Harry “Mustache” Potter Club Ideas

This week our Young Life team attempted our first”Harry Potter Club.”Because I have never read the HP books or seen any movies (go ahead, mock me), I wasn’t convinced that HP club would offer universal appeal. Thus, we decided to combine HP Club with “Mustache Club” and do a lil play on words, calling it…

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Keys To A ’30 Second Dance Party’

Every week at club we have a “30 Second Dance Party.” Sometimes we have multiple “TSDPs,” just depends on the flow of the evening. We typically place them in between two fast club songs near the beginning, just so it’s one constant flash of crazy energy. Kids absolutely LOVE them. Who doesn’t love to dance?…

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What You Missed In September

If you are new to The Young Life Leader Blog, WELCOME! To help you catch up on what you have missed over the past few months, below are links to some of the most read posts on the YLLB. If you have anything that you would like to see on this site, please leave a…

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Should YL Leaders Own iPhones?

It’s been ten months since I made the plunge into the iWorld. Last night I spent thirty minutes debating with a YL leader friend around the issue of her buying an iPhone versus staying old school. With the release of the iPhone 5 just around the corner, and the price of the iPhone 4 dropping…

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The Stool

His email gave me chills. Yesterday a friend on YL staff in Maryland, Matt Margaron, sent out a routine note. He wanted to update friends and supporters on how first club had gone. I read it as I do most mass emails, scanning quickly with few expectations. He talked about how they hosted a “Backyard…

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Poor Man’s Paintball

Lots of high school kids, especially guys, love to play paintball. Something about it creates a “male bonding” experience that lends to stories being retold around cafeteria tables. Maybe its the war wounds that look like hickeys. Maybe its just an excuse to wear camo and hide in the woods. Whatever it is, paintball seems…

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Two Brothers By Allen Levi

Many of us have our favorite “Young Life singers.” Mine has always been Allen Levi. His wisdom runs deep. His heart is kind. His eyes remind me I am Christ’s beloved. His voice transports me to my grandpa’s front porch. Two months ago Allen’s brother Gary was diagnosed with brain cancer. Since then Allen has…

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Marshmallow Madness

MaterialsEnough marshmallows for every person to catch one in their mouth.Potential Skit CharactersBasketball PlayersHow to PlaySplit the room into multiple groups of 5-10.  Choose one person in each group to be the “shooter”.  The shooter stands in the middle of the circle and shoots a marshmallow into each persons mouth.  Each kid has to catch…

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Treadmill Eating Races

If you have club in a house with a treadmill, why not get creative and have a little eating contest using a variety of smaller foods like goldfish?  Whoever catches the most fish wins! Also see: ‘How To Use A Treadmill In Club’

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Alphabet Soup Word Scramble

Have 2-4 contestants up front each with a can of Alphabet soup in a bowl. Yell out a word and the first one to spell it on the table with the noodles and NO HANDS wins that round. Do 3-6 rounds to select a winner! Submitted by Nicole Rassmussen.

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“My Favorite Club Ever”

After club last week one of our new leaders asked me how Monday’s club compared with a typical club. “Was it better than normal, average, or not quite as good?” I turned to one of my upperclassmen high school friends standing near me and asked, “What do you think Chris?” His response surprised me, in…

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Club Schedule From Monday Night

I will post more details explaining the different elements below in the future, but wanted to go ahead and share with you our club schedule from this week. It’s funny how much we in Young Life cram into an hour. We pass out copies of this schedule below to all leaders, senior leaders, AV guys,…

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The Life Of A Staff Kid

A Guest Post from Curtis Chesney All that I have ever known is the life of a Young Life staff kid. On August 19th, 1969, my Dad walked out of club and surrendered his life to Christ under a starry Colorado sky. Thus began his love affair with Christ and his relationship with Young Life.…

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Thief of Joy

Who’s smarter? Who’s funnier? Who’s better looking? Who has the cutest pair of Toms?Comparison is a thief of joy.And it often steals our joy, even in ministry, even in Young Life, even between teams in an area.”They have better leaders, I wish I was on that team.””Look how many kids they brought to camp.””I saw…

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Jon Acuff, Andre Johnson, & Wasting Time

I’d just returned home from what felt pretty much like a complete waste of three hours. We were supposed to have our Campaigner Group Fantasy Football draft for 1.5 hours followed by a Bible study/discussion for 1.5 hours. I ordered pizza, bought some cokes, and a Coke Zero for myself. Due to the fact that…

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How To Make Your Run-On Skit The Talk Of The School

A favorite Young Life tradition is the ‘run-on skit.’ A ‘run-on’ (or ‘walk-on’) is simply a skit where the same characters appear weekly. There are two main options for how to run your run-on:1. No StorylineThe skit characters appear weekly at club with no storyline, simply to run-games/sell camp/give announcements, etc… Think of “Deep Thoughts…

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Twitter vs Facebook

Over the past 6 months I’ve made somewhat of a transition from facebook to Twitter. I still use both, I just use Twitter more frequently. A month ago I read a funny tweet that said “Facebook is for connecting with people you went to high school with, Twitter is for connecting with people you wish…

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Why So Many Freshmen Came

Our area has a tradition of starting each new school year off with an All-City Freshmen Club. I honestly wasn’t expecting many freshmen from our school to show, but to my pleasant surprise, a ton of them poured through the doors. Why did they come? Not because they saw me at school and thought, “That…

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Why I Love My Job, A Guest Post

A Guest Post from Ashely Hart,2nd Year YL Staff in Asheboro, NCI love my job. I love it with every fiber in my being. What is my job? It’s beinga Young Life leader. It’s investing in relationships with high school kids, loving them where they are and for who they are. It’s a task that…

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Campaigner Discussion Starter: Taylor Swift

Yesterday, Tim Schmoyer posted a helpful video clip on his blog, Life in Student Ministry. The 2 minute clip is Taylor Swift being interviewed and asked to define beauty. It would be a great campaigner discussion starter for a female group. Possibly even a guy’s group as well, as it’s quite obvious that both guys…

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Free Downloads of New Club Songs With Chords & PowerPoints

Below are some newer club song suggestions. They might be old to you, but most will be new to our club this fall. I’ll try to continually add songs and update this post throughout the semester. On some songs I tweaked a few words to make them more ‘club-friendly.’ Below each song title are three…

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What Being In Young Life Ministry Ought To Do For You

It ought to be so unreachably big that you can only see it through the eyes of Christ by faith. It ought to be harder than you can handle on your own so as to make you more dependent on God. It ought to give you enough disappointments to make you humble and break your…

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Club Song Schedule For The Fall (Part 1)

Here is a newly updated sample song schedule that you could use this fall semester.It’s generalized, and not theme club specific, so you will want to tweak it according to the theme of the club you’re doing and the talk you are giving. Here’s a basic structure for how we try to pick club songs.It…

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