50 Questions for New Year’s Eve

Drew Hill December 29, 2016

Each New Year’s Eve, Natalie and I have a tradition of going out to a long dinner, reflecting on the past and dreaming about the future. We use the questions below as a starting point for the conversation. 

Hopefully they can be helpful to you as well. 


DownloadQuestions For The New Year

Questions From 2016

-The most fun times you can remember

-Terms you would use to describe yourself over the past year

-Memorable things you heard people say

-Times when the Gospel came alive

-People you came to appreciate in a new way

-Music that touched you deeply

-Ways that you changed

-Sermons/talks that rocked your world

-Movies that impacted you

-Things that books taught you

-The most compelling philosophical insights you encountered

-Times when you entered a place of mystery

-People who came through for you

-Ways you messed up

-Ways that you were magic

-Times that God took you by surprise

-The most stimulating discussions

-Things you remember that you’d rather forget

-The most difficult times

-People who poured out their souls to you

-People you poured your soul into

-Ways you were challenged

-Times when everything was going wrong and suddenly turned out right

-Your most significant accomplishments

-What spiritual practices generated the greatest benefit to your soul

-Was there any anger, guilt, greed or jealousy that needs to be resolved?

-How did you do with your finances? To whom did you give generously?

-Did you cultivate your prayer life?

-How did you do as a father/mother?

-As a husband/wife?

-As a son/daughter?

-As a grandson/granddaughter?

-As a brother/sister?

-As a friend?

-If you were to give this past year a title, it would be:

Questions For 2017

-What hopes do you have for the coming year?

-What apprehensions do you have?

-What one change could you make in your behavior in this coming year that would help you to live in greater alignment with your values?

-What daring/thrilling things will you try?

-What would you like to change about yourself?

-If this new year is to have a title, what do you want it to be?

-If you knew now that this coming year would be your last year on earth, what would you do more/less of?

-What major things do you want to accomplish this coming year?

-Who do you want to get to know better this coming year?

-Any wild predictions about what will happen throughout this nation and the world?

-Who are the top ten relationships you intend to influence this year?

-How will you be more intentional with these people than in the past year?

-What has to happen in this coming year for you to label it “your best year yet?”

-What is the wildest, most unconventional thing you could do this next year to live with more passion?

-What out of the box thinking could you do in your job/ministry?

-How will you honor God with your finances this next year?

-In what specific areas will you give more generously?

-Who will hold you accountable to be at your best this next year?

-What are the most purposeful daily habits you could develop/upgrade over next 12 months?

-Identify specific messes or clutter projects you’d like to clean up in the next 12 months:

-Proverbs 22:1 says “A good name is more desirable than great riches.” Identify 3 qualities you’d like to see associated with your name as well as how you’d define each quality.

-How will you take better care of your health in this next year?

-What will you do to daily renew your mind?

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