Out Of The Box Contact Work

Last August I asked for suggestions on how to reach kids outside of our normal circle. One of the comments below the post was super helpful: “Do things that are specifically aimed at being inclusive. In our area we have created an Ultimate Frisbee League. Even in name its called “The Ultimate League For Non…

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How To Give Announcements Kids Won’t Forget

Each week at YL clubs around the world, many leaders attempt to give “announcements” that are often quickly forgotten. Here are a few ideas to help make your club announcements more memorable. WHEN  End of Club Choosing when you do your announcements is key. We have found the most effective time to be at the…

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Talk Like A Pirate Day: Free Doughnuts At Krispy Kreme

This has ‘Young Life’ written all over it.  Wednesday, Sept 19th, is the International Talk Like A Pirate Day. In honor of the parodic holiday, Krispy Kreme is giving away free doughnuts. If you show up to a Krispy Kreme on Wednesday and talk like a pirate, you get a free doughnut. Ahoy Matey! There…

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Get #YoungLife Trending On Twitter This Monday, Sept. 17th

THIS Monday, September 17th,  let’s get #YoungLife TRENDING ON TWITTER! We did it last February, let’s do it again! If you’re new to Twitter, one of the ways the Twitterverse stays up to date on what’s HOT is by watching what’s trending on Twitter. (Read more about Twitter Trends) Here at the beginning of the…

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For All Young Life Leader Moms

If you’re a Young Life leader and a mom, this video is for you.  Check out this highlight from the Young Life Women’s Retreat at Windy Gap last weekend. Be sure to make it to the 2:12 mark for sumin’ real special. Shoutouts to ‘The Jans,’ Buffy & Maggie Smith & Martha Metzler, for throwin’…

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When Leaders Cry

Originally posted last August. Our Area Leader Retreat was this past weekend. It was good for my soul. We spent an hour praying together on Saturday morning, but it was weird.  Our Area Director asked us to do something I don’t remember ever doing. He said “Pray for yourselvesout loud. Don’t pray for kids, don’t…

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Right In The Middle

My Commitmentby Bill Goans (a pastor and former YL Area Director) As long as high school kids mill around at ball games looking for love in all the wrong places…   As long as they desperately seek an identity based on the opinions of friends and reputation… As long as kids limp through the stands broken…

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The High School Kid I Used To Know

At our Tar Heel Region leader retreat we were recently given the pleasure of watching this parody music video. If you’ve seen the original from Gotye it makes the parody video even funnier. Special thanks to Emma Refvem and her program team for sharing the creativity. I have a feeling some more YL spoofs might…

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The Photo Serve

What if you… …decided to serve your YL school this year in a unique way.  …invested in a good camera. …took it along when doing contact work. …asked permission to shoot photos…in order to give them away. …captured quality shots at band practices, football games, tennis matches, half-time shows, and cross-country meets. …started a website…

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How I Failed On The First Day

Originally posted August 2012. It was 3:15pm on the first day back to school for my high school friends. I was both excited and nervous. I tried to talk myself out of going to the school. I made excuses. “No other leader can go today. It’s not worth it to drive all the way out…

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What You Missed In August

For those of you who are new to this online community of Young Life leaders, welcome! My name is Drew Hill and I’m a volunteer leader in Greensboro, NC. (About Me) YoungLifeLeaders.org was created to be a place for sharing ideas, encouragement and resources. Currently thousands of Young Life leaders around the globe interact here…

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‘Merica Club

Our Young Life team asked the seniors how they wanted to kick off the semester and it was unanimous, ‘Merica Club. We’re still finalizing the details, but here’s our working list below. Please chime in and share your ideas in the comments section. Our first club is Sept 17th. Afterwards, I’ll post pics and let…

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Bro Breakfast: A YL Tradition

Maybe it feels too early in the semester to start Campaigners. If you feel like you don’t yet know kids well enough to dive into a Bible study, and you want to wait until after fall camp to kick it off, here’s an idea for you. A leader in our area recently told me about…

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111 Theme Club Ideas

Below are 111 theme club ideas. Around 70 of them have a link you can click that will give you the details you need to pull off that club. These theme ideas are completely stolen from many of you, so thanks for sharing! Special thanks to Sean McGever and YLHelp.com for sharing these 77downloadable club…

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And The Winner Is…

Congrats to Rika Friedrich, in Cape Girardeau, MO for winning the final book in our Campaigners Resources series from Kristen Baird and the kind folks at Thomas Nelson Publishing. Rika, email us how many copies of Wild Grace you need for your Campaigners group and our friends at Thomas Nelson will send them along.  Keep…

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The Best Way To Learn To Play Guitar

Today’s post is written by Stephen Mann, a friend of Young Life & creator of Guitarmann.com. Stephen offers Young Life leaders unlimited guitar lessons for less than $10/month. If you want to learn how to play guitar for club or to help your friends learn, this post is for you. From personal experience I can…

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The Cost Of Excellence: A Confession

Yesterday I made a grown man cry. My passion to succeed wounded a friend. Through his tears, he uttered words that hit the pause button on my heart. “Drew, God’s extravagance was never at anyone’s expense.” Never anyone other than Himself or His son. It’s probably insecurity that drives me. It pushes me to perform,…

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Win ‘Wild Grace’ Books For Your Entire Campaigners Group

Win more free resources for Campaigners by commenting below.   Through a random drawing we have chosen our winner of ‘Redefining Beautiful’ from last week’s post. Congrats to Rhiannon McNulty from Newburgh, Indiana. Please send us an email with your address and the # of copies you need.   If you’ve been a Young Life leader for…

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Today’s guest post is from Hannah Collins, creator of @TotalYLMove on Twitter.  Many of you have seen the #cardboardtestimony hashtag on Twitter and Instagram this week.  Here’s the vision behind it.   There’s incredible power behind a story.    We can see it and feel it at Young Life camp when leaders choose to be…

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An Anonymous Guest Post From A High School Principal

While this Guest Post was not written by Mr. Belding, it was written last August by a real high school principal who wishes to remain anonymous. Special thanks to this friend of Young Life who took the time to share valuable insight with us leaders.Hopefully it will help your YL team as you begin the…

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Redefining Beautiful: Win Free Books For Your Entire Campaigners Group

WIN MORE FREE CAMPAIGNERS RESOURCES BY COMMENTING BELOW.   Through a random drawing we have chosen our winners from last week’s post.  Erin Green in Austin, Texas has won as many copies of “A Girl’s Guide To Life’ as you need for your Campaigners group.  Derek Babb in Wheaton, Illinois has also won as many…

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The Best Night At Camp: ‘Say So’ Videos

One of the highlights of being a Young Life leader is the privilege to watch your middle and high school friends encounter Jesus…and then tell everyone about it.  This summer many of us got to watch that happen on the last night of camp at the ‘Say So.’ Psalm 107:2 says, “Let the redeemed of…

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Win More Free Campaigners Resources: “A Girl’s Guide To Life” & “A Guy’s Guide To Life”

WIN MORE FREE CAMPAIGNERS RESOURCES BY COMMENTING BELOW.   Through a random drawing we have chosen a winner from last week’s post. Sarah Moubray from Newport News, VA will be receiving free copies of Live To Give for her entire Campaigner group. Sarah, please send us an email with your address and the # of…

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