Nathallie Chavez, Hector Garcia, Adam Riley II, Mike Slaughter
Nathallie Chavez is from Pilot Mtn NC, and is on part-time staff with Young Life Charlotte Urban. Don’t let that smile fool you, you mess with her kids you mess with her! Nathallie as a heart for helping kids know Christ, making Him known, and helping her friends do the same.
,Hector Garcia, originally from Queens, NY now lives in Charlotte, NC with his beautiful wife and 3 daughters. Serving as a part of the Charlotte Urban Young Life team, Hector is grateful to get to introduce adolescents to Christ and help in Bridging the Gap in the city of Charlotte.
,Mike Slaughter is just a big man with a beard and a beautiful, growing family. He is a second-year staff associate with Young Life Charlotte Urban. Mike is innovatively running after the least, the lost, and the forgotten with the best people ever.