Hill Twins’ Birth Update

Drew Hill August 17, 2021

It’s Saturday evening, August 7th, and today has been absolutely nuts. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for praying. I’ve not been able to reply to most of my texts today, so I’m writing up one summary that I can just copy and paste. I also may post this on The Young Life Leader Blog just so it’s an easy link to share. We literally have been swamped every single minute today so there are so many of you I’ve wanted to call that I’ve been unable to. I’m currently writing this with Baby A screaming on my chest while they prick his heel for the 3rd time to check his blood sugar levels. 

The Snapshot 

Nat’s water broke around midnight and we came to the hospital at 12:45am. Baby A was born head-first at 6:10am (7.1 lbs & 19.5 in.) and Baby B (6.11 lbs & 19.5 in) was born feet-first at 6:33am. I’d never seen a baby delivered breech. Woah. Our midwife told us it was the first time she’d done it. Baby B looked like a big slippery frog coming out of there. Praise the Lord- they were both healthy, handsome, and stinkin’ hard to tell apart! We spent the next hours together with the boys and just rejoiced over the gift of such a smooth delivery.

The Scare

Around 10am we prepared to move to a new room, Nat scooted into her wheelchair and things started going south. Fast. She was holding one of the babies and said to the nurse, “Take the baby, I think I’m going to pass out.” (Shoutout to Cindi Hancock for warning Nat about this possibility and giving Nat the awareness to ask. Shoutout to the hand of God for that conversation happening a few weeks ago!)

Thankfully the nurse grabbed him in time before Nat went limp. She was out for what seemed like forever. I held her, looked into her eyes, and saw nothing. I thought she was gone. And it lasted way too long. 

A tornado of doctors and nurses filled the room. Between labor and post-partum hemorrhaging, she’d lost over half of the blood in her body (2.5 liters). Eventually, they got it under control. So it seemed. But then, she passed out again. Same drill, but additional doctors got called in. I could tell things were not OK. Then I started feeling like I was going to pass out. 

Two weeks ago I made the mistake of turning on a Netflix movie called “Fatherhood.” I thought it was a comedy because it starred Kevin Hart. It wasn’t. Minutes into the movie (spoiler alert) there’s a scene where Kevin Hart’s character and his wife have a new baby. But the premise of the movie is Kevin Hart raising the baby all alone. Why? Because his wife dies soon after the delivery with the exact same complications that Natalie was facing. I know it probably sounds silly, but in that moment I just knew I was losing her. It was awful. And I’m not good-looking enough to remarry. 

Seriously though, it was one of the worst moments of my life. And it happened an hour after one of the best. The next hour was touch and go. I prayed like my wife was dying. A seasoned doc entered the room and went to work. They gave Nat about everything they could give her through IVs. They did stuff that’s too graphic to write about here. But they finally got her stabilized. She still was treading water, but no longer was she drowning. I know I’m a drama-king, but I’m telling you, this scene was one of my worst nightmares. 

One of the saddest parts was that we had to be separated from the newborn twins for 4 hours, but thankfully they were well taken care of in the hospital nursery. Around 2pm we were reunited and the last few hours have been filled with shots, tests, diaper changings, learning to nurse 2 babies at the same time, supplemental bottle feedings, and focusing on Natalie’s health. 

While today has been a roller coaster of emotions (for both of us), we have known the nearness of Jesus.

A couple hours ago we got to FaceTime with Honey, Hutch and Macy Heart and they were so excited to “meet” their new brothers. We can’t wait for y’all to meet them too. Not sure how long we’ll be here, but they said a minimum of 2 more days.

The Names

The boys’ full names are Hobson Andrew Hill (baby A) and Huddle Owen Hill (baby B).  

We’ll call them Huddle & Hobs

Owen is Nat’s middle name and was her paternal grandmother’s last name. Andrew is my first name and we’re continuing the tradition from the “Hill” side of the fam of fathers giving their first name to a child as a middle name. 

For their first names, we wanted to stick with the pattern of unique H names that went along with Honey, Hutch, and Macy Heart. We also found some meaning in their names. 

To us, “Huddle” signifies “unity” and Hobs points us to “joy.” 


We love to “huddle” up as a fam. We love athletic team huddles. At our wedding, for groomsmen gifts, I gave my closest friends a piece of pottery that featured 7 people huddling together around a candle, symbolizing the light of Christ. Little did I know that we’d one day have 7 people in our family. Huddles symbolize unity and we pray that Huddle would be someone who leads others into unity. 


We plan to call him both “Hobs” (spelled with one b) and “Hobbie.” Feel free to call him either. And even though we’re going to spell “Hobbie” different than “Hobby,” part of the inspiration for his name is play and rest. 

I’ve spent a lot more of my life working than playing. Working hard to prove my worth. Last spring, God did a deep work in my soul. I experienced a transformation unlike anything I’ve ever gone through. I began to believe God loves me, not because of anything I’ve accomplished, but simply because I’m his boy. I started striving less and playing more. I discovered that adults could have “hobbies.” That playing was pleasing to God. We pray lil “Hobbie” would grow to be a man who knows the delight of a Heavenly Father who loves to watch him play. 

While Nat is super sore, she is also very thankful to have 13+ lbs of human beings removed from her body. Honey, Hutch, and Macy Heart are pumped to be big siblings. Our entire family is grateful to call you friends and family.

Thanks be to God, 

Drew & Nat

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