Camp Cabin Costumes

The Target dollar spot hooked me up today. I bought them out of some straight dope foam-animal-visor-hats. If you’re still thinking about what costumes you’re going to get for your cabin, I highly recommend “foam animal visors.” Cheap, lightweight to pack, colorful, and who doesn’t love a foam puppy?Two Thoughts On Cabin Unity Game OutfitsDon’t…

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Lessons From A Stay At Home Mermaid

It’s been on the news, on twitter, and spreading over the blog-o-sphere: Dale Price, a stay at home dad, dresses up in a different costume every day to wave at his 16 year old’s son bus. This guy is crazy. He’s like a Young Life leader gone bad. But he does have some sweet costumes.…

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How To Say Goodbye: Part 2 of 2

If you are a Young Life leader who is not returning next year, here are a few thoughts on leaving well.You’ll Be Missed More Than You RealizeDo not just assume that kids won’t even notice that you are gone. Whether you realize it our not, you are one of the only “adult friends” that these…

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How To Say Goodbye: Part 1 of 2

This year ourYLteam was blessed to have eight leaders working together at one high school, but due to different circumstances (New job, college transfer, life change, moving, etc….), our team has sadly dwindled down to three. We’re hopeful of some new leaders coming on board this summer, but also mourning a real loss of friends…

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Lunchroom Music

Last week I was in the lunchroom on the final day of school. While sitting with some of my high school friends talking about music, the conversation helped introduce me to kids I didn’t really know sitting at the other end of the table. I asked them if they played any instruments. One of the…

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Meaningful (But Cheap) Gift Idea

Since “creativity is just forgetting where you stole it from,” I regularly read a few youth ministry blogs to borrow any ideas that I can. This morning a blog postcame up in my Google Reader about an inexpensive, yet meaningful gift idea. Mark Oestreicher writes in this post about buying some “smooth, fist sized landscaping…

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The Danger of PREYing

We leave for summer camp in a few weeks and have been making one last push to get some more of our high school friends on that bus. Lots of kids are already signed up, so we’ve been trying to use that to our advantage when “selling” camp. “Susie, Sallie and Big Mike are all…

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Camp As An “Older Leader”

The older I get the harder it is to physically survive a brutal week of summer camp. For today’s post I asked my friend Hugh, a “seasoned” YL leader, to give some pointers to all of us who are excited about camp, yet dreading the physical toll it takes on our aging bodies. Overflow. You…

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Summer Camp Idea: Don’t Slip N Slide

I had previously posted a slip n slide kickball game idea, but thanks to some helpful comments, realized that slip n slides are no longer “YL approved” due to some sad accidents that have occurred using them, so please hold off on using wet plastic to make kids fall down.

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Summer Camp Idea: Matrix Ping Pong

Are you doing summer program? Need a fresh idea for a leader skit during entertainment night? This one will take a little work to pull off, but it could be magic! Enjoy “Matrix Ping-Pong!” It looks like the audience at this high school talent show sure did. I’ve never done this, so I’m not confident…

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Summer Camp Idea: Links

Get some ideas for outfits for your cabin, follow up after camp, etc.. at Keep those summer camp ideas coming! Thanks to all of you who have already submitted. Post comments below or email YL1941 at gmail dot com.

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My Favorite Summer Camp Idea: Random Bus Passenger

Two summers ago we found out that we were getting a new leader in our area. He was moving to our city just a few weeks before camp. Instead of letting him jump in right away, we came up with a fun way to introduce him to the kids. Another leader in our area had…

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Summer Camp Idea: DJ Program Characters

Here’s an idea for run-on characters during club or for use as summer camp program. Thanks Niki for this submission: DJ Status and DJ Drop It. Come out in full gear. Large headphones, singing to themselves holding one ear, ect. My name is DJ Drop It cause I drop the beat like it’s hot and…

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Summer Camp Idea: Mario Kart Racing

Field Game Idea: Mario Kart Racing (From Chris in Georgia) Get the work crew to blow up a lot of balloons (3 per guy at camp) and tie a short string to each. Have each guy tie the balloons to their shorts or around their waist. Now comes the dangerous part. Give each girl at…

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Summer Camp Idea: “Sharptop” (“Friday”)

Music Video/Song idea submitted by Justin Stagner, YL Leader in Greensboro, NC. “SHARPTOP” (To the tune of “Friday” by Rebecca Black.) Seven a.m., waking up in the morning Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal Seein’ everything, the time is goin’ Tickin’ on and on, everybody’s rushin’ Gotta get…

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Summer Camp Program Idea Contest

Some of our YL friends around the country will have the challenge and high privilege of doing program at summer camps beginning in less than a month. While most of them have their basic direction of their characters and plot already decided, I thought it would be fun to have a little contest and offer…

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An Email From Andy: One of the Scariest Parts of Being a YL Leader

When I checked my inbox this morning, the subject line for the top email was “Car Wreck.” It was from my friend Andy who is a YL leader at the school where I led last year. My stomach tightened. I clicked on the message and began reading about a wreck two of my high school…

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Behind The Scenes At Senior Club

If you have not yet held your final club for the year, the end is in sight.It’s an oldYoung Life tradition to end each year with “Senior Club,” giving the graduating seniors a chance to lead club and share about their experiences.Here’s a few tips I’velearned along the way. Crowd This could be your highest…

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Summer Movies: Part 3 (Opening Dates)

Here are some opening dates for movies your high school friends are going to see this summer. Plan ahead and schedule what movies you want to take them to see on opening night. I’m not personally recommending any of these movies, just letting you know when they come out. Be sure to check ahead on…

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Summer Movies: Part 2 (Sticky Situations)

SITUATION 1A few of us YL leaders have had that gut-wrenching feeling of sitting in a movie theater with our high school friends when THAT image comes across the big screen. Why didn’t I check and see why this movie is rated R? I thought it was probably just a few swear words and some…

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Summer Movies: Part 1

While many of our high school friends are finishing up state playoff games and AP tests, we all know that “summer-itis” has set in and kids are quickly checking out of school-mode and into Chill-ville. That means it’s time for summer movies. It’s what kids think they are supposed to do with summer nights. Part…

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No Love For The Blog

Sincere apologies on the lack of blogging over the past few weeks. As I’m sure many of you are experiencing, the “end of year” activities have made life a little busier of late. I’ll finally be getting back in the rhythm this weekend and posting some hopefully helpful stuff on: 1. Summer Movies 2. Senior…

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Doing Club Outdoors: Part 2, Yard Games

As promised from the post yesterday, here are myTop Yard Games to play outside before club starts.Cornhole/Bag TossIf you have been to a tailgate party, frat house, or the beach over the past few years, you’ve surely already had the sheer joy of tossing a corn-filled bean bag through a hole in a wooden board…

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Doing Club Outdoors: Part 1, Helpful Details

It’s spring time and your high school friends would probably love a change in scenery. You might have already considered doing cluboutsidenext week, but don’t forget to think through a few details.LocationIf you are changing the typical club location, make sure kids know where to go. In addition to handing out flyers with maps at…

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