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How To Get Kids To Camp: Eliminating The Five Excuses

Best Week of Your Life: Young Life Camp Infomercial

A great camp promo video from Sammamish/Issaquah Young Life… Thanks for sharing this with us, @YLSkyline!

Little Nemo: Gangnam Style

This guest post is written by David Freels, YL leader in Knoxville, TN. We put a new twist on a classic Young Life skit: “Little Nemo”. I saw Nemo as a club kid 30 years ago and it was so funny that it was areason I wanted to come back to a club.  So I guess I may…

Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: Schedule Conflicts

Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: Parents

Part 1: Friends Part 2: Money Part 3: Parents Schedule Conflicts Fear Of The Unknown  Fifteen years ago Young Life leaders generally had much better relationships with the parents of their high school friends. Why? Because teenagers didn’t own cell phones, so in order to contact them a leader had to call the home phone. This often resulted…

Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: Money

Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: FRIENDS

Odds are there are still unfilled camp spots in your area. What does that mean?  It’s NOT TOO LATE to get your friends signed up for the BEST WEEK OF THEIR LIVES! Yesterday we looked at the Top Five Excuses kids make for not going to camp. Today we look at how to respond to the first. My…

Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: 5 Excuses

How To Create Camp T-shirts Kids Will Love To Wear

Rockbridge Young Life Camp Survives Virginia Wildfires

A New Game For YL Properties

Move over Hacky Sack, Hello ‘Sepak Takraw.’ Who votes we start building Sepak Takrawcourts at every YL property? If you are unable to view the video above, you can click this direct link.

The Improbable Story Of How Zach Got To Young Life Camp

This guest post was written by Zach Martin, a sophomore at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor. Zach leads Young Life with Mid-Tex YL in Temple, Texas. You can follow him on Twitter at @zachmartinYL. My Young Life story has nothing to do with becoming a Christian. I had done that 10 years before, but we’ll get to that….

Fill The Bus: A Creative Camp Sell Idea

Kate Nelson recently shared this idea from their club. They created a poster board bus and every time someone signs up for summer camp, their picture gets added. Don’t start this until you have at least a handful of signups as it will backfire and kids will think no one is going, so they won’t go. Once you…

Meet Your Future Young Life Camp Summer Staff Friends NOW

Summer will be here before you know it…and many of us will be spending a month at a Young Life property serving on Work Crew, Summer Staff, or an Assigned Team. If you’d like to meet your future friends before you even get to camp, let’s make it happen! Many of you have already joined a Facebook Group…

A Better Bus Ride To Camp: Where To Stop?

Summer Staff and Work Crew

It’s that time! Time to apply for Summer Staff and Work Crew for this upcoming summer. Only 128 days until first session starts at many of the properties. Summer Staff Info/Application (for college students) Work Crew Info/Application (for high school students/graduating seniors) Please leave a comment below if you’re life was impacted by serving at a YL property….

Take A Seat: Helping Get Kids To Camp

A guest post from Niki Crowe, volunteer YL leader in Clarksville, TN. I was a freshman in high school. My Young Life leader and friends were all standing around a charter bus getting ready to head to Rockbridge, VA. I was nervous because my leader told me to come with bags ready although I had not raised enough…

15 Camp Essentials

Camp is much more fun if you pack the right stuff. Here’s a few things I’ve forgotten in the past, but want to make sure gets stuffed in the duffel bag this year. 15 Camp Packing List Essentials HeadlampYou know you look cool wearing it around, and on top of the cool points, its quite useful. Video Cam/CameraIt’s…

Blob World Record

Many of you saw some amazing blobs this summer, like some of these in this video from Rockbridge: But have you ever witnessed a blob like this? Wowsahs! If you have some high school friends with video editing skills, it might be a funny idea to take some video footage you shot at camp of kids blobbing and…

How To Get Your Friends To Sleep At Young Life Camp

Leading Young Life As A New Mom With Cancer, Part 2

Cele-blog-tion: Morning Starters

I Lost Control

When You Least Expect It: Jack’s Story

I met Jack eight months ago. He didn’t give me the time of day. He’s the football star, the ladies man, and way too cool for Young Life. I became friends with many of his friends, but the most I could ever expect from Jack was the typical head nod. Not even a “What’s up?.” Just the head…