The Springtime Departure of Creativity

April 13, 2011

If you are anything like me, at this point in the school year you’re just tired of prepping for club and trying to hang on to finish the semester strong. Maybe your team made a “matrix” at the beginning of the semester with some games and skits for these last clubs, but at this point, they just don’t seem as funny as they did at 3am during your team’s planning retreat back in January. Does it feel like your creative juices have just run out? Even though you’re not uber-excited about what you originally planned for these last 3 clubs, you don’t have the energy or time to come up with new ideas. That is why creativity is just forgetting where you stole it from!

There are a few YL folks around the country who have recently shared some funny ideas that you can steal.

1. YL PLAYBOOK has tons of games, skits, and mixers. One of the newer games is pretty hilarious, “Pin the Mustache on the Bieber.”

2. YLHELP often includes entire club plans. This week they posted a creative idea: FACEBOOK CLUB.

3. YOUTH LEADER STASH is a website that posts resources for Young Life leaders and for Youth Pastors.

4. I’ll be posting some more creative ideas for you to steal later.

If you have any ideas you would like to share, please post them in the comments below.

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