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The 7th C: Different Teams?

In October we ran a series of posts addressing how Young Life can better partner with the local church entitled “The 7th C: Church.”This guest post continues this series and was written by long time Young Lifer Stacy Davis. Stacy is a full time mom to her daughter Eva Claire, however she has been involved in the lives…

The 7th C: Our Greatest Benefit

This Guest Post comes from Eric Hoskins, YL Area Director in Birmingham, Alabama. Eric has been a YL leader for 17 years, 9 years on staff. He is currently exploring different strategies for partnering with local churches in Birmingham.Under his alias of “The Desire,” Eric was previously featured on the YLLB last month.How Can Young Life & The…

The 7th C: Becoming Domesticated

The Guest Post comes as a continuation of our series from last week,“The 7th C,” understanding how YL & the local Church can better partner together. It was submitted by Paul Mannino, a youth pastor (and former YL leader) in California. I’ve been a youth pastor for a while now, and I have a confession to make. I…

The 7th C: YL Staff Response

Last week there were several thoughtful responses to Drew Martin’s Guest Post “Questions We Need To Be Asking.” I thought they were valuable and should be shared in a post of their own.From Sean McGever, Area Director for YL in Phoenix, AZ and host of a fantastic website for Young Life Leaders, Thanks for this post! I am…

The 7th C: European Perspective

This Guest Post comes from Ben Knox, a friend of YL and an American serving as a youth pastor in Madrid, Spain. Ben’s post is the fifth in “The 7th C” series focusing on the relationship between YL and the church. I believe wholeheartedly in the work of the Church, because she opens her arms to everyone. I…

The 7th C: The Electric Guitar

This Guest Post comes from Matt Proctor, a pastor and friend of YL. Matt is the lead pastor at Cornerstone Church, an Evangelical Free Church, in Marion, Iowa. He writes regularly onhis blogregarding spiritual health, the church, and ministry. This is the fourth post in our current series, “The 7th C,” exploring the relationship between Young Life and…

The 7th C: Questions We Need To Be Asking

This Guest Post is is written by Drew Martin in Nashville, TN. Drew, a long time YL volunteer and staff spouse, has served as a pastor in NC for 5 years, and is currently working on a PhD in church history at Vanderbilt. This is the third post in our current series on YL & the local Church,…

The 7th C: Helpful & Practical Tips

This Guest Post comes from David Carter, a Young Lifer turned Youth Pastor in Houston, Texas. This is the second guest post in a new blog series, “The 7th C.” How can YL & the local Church better partner together? Where I’m Coming From I grew up in the church and have never NOT known a time when…

The 7th C: Discipleship OR Evangelism

This Guest Post comes from Johnny May, YL Area Director inSan Luis Obispo, CA.Johnny has been on the YL Staff for 10 years and comes from a YL family where his dad,brother, sister, and brother in-law all have been on staff. Johnny attended Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington and could recite “Rendercella” from memory by the age of…

The 7th C Series Begins TODAY

Today begins a new series on the YLLB, “The 7th C.” In this series we’ll explore the relationship between Young Life and the local church. How can YL and the Church better partner together?If you have thoughts you would like to share, please email YL1941 at gmail dot com. Guest Post submissions on this topic have already been…

The 7th C

When explaining Young Life, many of us often use The Five C’s, which many staffers expand to the The Seven* C’s in banquet talks and parent meetings. 1. Christ* 2. Contact Work 3. Club 4. Camp 5. Campaigners 6. Committee 7. Church* Over the next week or so we’ll be taking a deeper look into “The 7th C”…