The 7th C: Different Teams?

In October we ran a series of posts addressing how Young Life can better partner with the local church entitled “The 7th C: Church.”This guest post continues this series and was written by long time Young Lifer Stacy Davis. Stacy is a full time mom to her daughter Eva Claire, however she has been involved…

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Young Life Facebook Banners

Need some banners to use on your Young Life facebook group? Just right click on any of the 7 images below you’d like to use and select “Save As.”

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A New ’30 Second Dance Party’ Video You Can Use

Below is a video/audio that you can use during your next 30 Second Dance Party. Special thanks to 11th grader Logan Bowlby in Midlothian, VA for creating and sharing this video. If you’ve created other videos that Young Life clubs around the world could use, please share a link in the comments below or in…

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Young Life Pinterest Party

This guest post was written by Julia Hartsell, lover of corndogs and Young Life staffer in Charlotte, NC. The How’s & Why’s of a YL Pinterest Party “It’s like twitter for OLD PEOPLE!!” -Quote from high school girl at campaigners.(4 months ago) “OMG I LUVVVVVVVVVVV PINTEREST I’mfollowingyouwillyoufollowme howcomeyoudon’tpinmoreoftenOMGit’smazing” -Quote from aforementioned high school girl (present…

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You Gave Me A Donut

Last week we had club at a sophomore gal’s house. I had met her brother Evan a few years ago. He’s a senior who I see around school and sometimes at Chick-fil-a, where we hold our weekly morning campaigners, but he’s never come to club. When I saw him come in the house a few…

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Is Young Life Really For EVERY Kid?

This guest post was written by Julie Wisch in Chicagoland, IL. Julie has been a volunteer leader for five years, yet is commonly mistaken for a Junior in high school. While summer interning at Timber Wolf Lake she set a bike intern record by falling off her bike fourteen times in front of campers. You…

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You Might Be A Young Life Leader If…

Last Wednesday night Cody Titus, aka @Codename_Titus, aka “the guy pictured in the afro,” aka a YL leader in Columbus, OH… tweeted… “If half of your closet is from a thrift store, you might be a @YoungLifeLeader. After a Retweet on Thursday morning, hundreds of hilarious”You might be a @YoungLifeLeaderif…” tweets started rollin’ in. Wish…

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Club Entrance Video & Contest

*The Contest Below has been extended to April 15th. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what song (other than ‘Party Rock’ or ‘Tonight, Tonight’) to play as the doors open for club to begin each week. Below is a video you can use (as video or even just audio) as everyone enters your club room.…

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A Facebook Banner For “Green Club”

We’re celebrating St. Patty’s Day early with ‘Green Club‘ this week. Here’s the facebook banner we’re using on Monday, feel free to steal it if it’s helpful to you. (Just right click on the image and click, “Save As.” Then upload it as your banner on your Young Life facebook group.)

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How To Give An Awesome Need/Sin Talk

We have the Need & Sin talks coming up the next few weeks in club. Talks always are more effective when they come out of one’s own relationship with Christ. If you want to give a powerful Need or Sin talk, here’s what you need to: become disgusted at your own sin and convinced of…

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Knocking Down The Misconceptions Tower: A Club Talk Illustration

Today’s guest post is written by Scott Reintgen, volunteer leader in Durham, NC.Scott shares with us a recent talk he gave at club. A Fresh Take On Misconceptions Of Jesus INTRODUCTION I started my talk by introducing ‘misconceptions’ as any time we think or believe something about someone that isn’t true. I then played the…

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Fill The Bus: A Creative Camp Sell Idea

Kate Nelson recently shared this idea from their club. They created a poster board bus and every time someone signs up for summer camp, their picture gets added. Don’t start this until you have at least a handful of signups as it will backfire and kids will think no one is going, so they won’t…

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Today, March 6, 2012, is set aside as a ‘Missionwide Day of Prayer for Young Life.’ Yesterday, March 5, was another significant day in our mission. If you’re not on Twitter, you might have missed it, but something crazy beautiful happened. The ‘Monday Morning’ email went out to all the YL staff/leaders and in it…

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Don’t Give Up On Me: How Eric Got To Camp

Today’s guest post is written by Eric Decker, a volunteer leader in Milwaukee, WI and a first-year student at Marquette University. You can follow him on Twitter @edecks. Sorry, ladies, but Eric does NOT play professional football for the Denver Broncos. Two summers ago, right before I was set to start my senior year of…

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Campaigners: 4 Weeks On ‘Relationships’

This guest post is from Mackenzie Matthews in Ft. Collins, CO. Mackenzie has written previously on The Young Life Leader Blog aboutHow To Get Your Friends To Go To Sleep At Camp. For high school kids, dating relationships are of utmost importance. Listening to a girl talk about her dating history is, I think, the…

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Two Classic Young Life Games Celebrating OREO’s 100th Birthday

This week, on Tuesday March 6th, Oreo cookies turn 100 years old. I know, its hard to believe, they still look so young, so fresh, so organic. What better excuse do you need to bring back a few of the most classic Young Life games of all time? You could also celebrate the night by…

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How To Initiate & Introduce New Young Life Leaders

A few Young Life leaders in our area we’re hanging at our house last night and had an impromptu brainstorm session of how to initiate new leaders. Most of our ideas were quite hilarious, yet entirely unusable. So, to find something we could actually do without being fired, we turned to the friends who never…

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Facebook Update: Add A Cover Photo To Your Young Life Group

Thanks to Cooper Miller for sharing this idea. “Facebook recently updated their groups allowing you to add a cover photo. It’s fun to put picture of your club or campaigners in there but also cool to use it for a banner. It adds personality and professionalism to your Facebook group! Here is one I made…

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What You Missed In February

For those of you who are new to this online community of Young Life leaders, welcome! My name is Drew and I’m a volunteer leader in NC (About Me). This site was created for you. It’s intended to be a place of encouragement and resourcing. Currently thousands of Young Life leaders around the globe interact…

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Oh No You Didn’t

OH YES YOU DID! A few weeks ago we all worked together to get #YoungLife trending on Twitter, and…straight from the ‘Monday Morning’ email that national Young Life sends out: “On Monday, Feb. 6, at 6 p.m. ET, thousands of Young Life-loving Twitter users had #YoungLife trending (meaning it was one of the most-talked-about things…

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St. Patrick’s Day Ideas For A “Sham-rockin’ Club”

This year, St. Patrick’s Day falls on Thursday, March 17th. Below are a few ideas to help you plan your 2016 St. Patty’s club.  Green Club Encourage everyone dress in green. Some folks may even paint their faces. Most green on one person wins $50 off summer camp. Patty O’Furniture Have a skit character host…

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Meet Your Future Young Life Camp Summer Staff Friends NOW

Summer will be here before you know it…and many of us will be spending a month at a Young Life property serving on Work Crew, Summer Staff, or an Assigned Team. If you’d like to meet your future friends before you even get to camp, let’s make it happen! Many of you have already joined…

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The High Price Of Making Wagers With Your High School Friends

Once upon a time there were two rival basketball teams, both wore the color blue. One team’s shade of blue was pleasant, lighter, and seemingly the preferred color of the Creator of the sky. The other team wore a darker shade, the blue associated with sadness, and even was represented by a devilish mascot. The…

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Lent: A Campaigner Discussion

As most of you are aware, today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. I didn’t start practicing Lent until college when our YL Regional Director taught on it at a leadership meeting. With each year, this Lenten season grows more personally significant and is consistently a time of deeper intimacy with the Lord. The…

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