The Keys To Camp Follow Up: Part 2

Years ago, sitting in a leaders’ meeting at camp, I heard a Head Leader share that “the end of camp is just the beginning.” I thought, what?! No way! We’ve been talking about this trip all year, it’s the finish line, right? I was wrong. A great summer camp trip is just the beginning of…

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The Keys To Camp Follow-up: Part 1

You prayed, raised money, talked to parents, sent packing lists, and this summer you finally got to experience WyldLife camp with your middle school friends! Way to go! Camp is a place where God can and does “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” Ephesians 3:20 What happens when you get home from camp?…

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One-on-Ones: Both at Camp and at Home

You know those moments when someone is intentional with wanting to meet you for coffee and just hear about your life? That’s a “one-on-one.” That same special feeling and the same intentionality is what a “One-on-One” is like at camp, or any other time, with our Young Life kids and friends. It is a gift.…

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WyldLife Camp: Leading Cabin Time for Middle Schoolers

Club is over and you’re headed back to the cabin with a group of middle school friends. What does cabin time look like at WyldLife camp and how can you make the most effective use of that time? Meaningful Expectations WyldLife leaders sometimes have low expec­tations for cabin time, but let’s un­derstand that it will…

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Looking for a job this fall?

Have you graduated from college and are still trying to figure out your next steps? Are you looking for a job for the fall? The Greensboro Fellows Program still has openings for the new year, starting early September 2021). Read below to find out more. Do you wish you had more time to discern your…

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Questions To Help Your Young Life Team Evaluate & Celebrate The Year

One of the most valuable, but often neglected, activities we can do as a Young Life team is to regularly evaluate and celebrate. It’s tempting to measure success with numbers. To feel good about the year if you’ve had had big clubs and an epic camp sign-up. To feel bad about the semester if Campaigners…

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10 Tips to Make Senior Club Memorable

The end of this school year is in sight. Even though this year has been different, let’s not neglect celebrating our seniors! Follow your local guidelines regarding gathering, but if you are able to get folks together safely, below are some ideas that could help you pull off a “Senior Club.” Keys to Success Senior…

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10 Questions to Ask Graduating Seniors

I read this post by Chuck Bomar and thought it was worth passing along. I’ve edited his questions to fit specifically with Young Life. Chuck writes, “Companies and organizations often do ‘exit interviews’ and they do so for many different reasons. But the biggest one is that they get really honest answers. They do this so they can…

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Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: How to Navigate the Fear of the Unknown

We’re continuing our “Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp” series by looking at The Top 5 Excuses Kids Make and How to Respond. My friends aren’t going. I don’t have the money. My parents won’t let me. I have schedule conflicts. I’m afraid of the unknown. Today we’re talking about how to address the fear of the…

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Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: How to Navigate Schedule Conflicts

We’re continuing our “Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp” series by looking at The Top 5 Excuses Kids Make and How to Respond. My friends aren’t going. I don’t have the money. My parents won’t let me. I have schedule conflicts. I’m afraid of the unknown. Today we’re talking about how to address schedule conflicts.  We’ve heard…

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Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: How To Talk To Parents

We’re continuing our “Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp” series by looking at The Top 5 Excuses Kids Make and How to Respond. My friends aren’t going. I don’t have the money. My parents won’t let me. I have schedule conflicts. I’m afraid of the unknown. Today we’re talking about how to talk to parents.  Excuse #3:…

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Why Kids Don’t Go To Camp: The Top 5 Excuses and How to Respond

Summer is just around the corner and it’s time to get your middle and high school friends signed up for the BEST WEEK OF THEIR LIVES! In this series, we’ll look at one of the top 5 excuses kids make for not going to camp and how to respond. My friends aren’t going. I don’t have the…

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Club Game: “Don’t Look Where I Point”

As more groups are able to gather now in person, we thought this game that we have shared in the past could be a great “socially distanced game.” How to Play Partner up, taller person points, the shorter person looks first. You can look & point either up, down, left, or right. If the looker…

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10 Ways to Welcome New Leaders

In many Young Life areas, it’s the exciting time of year when new leaders are being placed. What are some fun ways to welcome, “initiate,” and introduce them? In the past, leaders from around the country have shared the suggestions below. If you have additional ideas, email us here and we’ll add them to the…

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In Sickness and In Health: 50 Questions for a Young Life Leader

Right now, there’s a surgeon just four miles away operating on one of my best friends. They told us the surgery would last over three hours. Although he’s been sick for years, the root of the problem wasn’t discovered until just last week. When he found out healing was actually a possibility, he was a…

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Campaigners, Gratitude & The Sin Pattern of Belief

With Thanksgiving approaching, below is an exercise you could do with your Campaigners group, focused on the topic of gratitude. Begin the discussion by asking your Campaigners group, “What is something you look to, other than God, to bring you life? Make a list of their answers. Ask them to take notes as you walk…

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Compass: A Life-Changing Summer Discipleship Experience for High Schoolers

Do you have a high school friend that’s ready to take a deeper step in their faith? Compass is a month-long summer adventure that trains high schoolers to live their calling as a disciple of Christ. Compass students spend two weeks backpacking through the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York and studying theology with professors…

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How Do I Have a Quiet Time?

How do you teach your college, high school, and middle school friends to read God’s word? I remember going to Campaigners as a new believer and hearing people talk about their quiet times and having no idea what that meant. When I asked, I often received different answers. For some, it was reading the Bible,…

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Prom on Wheels: Inspiring Hope in a Season of Loss

“You know your kids best. You know what they love. You know what makes them light up. You spend the most time with them. Whether it’s dancing, or just talking – like, “Hey! Let’s just have a quick conversation!” God has equipped you in your specific area to love your kids the best. If you have…

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7 People to Thank at the End of a Very Different School Year

As we come to the end of another school year, let’s consider the many folks that Young Life leaders can thank.  Administration The principal at your school didn’t have to let you come to lunch. Send them a note with a $10 Subway gift card saying “Thanks for letting us eat lunch with your kids…

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Washing Dishes without the Hobart

I had the privilege of serving at a Young Life Camp called Saranac Village for a month in the summer of 2008. I was serving as a work crew boss – helping lead the team of high school-aged volunteers who were serving for the month. Serving on Work Crew is an exhausting experience – hard…

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An Open Letter to All Young Life Leaders

This letter below was written by a high school junior in 2015. We hope this is an encouragement to each of you!  My first real conversation with my Young Life leader included a lie that I ran five miles every day. I was running about two in reality, but I felt the need to impress…

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3 Reasons I’m Excited about Young Life’s “State of the Mission” Webcast

Recently, one of my high school friends asked me for my Xbox Gamertag, which is the online name gamers use to play with each other. Folks, I haven’t played video games regularly in seven years, but I’m about to. Although the world has ground to a halt, our mission has not. Video games are what…

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Two New Resources from YL Discipleship

As we enter into a unique summer in the mission of Young Life, the Young Life Discipleship office has prepared two new resources as you continue to pursue relationships with your middle, high school, and college friends. 1. Starting Monday, May 4th, a daily public reading of Mark’s gospel on IGTV @yl_discipleship featuring different voices…

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