The Springtime Departure of Creativity

If you are anything like me, at this point in the school year you’re just tired of prepping for club and trying to hang on to finish the semester strong. Maybe your team made a “matrix” at the beginning of the semester with some games and skits for these last clubs, but at this point,…

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Find Your Leader (Mall Hunt) Tips

It’s a good practice to switch up the “normal” club periodically. In the Spring, a fun, easy replacement is the traditional Young Life “Mall Hunt.” This “Find Your Leader” game works well if you consider a few important details: 1. Location, Location, Location Find a mall kids like. I prefer outdoor malls. Kids are less…

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1. Over the next few weeks you may notice a few small changes to the blog. I am going to be playing with the layout, etc. to hopefully make it easier to use. 2. I hope you find this as a valuable resource. The goal here is to share ideas and resources to lighten the…

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Fun New Background Music Mashup

Are you looking for some fun and new music to play while kids are hanging out before or after club? DJ Earworm hooks it up for us with a Mashup of all the hits from 2010. You can download it for FREE from a link on his page. Its not great to play during games…

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New Club Song: Guaranteed to ROCK!

Rebecca Black’s new viral YouTube hit “Friday” is already up to 86 MILLION views. Kids love it, but publicly say they hate it. I asked one of my YL guys to help me rewrite the lyrics to use at club and below is what we came up with. Feel free to edit the lyrics to…

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Four Tips To Begin Club With A Bang

Keep Them Out Depending upon your club location and the weather, if possible try to keep kids out of the actual club room until the start of club. This creates suspense and wonder as to why you’re not letting kids in the club room. We do this at YL camps, why not at club? Upperclassmen…

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How To Make Hilarious “Good Morning Young Life” Videos

Here’s a great way to create momentum as we kick off a new semester.   One of my favorite YL traditions is waking kids up before school with a video camera.  “Good Morning Young Life” videos seem easy enough to pull off, but there are actually lots of ways they can go wrong. Hopefully these tips below…

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Fake Injury Club

We have tried some new “themed clubs” this semester, one of them being “Fake Injury Club.” I was honestly a lil disappointed that more kids did not dress up, but I think it was a good reminder to me if we want theme clubs to be successful, we have to prep kids with easy and…

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A Rite of Passage for Seniors

Before you know it, the seniors in your YL club will be graduating. How do we honor and celebrate them? A few male leaders in our area have a tradition of holding a “Blessing Service” for the graduating senior guys. They send the letter below to the dad’s of the senior YL guys and hold…

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YL Nugget #2: Serve

“Even though I am free of the demands and expectations of everyone, I have voluntarily become a servant to any and all in order to reach a wide range of people; religious, non-religious, meticulous moralists, loose living immoralists, the defeated, the demoralized…however, I didn’t take on their way of life, I kept my bearings in…

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Family Camp Song Suggestions

We’ve got family camp coming up in a few weeks. Does anyone have any good suggestions for songs to do in club? So far here are some ideas we already have: Party in the USA Baby by Bieber Twist and Shout Sweet Caroline Smile by Uncle Kracker Go Bananas song Blindman Sing Alleluia Prince of…

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Extra Sunlight=Pre-club outdoor fun

Just a quick reminder that this weekend (March 13) is Daylight Savings Time.  We SPRING forward and get an extra hour of sunlight each day.  If it has been dark when kids arrive to your club over the past few months, this upcoming week’s club will have a different feel.  There’s something life-giving about the…

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YL Nugget #1: Thank People Well

Yesterday I was jumping in my ’95 Camry in a hurry when my neighbor, Tommy, yelled my name. I had my handy iPhone earbuds already in, ready to multi-task with a phone call while driving, but hadn’t dialed yet. I considered pretending my “music” was too loud and ignoring my neighbor with whom I hadn’t…

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Free Fry-Day at Chick-fil-a

This upcoming Friday, March 4th, is nation-wide free Fry day at Chick-fil-a between 2-4pm to promote the new ketchup dippers.   Great and easy contact work idea with kids for after school or before a friday afternoon LAX game.

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A Prayer of Confession

Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent, for the…

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Reaching High School Friends with Disabilities

Last night I took one of my high school friends who has down syndrome to a college basketball game. Another one of my friends who works with students with disabilities pointed out that I was unintentionally using language that could be seen as offensive to the student and his family. I was grateful for his…

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LOVE CLUB: Everything you need

If you are still trying to figure out what you’re doing for club this Valentine’s week, hopefully these links below will make it easy for you. Here is a link to a powerpoint I already made with graphics and song lyrics, etc… You can download it on the top right corner of the Scribd page…

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New Club Song “FIREWORK” & thoughts on drums at club

Katy Perry’s new song “Firework” works great as a club song. If you’re not familiar with it, you can listen and learn it here: Download a printable PDF of the correct guitar chords here: Download a powerpoint of the lyrics here: I’d also suggest using drums, or a djembe, or some kind…

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Superbowl Trivia Game Above is a link to download a short powerpoint game for 2011 Superbowl trivia. Feel free to use at club this week. Throw a couple pots on kids heads and use metal spoons as buzzers and play it like Jeopardy. Step it up a notch by downloading the Monday Night Football theme song and…

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Theme Club Ideas

If you are procrastinating in club planning for the spring and need some theme ideas, here you go. The first list is a typical schedule you could do this spring and below that are some other options to substitute in. Feb 7- Superbowl Club: Day after superbowl, dress footbally, do an actual bowling contest with…

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Drew Hill: Founder and Managing Editor

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE Drew lives in Greensboro, NC and has led Young Life for over 20 years in Durham/Chapel Hill (NC), Concord/Kannapolis (NC), Colorado Springs (CO), Athens (GA), Littleton (CO), and Greensboro (NC).   In December of 2010, Drew started this blog in an effort to provide leaders with resources and…

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Red Neck Club

Barn Party (aka: Red Neck Live, Country Club, Hoe Down)The fall is a perfect time to dress like rednecks, spit crickets, wear fake teeth, bowl turkeys, get that one kid you know who has an uncle that plays banjo to come to club, etc… I wouldn’t call it a “Hoe Down,” to many opportunities for…

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Homecoming Club

Similar to Tacky Prom club, elect a Homecoming King and Queen and use Burger King crowns. You could award the king/queen based on who brings the most freshmen to club.

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