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A Better Bus Ride To Camp: Part 3

A Better Bus Ride To Camp: Part 2

A Better Bus Ride To Camp: Part 1

You Know You’re At YL Camp When…

Work Crew/Summer Staff Package-Less Packages

Camp Cabin Costumes

The Danger of PREYing

Camp As An “Older Leader”

Summer Camp Idea: Matrix Ping Pong

Are you doing summer program? Need a fresh idea for a leader skit during entertainment night? This one will take a little work to pull off, but it could be magic! Enjoy “Matrix Ping-Pong!” It looks like the audience at this high school talent show sure did. I’ve never done this, so I’m not confident on all the…

Summer Camp Idea: Links

Get some ideas for outfits for your cabin, follow up after camp, etc.. at Keep those summer camp ideas coming! Thanks to all of you who have already submitted. Post comments below or email YL1941 at gmail dot com.

My Favorite Summer Camp Idea: Random Bus Passenger

Two summers ago we found out that we were getting a new leader in our area. He was moving to our city just a few weeks before camp. Instead of letting him jump in right away, we came up with a fun way to introduce him to the kids. Another leader in our area had a grandfather who…

Summer Camp Idea: DJ Program Characters

Here’s an idea for run-on characters during club or for use as summer camp program. Thanks Niki for this submission: DJ Status and DJ Drop It. Come out in full gear. Large headphones, singing to themselves holding one ear, ect. My name is DJ Drop It cause I drop the beat like it’s hot and my name is…

Summer Camp Idea: Mario Kart Racing

Summer Camp Idea: “Sharptop” (“Friday”)

Music Video/Song idea submitted by Justin Stagner, YL Leader in Greensboro, NC. “SHARPTOP” (To the tune of “Friday” by Rebecca Black.) Seven a.m., waking up in the morning Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal Seein’ everything, the time is goin’ Tickin’ on and on, everybody’s rushin’ Gotta get down to the…

Summer Camp Program Idea Contest

Some of our YL friends around the country will have the challenge and high privilege of doing program at summer camps beginning in less than a month. While most of them have their basic direction of their characters and plot already decided, I thought it would be fun to have a little contest and offer them some collaborative…