Two Words We Need To Write

Summer is a great time to say THANK YOU.  As Young Life leaders there are many folks who’ve helped us ‘do what we do’ this past year.  I’ve been keeping a list of people I personally need to thank and thought I’d share it on here.  High School Administration Principles don’t have to let us…

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How To Help Teenagers Belong

I read the following blog post last week and thought it was worth passing along.  It’s written by Youth Ministry writer, Adam Mclane. Adolescence is full of isolation. Many teenagers struggle to see the world from anyone’s perspective other than their own. While in adulthood we have learned to “look at things from the other…

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What To Pack For Young Life Camp

This is an updated version of the original post from October, 2011.  Camp is more fun if you pack the right gear. Here’s a few things I’ve forgotten in the past, but want to make sure gets stuffed in the duffel bag this year. 15 Camp Packing List Essentials Headlamp  You know you look cool…

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How To Be A Humble Young Life Team

Yesterday I posted about my constant struggle to help God out.  Today’s post continues those thoughts. The chorus of Andy Osenga’s ‘Firstborn Son’ still rings in my ears.“God, help the man who helps himself. He needs no other devil.”  It has been over a month since I began processing those lyrics and how they apply…

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The Man Who Helps Himself

Every summer has a song. Since I turned sixteen most of mine have been sung by guys wearing boots and Wranglers.  Jake Owen’s ‘Barefoot Blue Jean Night’won my vote last year.  In 2009 I switched genres and jumped on the ‘Boom Boom Pow’ train.  I’m still not quite sure what that song’s about. The glorious…

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Daddy, Why Are You A Young Life Leader?

Most nights after our kids go to bed we find ourselves ambushed with digital temptation. Netflix, Hulu, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Scramble with Friends, you name it, it’s right there begging for attention. Some nights we’re able to break free from the allure of vegetation. Thankfully, tonight was one of those.  I suggested we spend some…

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A Letter To Young Life Leaders Who Helped Your Friends Fund Raise For Camp

Dear Young Life leader who helped me fund raise for camp, Thank you. More than you’ll ever know. I know you have better things to do than to sell popcorndoor to doorwith me. I know you’re tired of washing cars and waking up at 4am for yard sales. I know you’re probably tired of my…

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How To Say Goodbye

Originally posted June 2012. Odds are that some of your Young Life team members are entering a season of transition.  Maybe they’re moving. Maybe they’re burned out. Maybe they’re called to another ministry.  Their absence will be noticed. Not just by you or your team, but by the kids. Change is hard. Trust is expensive.…

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The Newest Member Of Our Young Life Family

Hutchins Brave Hill, born May 26, 2012 You may have noticed the blog slacking over the last week. Don’t worry, I have a good excuse. His name is Hutch. He already owns two pairs of Chacos and a mullet wig. In his first hour of life he spit a cricket a solid 3 feet. Hutch…

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How We Celebrated Our Seniors

Today’s guest post is from Mackenzie Matthews in Ft. Collins, CO. She has written a few other posts for the YLLB that you can find here.  The article below was originally posted on Mackenzie’s blog. Earlier this year one of my dear friends and fellow leader at Fossil Ridge, Jenny “The Gold” Ackerson and I…

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What You Missed In May

For those of you who are new to this online community of Young Life leaders, welcome! My name is Drew Hill and I’m a volunteer leader in NC. (About Me) The Young Life Leader Blog was created to be a place of sharing ideas, encouragement and resources. Currently thousands of Young Life leaders around the…

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Resources For New Believers After Camp

As you head to camp this summer, make sure to take with you some resources to help your friends who will begin a new relationship with Jesus.  ‘Mark In A Month’ is a new resource from YL Area Director Sean McGever who also runs  ‘Mark in a Month‘ includes the entire gospel of Mark…

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When I Didn’t Hunt Her Down

Today’s guest post was written by Natalie Valov, a YL leader in Bakersfield, CA. I was recently having lunch with two core Young Life girls. They were chatting about the upcoming week and getting ready for prom when the subject changed. My high school friends began to talk about a girl they absolutely hated. I…

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The Complete Guide To A YL’d Bus Ride

Some of us have LONG bus rides to summer camp. Instead of just enduring the ride, why not make it one of the highlights of the trip? If you haven’t read the 4-part series “A Better Bus Ride To Camp” you can find it at these links below: A Better Bus Ride To Camp: Part…

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A Video Of Yourself

This video might moisten your pupils, but only because you’ll be looking in the mirror while watching it. It was created for youth pastors, but translates quite well to the role we play as Young Life leaders. 

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Tim Keller’s Talk From All-Staff Conference

Tim Keller spoke at the Young Life All Staff Conference in January.  He preached from Mark 10 and powerfully shared the Gospel, answering these three questions:  What did Jesus come to do?  Why did He come to do it? How should this change us? You can watch/listen to the 35 minute talk here.

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Silly Efforts

  Do you ever wish you had not read a certain verse in scripture? That way you could just plead ignorance. Me too. Isaiah 30:15 (NIV)  This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would…

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40 Reasons To Pursue Sexual Purity

There’s more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, “The two become one.” Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more lonely than ever—the…

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All I Do Is Blob

Over 50,000 of you have already seen this, but let’s be honest…it’s worth watching again.  Here’s to another incredible summer filled with thousands of Young Life campers blobbing! Related Post:The Blob World Record

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So Hard For Me To Believe

“Over the years, I have come to realize that the greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity, or power, but self-rejection. Success, popularity, and power can indeed present a great temptation, but their seductive quality often comes from the way they are part of the much larger temptation to self-rejection.  When we have…

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