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The Yellow Sheet

I was a freshmen in college going through Young Life leader training. We met in the lobby of Winston dorm on Tuesday nights. One evening we were handed a yellow sheet of paper. Written on that yellow sheet were words. Words that deeply impacted my life. Words that God used to call me to lead Young Life. I…

How To Meet 50 New High Schoolers

Earlier this week I asked for your wisdom in how we can beinclusive without being exclusive. Here’s one of the responses from the comment section: “Do things that are specifically aimed at being inclusive. In our area we have created an Ultimate frisbee league. Even in name its called “The Ultimate League For Non All Stars That Still…

An Anonymous Guest Post From A High School Principal

8 Things Every Young Life Leader Needs To Do Before School Starts

ThankIf you’re allowed on campus, write a thank you note to the principal at your high school.Read“Dance Children Dance” by Jim Rayburn III. Few things will better kick-start your Young Life year.ChurchAsk your church to commission you as a “missionary” to the high school. You need to be sent out from your local body with prayer and support….

How To Know Your High School Friends’ Hearts

As a follow up to yesterday’s letter from Pastor John, here’s an idea I learned this year from Megan, a leader on my Young Life team. Megan is a kid magnet. She’s one of those artsy types that dresses funky, but pulls it off. Girls are attracted to her creativity and confidence. God wired her to be a…

Free Slurpees TODAY At 7-Eleven Gas Stations

It’s an annual tradition every July 11th for the 7-Eleven gas station to offer free 7.11 ounce Slurpees at any of their locations. Easy, fun, and free contact work. Find a 7-Eleven near you here.

When You Least Expect It: Jack’s Story

I met Jack eight months ago. He didn’t give me the time of day. He’s the football star, the ladies man, and way too cool for Young Life. I became friends with many of his friends, but the most I could ever expect from Jack was the typical head nod. Not even a “What’s up?.” Just the head…

Navigating Summer Boredom, Part 3: A Better Story

I recently read Donald Miller’s book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. In it he tells a powerful story about his friend Jason who was having some trouble with his 13-year-old daughter. She was dating a loser, into drugs, and Jason didn’t know where to turn. After hearing Jason’s story, Don made the offhand comment that his…

Navigating Summer Boredom, Part 2: Money

High schoolers tend to believe that money equals happiness. How can you possibly have fun if you don’t spend lots of money? Here are a few random and inexpensive ideas for helping high schoolers kill their boredom without breaking the bank. You will probably have to lead these activities the first time around, but take a high schooler…

My Boy Cee Lo Green

Lessons From A Stay At Home Mermaid

Lunchroom Music

Last week I was in the lunchroom on the final day of school. While sitting with some of my high school friends talking about music, the conversation helped introduce me to kids I didn’t really know sitting at the other end of the table. I asked them if they played any instruments. One of the girls, Jenny, got…

The Danger of PREYing

Summer Movies: Part 3 (Opening Dates)

Here are some opening dates for movies your high school friends are going to see this summer. Plan ahead and schedule what movies you want to take them to see on opening night. I’m not personally recommending any of these movies, just letting you know when they come out. Be sure to check ahead on to see…

YL Nugget #2: Serve

“Even though I am free of the demands and expectations of everyone, I have voluntarily become a servant to any and all in order to reach a wide range of people; religious, non-religious, meticulous moralists, loose living immoralists, the defeated, the demoralized…however, I didn’t take on their way of life, I kept my bearings in Christ… but I…

Free Fry-Day at Chick-fil-a

This upcoming Friday, March 4th, is nation-wide free Fry day at Chick-fil-a between 2-4pm to promote the new ketchup dippers.   Great and easy contact work idea with kids for after school or before a friday afternoon LAX game.

Reaching High School Friends with Disabilities