Of Lent

Originally posted Feb. 2012 This Wednesday is ‘Ash Wednesday,’ the beginning of the season of Lent. I didn’t start practicing Lent until college when our Regional Director taught on the spiritual practice at a YL leadership meeting. With each year, this Lenten season grows more personally significant and is consistently a time of deeper intimacy with the Lord. The…

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The Krispy Kreme Winner Is…

A few weeks ago I posted about this easy fundraiser from Krispy Kreme.  At the bottom of the post was a contest. The task was to simply take a pic of you and kids at Krispy Kreme, then post the pic with the hashtag #YLKrispyKreme. Everyone who posted was entered and the winner will receive…

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The Story Is Far From Over…

This story below was shared by a Young Life Area Director who wishes to remain anonymous. Be encouraged. — Hakim came to our YL club for the first 2 weeks last fall until his dad found out that Young Life was a “Christian thing.”  Although he was not allowed to come to club anymore, our…

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Flappy Bird YL Logo

I’m not sure who made this logo,  but if you know, please comment below!  Here’s how we used Flappy Bird at club.

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The Big Dream

Young Life – The Big Dream from Young Life on Vimeo. In case you haven’t seen this inspiring 2 minute video yet…The Big Dream, from Jim Rayburn’s final speech to the YL staff. 

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Young Life Camp Club Songs: Weekend Set List

Chris Campos, YL Area Director in Alabama, keeps a helpful Tumblr of their weekly club music.  He’s also leading music at Sharptop Cove this weekend and shared their set list below.  You can access chords for the songs here.  Sharptop Weekend Camp Club Songs Club 1 Wake Me Up – Avicii Gone Gone Gone –…

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Because They Leaked Jesus…

A guest post from Sarah McGlynn. Sarah is a brand new Young Life leader in Raleigh, NC and blogs here. This is the week. In three days I find out where I will be leading Young Life for the next three years.  The count down started three years ago, the moment two weird college strangers stepped…

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How To Welcome, Initiate, & Introduce New Leaders

Durham/Chapel Hill placed 50 new leaders this week! In many Young Life areas around the country, it’s the exciting time of year when new leaders are getting placed. Our team is fired up because we get new leaders this week!!!  We’re brainstorming ways to both ‘initiate’ and introduce them at club.  A few leaders from…

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Why Do My High School Friends Keep Partying?

Most of us have had it happen. The high schoolers who come back from camp all fired up, ready to change their lives. But then, seemingly within days, reality hits. You start getting the drunken texts, you hear the crazy rumors, and you see them go right back to what they were doing before. Most…

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Aaron Rodgers’ “Bart Starr Award” Acceptance Speech: Shoutout To Young Life

Last week at the annual NFL Super Bowl breakfast Aaron Rodgers was awarded the Bart Starr Award. The winner of the award is chosen by a vote of NFL players and given to a player who exemplifies Starr’s commitment to family, teammates and the community. Check out Aaron’s acceptance speech here. The video isn’t great quality,…

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New Club Song Chords & Slides: ‘Say Something’

Although ‘Say Something’ by A Great Big World makes this kid cry, it’s still a fun new song to sing in club. The very end of this 1 minute video is priceless.  If you’re going to pull this song off in club, it helps to have someone who can sing well, and if not well,…

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The Young Life Leader Guy Is Back Again

The ‘Young Life Leader Guy’ is back with a brand new video, ‘Young Life Club.’ Thousands of you watched his ‘Young Life Leader Infomercial’ & ‘Young Life Camp Infomercial,’ and now, ‘YL Club!’  I’m not sure who this is, but he’s hilarious. I believe he’s from Sammamish/Issaquah Young Life in Washington. Enjoy!  Young Life Club Young Life…

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An Easy & Effective Fundraiser for Young Life Camp

Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE This year our YL Summer Camp trip is $925. That’s a lot of cheddar.  One easy way to raise dough is by selling dough. In the past I’ve had good success with Krispy Kreme’s fundraising program. You can sell actual boxes of doughnuts or packaged coffee but…

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Hip-Hop Songs To Play/Sing At Club

Michele Tully left this question on the Young Life Leader Facebook Page:  “Hey guys, we need some help. We started up a new YL Club and most of our kids are hispanic and mostly into pretty hard core hip hop. I need some help for a super high energy non explicit song to start club…

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How To Play ‘The Blind Bachelor’ Dating Game During ‘Love Club’

Valentine’s day falls on Friday this year, so plan your ‘Love Club’ for the week of Feb. 10th.   This year we’re doing a Ms. Valentine’s Pageant similar to Mr. Christmas Tree. In the past we’ve done Battle of The Sexes,  Anti-Valentine’s Day Club, and  ‘The Blind Bachelor’ aka The Dating Game. Below are some ideas if…

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Flappy Bird: A New Club Game

My Twitter feed went crazy on Monday with everyone tweeting about somebody named ‘Flappy Bird.‘ After figuring out it wasn’t a new rapper, I visited the AppStore and found the game was #1 in the free downloads category. Out of curiosity, I downloaded it. I was shocked by the simplicity of the game and graphics, but even…

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God’s Grace & Grilled Cheese

It’s difficult to read the Gospels without noticing how often Jesus interacts with people over a meal.  Zacchaeus’ Conversion Feeding the 5,000 The Last Supper Banquet With Sinners Mary & Martha Road To Emmaus etc… Food is a common expression of hospitality in every culture.  I chose the church I attended in college because they…

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It’s #YLTeamTuesday

It’s #YLTeamTuesday!  Seeing all these pics of Young Life teams on Instagram and Twitter is good for my heart. If you’ve watched one of your YL teammates love kids extravagantly, email in their story and picture and you just might see it appear on! Psalm 133 How good and pleasant it is when brothers…

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New Club Song Mashups

Win A YL Shirt If you have any new club song mashups you’re willing to share, email in your chord sheets (and PowerPoint slides too if you can.)  Everyone who submits a new mashup song chord sheet will be entered to win a sweet YL shirt from Greensboro YL. If you send the slides, you’ll be…

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4 Ways To Build Momentum In Your Campaigners Group

It’s a terrible feeling when no one shows up to Campaigners. Trust me, I know the frustration all too well. Below are 4 things that I’ve seen build tons of momentum in Campaigner groups over the years. The January Funnel  At club, we intentionally funnel the focus of the night from the crazy mixers and…

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This Young Life Leader Is Playing In The Super Bowl

On Sunday night we had Campaigners at our house. We watched the Seahawks-Niners game and had ‘cabin-time’ during half-time. While the Seahawks were attempting a field goal, I thought I’d try and be cool and name drop.  “Fellas, see #49 snapping the ball. His name is Clint Gresham and he’s a Young Life leader in…

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