
Young Life leader Pete Kidder recently submitted the following article written by John Piper. Pete writes “I found this Piper article on “Adultolescents” very interesting. This is a recent phenomenon sweeping college aged and young adults. As a potential problem for the age group that YL leaders usually fall into it might be worth discussing…

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Eight Seconds

Matthew 14:17: ““But we haven’t anything here,” they told him, “except five loaves and two fish.” Mark 12: 42: “Then a poor widow came up and dropped in two little coins, worth together about a halfpenny.” Matthew 17:20: “I assure you that if you have as much faith as a grain of mustard-seed you can…

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A Ton Of “Club Song Mashups”

Shoutouts to the folks below for submitting a ton of great club song mashups. If you have one you’d like to add, please email me at YL1941 at gmail dot com and I’ll add it to this post. Wes Emery in Clemson, SC. Eric Hoskins, AD in Birmingham, Bama Slate Fluker, AD in Griffin, GA…

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How To Get Kids To Bring Friends To Club

In the blue bar above this post there are five “page” links. Home About Me Popular Posts Submitting A Guest Post Ask The fifth page, “ASK,” is simply a place for you to email in YL related questions you would love answered or discussed on the YLLB. Sam Travers, a Wyldlife leader in central Illinois,…

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An Advent Prayer

An Advent Prayerby Henri NouwenLord Jesus,
Master of both the light and the darkness,send your Holy Spirit upon our preparations for Christmas.
We who have so much to do,seek quiet spaces to hear your voice each day.
We who are anxious over many things,look forward to your coming among us.We who are blessed in so many ways,long for…

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The Dale House: Redefining Home

If you missed last week’s three posts on The Dale House Project, you can catch up here through these links: Got Plans After College? Recognizing God Lessons Learned Here’s another guest post, this one written by DHP training staff Cody Mitts. After spending almost 5 months on staff at The Dale House Project, I began…

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Why We Do What We Do

Two videos. Two stories. The first is one of desperation. The second, one of hope. Thanks to Andy Thompson, leader in Littleton, CO for sharing the first video and to Catherine Roach, YL leader in Winston-Salem, NC for allowing us to share her story on the YLLB. What videos can you share that have moved…

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Disturb Us

Disturb us, O Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves when our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little when we have arrived in safety because we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, O Lord, when with the abundance of things we possess we have lost our thirst…

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Club Song Mashups

I’m working on a blog post that would provide downloadable lyrics/chords for club song mashups andneed your help. Please send in any PowerPoints or chord sheets of mashups that work well in your club. Email YL1941 at gmail dot com. I’ve already received great mashups from Northside Chicago YL, Vashon Brown in Fairfax, VA, and…

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And The Winners Are…

Thanks to those who commented on Ian Cron’s guest post this week.After a random drawing, the following folks each won a copy of Ian’s newest book:“Jesus, My Father, The CIA, and Me.”1. Lisa & Luong 2. JaQuinn Johnson 3. Joe Vickers 4. Chick-n-man 5. Erik Durham 6. Brandon Wingate 7. Snoop-a-luke 8. JessCo 9. Cendress…

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When You Don’t Know What To Say

This guest post is written by Christopher Kitchings, a volunteer Young Life leader and student at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. Campaigners went pretty well tonight. Actually, it went REALLY well. There were a ton of kids and everybody had fun. I shared my testimony with some thirty plus high school kids, and…

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Brilliant Idea For Prizes At Club

Need some good ideas for prizes at club? We used to go to the dollar store and buy trinkets to give away… Then we decided to hit up Goodwill for funny junk that could become YL treasure… Then we bought old dress shoes and spray painted them gold, because who doesn’t need a good pair…

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Who’s Your Eric?

His name was Eric. He was 28, a part-time carpenter, and a full-time volunteer with Young Life. Eric was gentle, funny in an understated way, and confident without swaggering. He occasionally let himself be the subject of a sentence, but rarely for long. He was far more interested in knowing what was happening in your…

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The Dale House: What I’ve Learned

This guest post continues our series onThe Dale House Project. It’s written by Ted Woodard, the former barefoot place kicker for Stephen F. Austin University. While you may not have seen Ted’s legendary right foot in action, the way Ted interacts with at-risk teenagers is worth watching. I had the privilege of working with Ted…

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A Thanksgiving Prayer

THANKSGIVING (A Confession & A Plea To The Almighty) Written by Andrew Peterson ‘O God, Magnificent Confounder, Boundless in mercy and power, Be near me in my apathy. Be near me, Savage Dreamer, Bright Igniter of Exploding Suns, But not too near. I’d like to live, By your grace, just long enough To taste another…

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The Dale House: Recognizing God

This Guest Post follows yesterday’s introduction to The Dale House project. It’s written by Kevin Comiskey who has worked at the DHP for more than twenty years. There are few men I respect more than Kevin. His perseverance and wisdom are clearly gifts from the Lord. I asked Kevin to share a snippet about what…

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Looking For Great Christmas Gift Ideas For Young Life Friends?

If you are a staff person looking for Christmas gift ideas for committee or leaders…If you are a volunteer leader looking for ideas for your high school friends…If you are a ridiculously selfish person, addicted to YL gear, looking for items to add to your own Christmas list…here are some ideas for you!The Diaries of…

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How Setting Up Your Older Sister On A Date With Your Young Life LeaderReally Pays Off

Our Spikeball contest winner, Amy Fanning, ran around her house screaming this morning when she learned she’d won the first contest ever on The Young Life Leader Blog. I emailed Amy and ask her about her history with Young Life. Her response was storybook. I’m continually amazed at how God works through this ministry! Amy’s…

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New Content Song For Ressurection Talk

As we prepare for the resurrection talk this upcoming weekat club, we’ve been brainstorming potential “resurrection content songs.” We’re excited about playing “Beautiful Things” by Gungor. Lyrically it fits perfectly. The majority of the song is basically the simple chorus repeated, so it should be easy for kids to sing along. It would be great…

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The 25 Most Popular Pre-Club Activities

Thanks a ton to 50 of you for commenting on the Spikeball Contest post this week. You answered the question, “What is your favorite pre-club activity with kids?” Below are 25 of the top responses. Such a diversity of ideas is getting me excited about creating some new pre-club momentum. Thanks again for sharing!MY FAVORITE…

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And The Winner Is…

AMY FANNING!!!! After a random drawing, Amy Fanning is the winner of the FREE Spikeball set ($50 value.) Amy, please email in your mailing address (YL1941 at gmail dot com) and you will be shipped your Spikeball set! Thanks to all of the 50 folks who shared comments on the Spikeball post this week. There…

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Welcome To The Young Life Leader Blog

If you are new to The Young Life Leader Blog, welcome! This site is designed to be a resource and community where Young Life Leaders around the globe can share ideas and encourage one another. The YLLB began almost a year ago and has almost 150 posts. If you’re new, that’s a lot to catch…

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Even though it’s getting chilly outside, there’s always a great opportunity to play some booyah new yard games. A game that might be new to many of you is SPIKEBALL! I first learned of the game this summer while at Sharptop Cove. It’s an intense mix between four square and volleyball, described on the Spikeball…

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