Aiming at Heaven

Drew Hill November 24, 2020

Read about how a Young Life area in South Carolina is experiencing the blessing of racial diversity.

“A humbled Jason realized how few relationships he had in the Black community in Columbia. He urged his staff team to start calling African American churches in town to begin looking for wisdom and partners in ministry. They held their next lunchtime committee meeting at a predominantly black church called “Spirit of Truth.” During the meeting, the pastor told Jason he needed to meet their volunteer youth pastor, Rick Palmer. Rick and Jason were the same age and from the same hometown, and they met for the first time the following week at a local restaurant called Lizard’s Thicket. Jason left the conversation encouraged by Rick and they both had a deep awareness the Spirit was on the move.”

Drew Hill

I recently sat down with Jason Blackwell and Rick Palmer for a conversation about race, friendship and Young Life in Columbia, South Carolina. Together, these two friends are aiming at heaven, and Columbia is all the better for it.

Click here to read the article in the latest edition of Relationships Magazine.

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