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25 Person of Christ Club Talk Ideas

New Songs for Need Talks

There are two new pop songs that could be helpful in helping kids understand our brokenness and need for the cross and resurrection. You could use them during a need/sin talk or even to launch a Campaigners discussion. John Mayer’s “I Guess I Just Feel Like“ I guess I just feel like Nobody’s honest Nobody’s true Everyone’s lying…

Sin Talk Illustration: Crab Trap

This video below could be a helpful illustration to use with a “sin talk” or Campaigners discussion starter. Underwater Footage of a Crab Trap Isn’t that how sin typically works? It lures us in with a promise it never fulfills. Much like the serpent in the garden of Eden. If you just take a bite, all your troubles will go away….

WyldLife Wednesday: Thoughts From High Schoolers On Giving Your First Club Talk

YL Capernaum: Helpful Visuals For Club Talks

Club Talk Illustration: The Making Of A Miracle

WyldLife Wednesday: Bringing Scripture To Life For Middle Schoolers

7 Keys For Effective WyldLife Club Talks

10 Tips On Giving A Young Life Talk From Francis Chan & Simon Sinek

Person Of Christ Club Talk Idea: A Guest Post Fom Meghan Morris

What Content Songs Go With What Young Life Talks?

The Best Thing You Can Do With Your Campaigners Group This Summer

The Greatest Fears Of Teenage Boys

Need Talk Illustration: “You Set Me Free”

Music is powerful.  We connect with the lyrics and with the melody, and somehow our brains can retain and recall words musicians share with us through song long after we’ve forgotten that profound quote we vow to remember from a sermon. Music is also the language so many of our middle & high school friends understand.  Headphoned and thumb-swiping…

Hang Glider Need/Sin Talk Illustration

With enough effort, we can accomplish anything. At least that’s the promise of the American dream. The lie is…  We can be our own gods. We don’t need God.  We don’t need His power. We have our own will power.  In a need or sin talk, it’s important to illustrate how our own power fails us. To show…

Expired Registration: A YL Talk Illustration

As you’re preparing talks for next semester, here’s a true story that happened this week in Texas. It’s a powerful illustration of grace.   Grace isn’t God saying, “It’s okay that you sin, don’t worry about it.” Grace is God saying “Sin is not okay and you are guilty, but I’m going to pay your fine.”   Hayden Carlo,…

Knocking Down The Misconceptions Tower: A Club Talk Illustration

10 Tips For Giving Club Talks

Mason Rutledge, YL Regional Director of Western Washington, recently shared an article on public speaking to help those of you who will be giving club talks this upcoming semester. The article is written by Eric Schurenberg and adapted from a book by public speaking coach Sims Weyth. You can read ten highlights from the article below and find…