Contact Work

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Lumberjack Week: The Manliest Of All Campaigner Ideas

No Shave November: Contact Work With Facial Hair

How To Start A YL Rec Basketball League In Your City

$3 Booritos At Chipotle: The Perfect YL Leader Halloween Plan

Bro Breakfast: A Young Life Tradition

50 Contact Work Ideas

Contact Work Accountability Questions

A Young Life Leader’s Guide To Prom Season

Originally posted Spring 2012. Prom season is upon us. Below are a few ways we as Young Life leaders can serve our high school friends, parents, and school administrations. PRE-PROM Dress/Tux Shopping  Go shopping with them. Do you think your high school friend would rather go to Men’s Warehouse with his YL leader or his mom? It’s a toss up, but for…

He Didn’t Know I Was Missing

The Best Contact Work Ideas: Springtime Edition

Using ‘Pitch Perfect’ Cups To Memorize Scripture In Campaigners

Today’s guest post is from Michelle Prillaman. Michelle is a Young Life leader in Greensboro, NC and part of The Greensboro Fellows Program. A few weeks ago I decided to use the “cup song” idea (from the movie Pitch Perfect) to help my high school friends memorize scripture at Campaigners. We used John 15:5, and essentially rapped out…

Contact Work Accountability Questions

In a team leader meeting last semester my Area Director, David Page, asked us to talk through some helpful questions with our YL teams: How many times was your team at the school this week collectively? What ‘outside of school’ contact work was done this week?  How many ‘one on one’s did your team do? What have you…

Nobody Invited Me: A Non-Storybook Ending

What To Say When When Your High School Friends Lose

Talk Like A Pirate Day: Free Doughnuts At Krispy Kreme This Thursday

A Strange Brand Of Happy: A New Young Life-y Movie

Hey YL leaders! There’s a brand new movie hitting theaters nationwide this Friday, September 13th, A Strange Brand of Happy. It’s a YL kind of movie and one you can take kids to without feeling like you’re dragging them to a cheesy religious flick. A Strange Brand of Happy has a quirky, indy, romantic comedy feel and opens discussion for…

Tips On Leading Young Life From A High School Principal

My Commitment by Bill Goans

I can’t think of anything better to read as we kick off a new school year in Young Life. My Commitment by Bill Goans  (Former YL staff and now pastor in my hometown of Greensboro, NC) As long as high school kids mill around at ball games looking for love in all the wrong places…   As long as they desperately…

The Most Important Phone Call You’ll Make This August

7 Creative Ways To Hang With Your Middle/High School Friends This Summer

Do you need some creative summer contact work ideas? Here are seven you might not have pulled out of your bag yet.  Leisure Dive  All you need is a camera and a pool/lake. Create some great memories and photos. Here are some great examples.  Driving Range/1 on 1 Golf Even if you’re terrible at golf, the driving range is…

Tips On Saying Goodbye: Make Friends LIKE You’re Going To Know Them The Rest Of Your Life

The Campies: An End Of Year Campaigners Tradition

Summer Movies: Opening Dates 2013

A YL Leader’s Guide To Prom Season

Originally posted Spring 2012. Prom season is upon us. Below are a few ways we as Young Life leaders can serve our high school friends, parents, and school administrations. PRE-PROM Dress/Tux Shopping  Go shopping with them. Do you think your high school friend would rather go to Men’s Warehouse with his YL leader or his mom? It’s a…