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10 Questions to Ask Graduating Seniors

10 Tips to Make Senior Club Memorable

20 Ways Campaigners and Senior Leaders Can Help on Club Day

8 Ways To Give Students Ownership at Club

Leaving a Legacy: How to Run a Young Life Senior Meeting

How To Prepare High Schoolers To Be WyldLife Leaders At Summer Camp

A Powerful Way To Honor Your Graduating Seniors

10 Tips for Senior Club

What Happened When Seniors Shared Their Stories

8 Ways To Give Students Ownership At Club

20 Ways Campaigners and Senior Leaders Can Help on Club Day

20 Things Campaigners/Senior Leaders Can Do On Club Day

“If I Were Not In Young Life” Skit

Hilarious Synchronized Swimming Skit

We’re doing ‘Senior Club’ next Monday night and one of the skits the senior guys are performing is this Synchronized Swimming skit. I’m not sure who originally made this video, so if you know, let us know. It was shared with us from a 5th grade talent show but we thought it would make a great skit for a…

A Powerful Way To Celebrate Graduating Seniors

When Seniors Shared Their Stories

10 Ways High Schoolers Can Take Ownership At Club

How To Make Senior Club The Biggest Night of the Year

3 Roles We Offer Seniors In Young Life

A Letter From A Young Life Leader To Graduating High School Seniors

10 Questions To Ask Graduating Seniors

I recently read this post by Chuck Bomar, and thought it was worth passing along. I’ve edited his questions to fit specifically with Young Life.  Chuck writes, “Companies and organizations often do “exit interviews” and they do so for many different reasons. But the biggest one is that they get really honest answers. They do this so they…

A Rite Of Passage For Graduating Seniors

Originally posted May 2011 Fairly soon the seniors in your Young Life club will be graduating. What’s the best way to honor and celebrate them?  Some male leaders in our area have a tradition of holding a “Blessing Service” for the graduating senior guys. They got this idea from a book called The Blessing by John Trent and Gary Smalley.  The…