Once again this summer, all work crew, summer staff, assigned teams, and camp staff will engage with a missionwide devotional. This year’s study, “Who Do You Say That I Am?”, goes through the book of Mark. Our goals with this Kingdom discipleship experience are to create:
1. An immediate experience in each assignment context as everyone working at camp engages with the same scripture each day.
2. A shared experience for friends who may serve at different properties/different times, as they remember and process the devo content together afterward.
3. A camping-wide experience as teams at all camps engage and reflect on the same message of God’s Word.
4. A missionwide experience as all interested people —leaders, committee members, friends, field staff back home and more — engage and reflect on the same message.
To that end, we’re providing this PDF that anyone can download/print so we can corporately and carefully consider this eternally important question: Who do you say that I am?