Conway, AR: Club-In-A-Minute

Take a minute and e-visit this Young Life club in Conway, Arkansas. Pretty sweet video! Thanks to Jillian Jainga for sharing & to Hunter Sample for his editing skillz.   Young Life 4/23/12 from Sample HD Productions on Vimeo.

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A Funny Filler: The Impossible Challenge

Need a random idea to fill a few minutes? Summer Camp bus ride hitting a lull? Stalling while the skit characters are changing clothes? Below is an email forward from my pops. It frustrated me for a solid 90 seconds before I gave up. I think it probably is impossible. If so, it’d be worth…

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Campaigners Training: A Helpful New Site For Young Life Leaders

Todd Pinkston, the YL AD inRichardson, TX (along with other Texas YL folks)has recently created a helpful new site for Young Life leaders, CT has many helpful resources such as a 4-Year Campaigner Plan, How To Prepare a Bible Study, and lots of training videos. Here’s one of the videosyou can find on the…

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A Rite Of Passage For Graduating Seniors

This post was originally published in March 2011.  Fairly soon the seniors in your Young Life club will be graduating. What’s the best way to honor and celebrate them?  Some male leaders in our area have a tradition of holding a “Blessing Service”for the graduating senior guys. They got this ideafrom a book called The…

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The Best Two Young Life Leaders I Know

The best two Young Life leaders I’ve ever known are both women. I met one of them 34 years ago in a hospital room. Lolli & Pops with their grand kids, our daughter Honey & my nephew Kessler. I met the other 10 years ago at a Young Life leader training day. Natalie is due…

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How To Get Kids To Young Life Camp: A PDF Download

Below is a downloadable PDF of the last 5 posts: ‘Getting Kids To Young Life Camp: Eliminating The Five Excuses.’  Feel free to share it with other leaders in your area.  Click here for a free downloadable PDF from Google Drive.  Getting Kids to Young Life Camp: Eliminating the Five Excuses

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Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: Fear

Part 1: Friends Part 2: Money Part 3: Parents Part 4: Schedule Conflicts Part 5: Fear Of The Unknown Remember the first time you got on a school bus? I was excited, but nervous, wondering who I would sit beside. It ended up being a 1st grader named Shane who grossed me out. He sucked…

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Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: Schedule Conflicts

Part 1: Friends Part 2: Money Part 3: Parents Part 4: Schedule Conflicts Part 5: Fear Of The Unknown “I can’t go to camp, I have to work this summer to pay for car insurance.”  “My coach will bench me if I miss summer practice.”  “My family is going to the beach that week.” We’ve…

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Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: Parents

Part 1: Friends Part 2: Money Part 3: Parents Schedule Conflicts Fear Of The Unknown  Fifteen years ago Young Life leaders generally had much better relationships with the parents of their high school friends. Why? Because teenagers didn’t own cell phones, so in order to contact them a leader had to call the home phone.…

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Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: Money

A big stressor in most teenagers’ lives is MONEY.  When they see camp flyers they often skip right over the description promising “The Best Week of Your Life.” Their eyes focus right on the $$$.   “There’s NO WAY my parents can afford that!”  “I’m already saving for a car.” “I still owe $300 for…

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Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: FRIENDS

Odds are there are still unfilled camp spots in your area. What does that mean?  It’s NOT TOO LATE to get your friends signed up for the BEST WEEK OF THEIR LIVES! Yesterday we looked at the Top Five Excuses kids make for not going to camp. Today we look at how to respond to…

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Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: 5 Excuses

Most of us are convinced there are few better ways to introduce our friends to the Gospel than at Young Life camp.  Most of us are also currently discouraged because many of our friends will not get that chance this summer. Why not?  Why are kids not going to camp?   Over the years I continue…

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The Dale House Project

I first shared about The Dale House last November, but just found out they have 2 male positions open for this June 1st and 2 male positions starting September 1st.  If you’re a college grad still trying to figure out what to do with this next year, I can’t think of an experience I’d more…

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Goose Eggs

Originally posted May 2011.  I received this email from my friend Charlie who leads at another school in our area. He has two kids, works full time, and has been volunteering at the same high school for 9 years. May you be blessed by his honesty.  Friends, Monday night we had Senior Club.  Zero, that’s…

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How To Create Camp T-shirts Kids Will Love To Wear

Originally posted on 4/27/11.  Odds are you still have that long sleeve ‘Northface knock-off’ Young Life shirt you got at Winter Camp your first time as a camper years ago. There’s something special about a YL shirt. You see someone wearing one in the airport when your miles from home and all of a sudden…

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What You Missed In April

For those of you who are new to this online community of Young Life leaders, welcome! My name is Drew and I’m a volunteer leader in NC. (About Me) This site was created to be a place of sharing ideas, encouragement and resources. Currently thousands of Young Life leaders around the globe interact here on…

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Staggering Toward Slaughter

A seasoned volunteer leader in our area sent the following email to his team last week. It was forwarded to me and he’s given permission to share it with you. Why do we care about high school people?  Why do we ‘do’ Young Life?  Proverbs 24:11, “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back…

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7 Keys To Having A Rockin’ Young Life Club Band Next Fall

This was originally posted on 4/11/11. During these last few clubs of the year, it’s key to begin thinking about next year. How do you give the rising upperclassmen ownership? One way is to begin encouraging kids to sign-up for the “Young Life Band.” If only one leader played guitar at club this year, consider…

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When The Team Leader Is Gone

Fifteen Valuable Lessons I Learned Running Club The Week Our Team Leader Was On Vacation (These helpful pointers were shared anonymously by another YL leader.) 1. Get the sound system up and running earlier. 2. Don’t be late to pre-club mtg. 3. Finish the powerpoint the day before club (it takes longer than you think…

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Learning To Lead

This guest post is written by Kyle Holt. Kyle is a Young Life leader in St. Joseph, Missouri. He’s majoring in economics at Missouri Western State and enjoys sports, Chipotle, and has recently renewed his love for “Saved by the Bell.”  I remember sitting at Crooked Creek during Work Week in 2011 and half-listening to…

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The Truth About Contact Work: Part 2

That awkward moment when a Young Life leader forgets your name.   The Truth About Contact Work: Part 2, a 2 minute video.      If you missed the first one, here’s the link to ‘The Truth About Contact Work: Part 1.’

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‘We Are Young’ Mashup

Thanks to Travis Boatright for sharing this mashup of We Are Young/Fresh Prince/Party in USA. Chords are on the bottom of the PowerPoint slides. We Are Young Mashup ppt with chords

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Kill Ball

YL leader Joey Colletti recently shared this pre-club game idea. Sounds painful and hilarious! “Every week we play KILL BALL with a group. You get a volleyball and line up in a circle. You volley and who ever doesn’t keep it going sits in the middle. The game continues with you volleying 3 times and…

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Club In A Minute: An Idea You Should Steal

This idea is brilliant! I can’t wait to steal it. Check out this video from Kevin Chao and Young Life in Greenwich, CT. Kevin writes, “To help kids and people understand exactly what happens during YL each week we do a time-lapse video of every club.” Post that baby online. Link it to Twitter/facebook. Let…

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