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Practical Help For Your Campaigners TEAM

The Keys To Camp Follow-up: Part 1

Questions To Help Your Young Life Team Evaluate & Celebrate The Year

10 Ways to Welcome New Leaders

Team Dynamics: Setting Clear Expectations

Dear Young Life Leader: A Letter from a High School Principal

Finding Grace at NorthBay: Encouragement for Leaders Heading To Summer Camp

At The End Of The School Year, Don’t Forget To Do This

YL Team Hangout Ideas

Cultivating Community on Your YL Team by Zach Gurick

Questions To Ask In Your Post-Club Team Meeting

How to Recruit, Train, Equip & Sustain New Leaders

Questions To Help Your YL Team Evaluate & Celebrate The Year

Questions To Help Your YL Team Evaluate & Celebrate The Year

At The End Of The School Year, Don’t Forget To Do This

10 Ways To Welcome New Leaders

In many Young Life areas around the country it’s the exciting time of year when new leaders are being placed. Our team is fired up because we get new leaders this week! What are some good ways to welcome, ‘initiate,’ and introduce them at club? A few leaders from around the country shared suggestions below via Twitter. If…

Questions To Ask In Your Post-Club Team Meeting

It’s #YLTeamTuesday

Questions To Help Your Young Life Team Celebrate & Evaluate The Semester

How To Be An “Oh Boy!” YL Team Member

The Brookland Cayce YL Team from Columbia, SC Brad Lomenick, director of Catalyst, recently wrote 15 Keys of a Make it Happen Team Culture, which inspired us to create a similar YL version below. Being on a YL team is awesome, but it’s not easy.  How To Be An “Oh Boy!” YL Team Member “Let Your ‘Yes’ Be A ‘Yes’” (Matt….